Why I am not going to be posting on help questions anymore.



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So many people like to say "it's a published fact that...." Really? You want to go there? It was also a public fact that you had to burn witches. It was also "Medically" correct to blood let. So, don't give me your lecture about this stuff.
    Really? You're comparing today's science to knowledge from a century ago? :huh:

    Often, many of us provide facts in the hope of helping someone avoid myths and fallacies that have lead many to failure in the past. How is that not helpful? Often, the truth is not what one wants to hear, and they get buttsore about it. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

    Bloodletting is actually still practiced in modern western medicine, actually. Next time you're in a pharmacy, ask to see the leeches.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I so seldom see any posted advice that has any scientific backing. Even then, the articles are usually so biased to one particular eating plan that it isn't scientific at all. I can find article after article supporting one side af a particular diet and find the same number to refute it.
    Look harder. Some of us do our due diligence to post reputable information.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I so seldom see any posted advice that has any scientific backing. Even then, the articles are usually so biased to one particular eating plan that it isn't scientific at all. I can find article after article supporting one side af a particular diet and find the same number to refute it.
    Look harder. Some of us do our due diligence to post reputable information.

    Does relaying info from Dr Oz count?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    OP, if you have food sensitivities to sugars or grains, then your situation isn't the 'norm', and yes, people are going to criticize your diary if they don't know all of the facts. I just skimmed this thread, but it sounds to me like you're upset about the way you have been treated because of your special dietary needs, and you're projecting that on to others in the forum, essentially defending them when they may or may not even need it.

    Here's the thing. It's the internet. Everyone has an opinion, and we all get to share them. Some people share nicely, others are *kitten*. The onus is on the recipient of the opinions to determine what is useful and what they will do with the information.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I so seldom see any posted advice that has any scientific backing. Even then, the articles are usually so biased to one particular eating plan that it isn't scientific at all. I can find article after article supporting one side af a particular diet and find the same number to refute it.
    Look harder. Some of us do our due diligence to post reputable information.

    Does relaying info from Dr Oz count?

    ... only if Montel backs it up.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    The internets has rude people? Someone notify 4chan!
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    Really? You're comparing today's science to knowledge from a century ago? :huh:

    Often, many of us provide facts in the hope of helping someone avoid myths and fallacies that have lead many to failure in the past. How is that not helpful? Often, the truth is not what one wants to hear, and they get buttsore about it. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

    Yes I am. And in 100 years people will look back and say that we are in the dark ages. And it will continue until humans no longer exist. What is not helpful is the condescending attitude that often comes along with it. Much like the attitude you are displaying in your post. That is exactly what the newbies do not need. And yet here you are trying to do it to me. But I know what I am saying and what I mean.
    Your "facts" may not agree with my "facts." They both might have "scientific" testing behind them, and they may totally disagree with each other.
    You think I am ignorant? That is the exact point of this thread. Thank you for proving my point.
  • gorgeouss9
    If anyone is looking for individual nutritional advice, they should be going to see a nutritionist or their doctor. Otherwise, if they come online and ask questions, they are going to get answers thats more suited for other people. The internet is loaded with a lot of information, people need to search for answers on more reputable sites: webmd, mayoclinic, etc. And the best answers come from a nutritionist/doctor that sees you face-to-face.
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    So many people like to say "it's a published fact that...." Really? You want to go there? It was also a public fact that you had to burn witches. It was also "Medically" correct to blood let. So, don't give me your lecture about this stuff.
    Really? You're comparing today's science to knowledge from a century ago? :huh:

    Often, many of us provide facts in the hope of helping someone avoid myths and fallacies that have lead many to failure in the past. How is that not helpful? Often, the truth is not what one wants to hear, and they get buttsore about it. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

    Bloodletting is actually still practiced in modern western medicine, actually. Next time you're in a pharmacy, ask to see the leeches.

    Yes, but not like it was to cure everything. George Washington was bled because he had a throat infection. It killed him.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Your "facts" may not agree with my "facts." They both might have "scientific" testing behind them, and they may totally disagree with each other.

    That is when you look at the "scientific" testing behind both sides and find out about the study design, potential flaws and weaknesses of the study etc etc and you will find more often then not one side is backed with flimsy or junk science and the other with solid evidence supporting it.
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    OP, if you have food sensitivities to sugars or grains, then your situation isn't the 'norm', and yes, people are going to criticize your diary if they don't know all of the facts. I just skimmed this thread, but it sounds to me like you're upset about the way you have been treated because of your special dietary needs, and you're projecting that on to others in the forum, essentially defending them when they may or may not even need it.

    Here's the thing. It's the internet. Everyone has an opinion, and we all get to share them. Some people share nicely, others are *kitten*. The onus is on the recipient of the opinions to determine what is useful and what they will do with the information.

    It's not about me, it's about the newbies on here getting beat up. I lived through it at the beginning, but I am a tough, old bird.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Really? You're comparing today's science to knowledge from a century ago? :huh:

    Often, many of us provide facts in the hope of helping someone avoid myths and fallacies that have lead many to failure in the past. How is that not helpful? Often, the truth is not what one wants to hear, and they get buttsore about it. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
    Yes I am. And in 100 years people will look back and say that we are in the dark ages. And it will continue until humans no longer exist. What is not helpful is the condescending attitude that often comes along with it. Much like the attitude you are displaying in your post. That is exactly what the newbies do not need. And yet here you are trying to do it to me. But I know what I am saying and what I mean.
    Your "facts" may not agree with my "facts." They both might have "scientific" testing behind them, and they may totally disagree with each other.
    You think I am ignorant? That is the exact point of this thread. Thank you for proving my point.
    Yes, science will continue to learn more and more about the human body, but it does not mean that much of what has been discovered in our era is incorrect.
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    That is when you look at the "scientific" testing behind both sides and find out about the study design, potential flaws and weaknesses of the study etc etc and you will find more often then not one side is backed with flimsy or junk science and the other with solid evidence supporting it.

    Most people don't ever look at the resources behind the articles. I always follow the money.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes, science will continue to learn more and more about the human body, but it does not mean that much of what has been discovered in our era is incorrect.

    That's just crazy talk.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    That is when you look at the "scientific" testing behind both sides and find out about the study design, potential flaws and weaknesses of the study etc etc and you will find more often then not one side is backed with flimsy or junk science and the other with solid evidence supporting it.

    Most people don't ever look at the resources behind the articles. I always follow the money.

    Take funding source into consideration, sure. But don’t dismiss data completely based on funding source.
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    [Yes, science will continue to learn more and more about the human body, but it does not mean that much of what has been discovered in our era is incorrect.

    I didn't say it was. Not even sure where your posts are coming from. Some people read things that come out today and follow it like a religion without ever looking into it. All I am saying is that not everything out right now is the final word. Knowledge changes with time. I am not closing myself off to something different just because it isn't what I do.

    There are plenty of ways to eat that are healthy. Every culture on the planet has a cuisine based on their regions and they are all healthy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Here here!! It seems for some people that weight loss is like religion or politics. If your beliefs are not the same as mine, you are wrong. And they argue it just as strongly.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    So when a new person come looking for help, would you rather folks provide anecdotal evidence based on their own experience or the facts that reputable studies have provided to date? based on the odds, what will be more beneficial to them? I am partial to the latter.

    Also, when folks shoot down ideas in the forum, it is typically when someone asks about fad or extreme methods (very low cal diet, HCG, cleanses, etc.). When folks have questions about macro percentages, folks are very helpful with good info for the most part.
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    I have spent WAY too much time on this.

    So, just be nice to the newbies and don't bash people for eating differently than you.

    Be polite, help them succeed.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    [Yes, science will continue to learn more and more about the human body, but it does not mean that much of what has been discovered in our era is incorrect.
    I didn't say it was. Not even sure where your posts are coming from.
    I was replying to your comments about burning witches and bloodletting being accepted as good science in the past. It does not mean that today's science is bad.