Why I am not going to be posting on help questions anymore.



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Really Well said!!!!!!! It is not just the eating, it is also exercise. I did jumping jacks the other day and I did them for 5 minutes. I had someone comment on it "just for laughs?" My Answer: No, I am doing what I can do. 5 minutes of jumping jacks was really hard for me to do. When you go 10 years of doing nothing at all, and suffer from depression, You are not going to just jump up off the couch and run a mile. All exercise is going to be a challenge for me. But I am doing it, that's all that matters.
    I am trying and I am doing. This does not go for just very over weight people. (No matter your size.) I am small. I am 5"0, I weigh 150lbs. So 150lbs to some people is not real big, That's a pretty low weight, i realize there are lots of people who dream of being that weight. But are they 5"0 like me? I should be really active and be able to lose this really quick because i only weight 150lbs...right?... NO, WRONG. It's not that easy. It's not easy.

    Well said!! And BTW, 5 min of jumping jacks sounds like a lot of jacks to me. Jumping jacks are intense.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Doesn't it seem like people could read through and take what they want out of the posts and ignore the rest? Your post today is actually the first negative thing i've seen on this site.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Sadly, many members cannot distinguish between criticism of an idea and personal criticism. Just because other members may provide criticism or opinions regarding one's nutrition or exercise does not mean that they are being attacked personally.

    But there have been quite a few that I have seen where it is attacking the person. I mean very obviously attacking. Many members also cannot distinguish between giving helpful criticism and being at least somewhat nice in the process, and being overbearing and insistant that any idea other than their own is wrong. Everybody has different needs and requirements. A lot of the people on here are very sensitive people who have been berated their whole lives and feel like this should be a safe haven where we will be understood. It is extremely discouraging to be rejected in a group of peers.
  • punkinbaby1
    punkinbaby1 Posts: 36 Member
    :drinker: thanks so much!! i sooooooooo agree! If you mention your diet, no matter what diet, people start war! They argue back and forth totally forgetting what the origanl question was!. I am low carb, here that is a SIN and welcomes people to bash me.I dont care, i know what works for me. so i have lookd for the Low carb community on here and have stoppd visiting anything else. I have my groups and thats it. I am on here for support not contriversy.
  • magdamccraven
    magdamccraven Posts: 75 Member
    Most of what scientists talk about and publish is THEORY based on observation . If it becomes accepted as unassailable truth , then it is reclassified as SCIENTIFIC LAW which there is comparatively little of . The wisdom of today is better than the THEORIES of yesterday due to observation over a greater period of time . That doesn't mean that our thoughts are superior to our predecessors or that those coming after us will have superior wisdom . It simply means that they will have the benefit of our tested theories as we have benefitted from generations before us. The OP realizes there are many ways to get to our health goals and if someone buries a toad under a limestone rock during the harvest moon and subsequently loses weight then leave them alone and simply tell them where they can find a good rock if they ask ! (and for goodness sake don't get into arguments with other people that post in the thread and get completely off track from the OP's question )
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    ok... question.. if you are saying that there are many people who are rude and unhelpful i'm assuming that when you answer questions you are not soooo if you are giving the advice or answering questions the way people are asking for.... why would you stop? not trying to be rude... just confused.

    It would be ashame to lose a responsible polite poster. Maybe you could post without looking at other's responses? Please reconsider. Somtines I answer before I read what ohters have said as to not be swayed by what others think. You could try that in stead of just going.
  • magdamccraven
    magdamccraven Posts: 75 Member
    Most of what scientists talk about and publish is THEORY based on observation . If it becomes accepted as unassailable truth , then it is reclassified as SCIENTIFIC LAW which there is comparatively little of . The wisdom of today is better than the THEORIES of yesterday due to observation over a greater period of time . That doesn't mean that our thoughts are superior to our predecessors or that those coming after us will have superior wisdom . It simply means that they will have the benefit of our tested theories as we have benefitted from generations before us. The OP realizes there are many ways to get to our health goals and if someone buries a toad under a limestone rock during the harvest moon and subsequently loses weight then leave them alone and simply tell them where they can find a good rock if they ask ! (and for goodness sake don't get into arguments with other people that post in the thread and get completely off track from the OP's question )

    You might be a genius. As opposed to me who had to try this quote thing twice.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Most of what scientists talk about and publish is THEORY based on observation . If it becomes accepted as unassailable truth , then it is reclassified as SCIENTIFIC LAW which there is comparatively little of . The wisdom of today is better than the THEORIES of yesterday due to observation over a greater period of time . That doesn't mean that our thoughts are superior to our predecessors or that those coming after us will have superior wisdom . It simply means that they will have the benefit of our tested theories as we have benefitted from generations before us. The OP realizes there are many ways to get to our health goals and if someone buries a toad under a limestone rock during the harvest moon and subsequently loses weight then leave them alone and simply tell them where they can find a good rock if they ask ! (and for goodness sake don't get into arguments with other people that post in the thread and get completely off track from the OP's question )

    Heh! I have heard many times that a few good "rocks" can help you lose weight.......
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    It is easy for people to take the focus off the original poster's question and either attack them or start attacking someone else in the forum, and that really is not helpful. There are facts to support almost every diet, so sometimes it is important to even question those "facts." A lot of the times it is helpful to give advice for what worked for them personally, and more often than not, posters use common sense to give advice, you know about whether or not 500 calories a day is enough, clearly the answer is no. But whatever the advice ends up being, it needs to be done in a helpful, preferably nice way, even if it kills you. So I agree with the original poster.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Was there a specific reason why you made the decision not to reply to people's questions public knowledge? Versus simply not replying anymore?
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I agree with the poster that folks could be more polite. I understand that they want to help and like all communities online or in our tangible world we bring our own personal (stuff) to our communications. I like seeing different ideas whether its "this worked for me or this is scientific." Truth is what is scientifically sound for one may not work for another, just like what worked for me may not work for you, but when you get enough information you can start to experiment and find what works best.
    I hope you take a breather and then come back and post, because the newbies and all of us need folks who do try and share with politiness and care and concern.
    Vent away, but don't let others good or bad intentions sideline yours. I've learned to ingnore the rude ones and try to focus on those with thoughtful input.
    I still think the awesome folks on MFP out shine the not so awesome folks.
    Good luck!

    ps... I can't do the Red Scarf diet it wouldn;t work for me ever,....Red bleaches me out, it's just not a good color for me. :noway: :huh: :wink:
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'm with the OP on this one.
  • Jhulet
    Jhulet Posts: 32
    If you want to help people, do so in a polite way. Answer their questions. Don't bash their diet. Be constructive in your criticism.

    Agreed, Agreed, Agreed!! :flowerforyou:
  • Gingr1986
    Gingr1986 Posts: 13 Member

    Just about ANY major diet plan is better than taking diabetes pills for the rest of your life! So, back off "know-it-alls"!
    These newbies don't need the attitude. They probably feel sheepish enough just coming on here. They probably have been teased and taunted for years, just to come here and be talked down to. Great, that's what they need.

    Well said!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I know I can be a bit fast to get to the point as I see it.

    That's what works with me - no wishy washy - nampy pamby beating around the bush or avoiding the 1000lb elephant in the room.

    I don't mean to be unkind, but sometimes in a public forum you don't always hear what you want to hear.
    I would never lie to you.
  • trudy45
    trudy45 Posts: 83
    Yea totally agree!!
    Its all about the manner in which you give people your opinion and facts!
    We are here to learn not to be dictated to and what works for one might not work for another!

    Thanks :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think the majority of the people on this site are helpful and polite yet for some reason people seem to notice the negative comments more. I guess against a background of general politeness the rude comments seem to stand out. People see what they want to see.

    There is a lot of unnecessary dogma though and most arguments tend to be about minutiae rather than fundamentals. That is unlikely to change.

    One thing I don't agree with is enabling people to make dangerous choices which could prove harmful by staying mute for fear of upsetting them. Sure there is a way to present information to make it more palatable which is a good idea but not saying anything out of politeness isn't actually being "helpful"
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Some people need tough love. If pretty unicorn replies worked, they probably would not be here. Fastest way to get to the right information is to stop with the BS PC and get straight to the problem and thus the solution.
  • regthelittleone
    I just have to say THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!!!! Wonderful :) I can't stand the bashing.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Not trying to criticize here, but HOLY COW! What do you eat everyday that 60% of your caloric intake is fat? I can't even fathom it.