Is Shakeology overpriced?



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I have responded to Carl a short time ago and asked him even more direct questions concerning the above. Hopefully he answers me soon...when (if) he does, I will copy and paste everything here once more.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    He was quick to answer this time:
    Hi Karen - I was meeting with a scientist who i was interviewing to hire a month ago who had incredible background. he clearly cared about what he did for a living and the products he helped create. he asked me many of the same questions you are asking - peer review, clinical studies, etc. I asked why he felt it was necessary for a food to be clinically studied when it was formulated to feed the body the fundamental nutrition thousands of studies have proven that the body needs. he said because he didn't trust nature, he trusted science. I looked down at his lunch order, a spinach salad, with walnuts, cranberries, and sunflower seeds... might have been some chicken. I asked him why he chose that salad. he said because he likes to eat healthy. I asked him how he knew that salad would be good for him, and he said common sense. I said "who's common sense?"

    The point is, we studied the effects of Shakeology on cholesterol, regularity, and general weight loss - but it was a results group, not a clinical double blind study. The results blew us away. it wasn't 10 people, it was a hundred. But that was no shocker, we simply put together what a group of experienced nutrition people - not drug makers, but nutrition experts - to formulate something that could qualify as "the healthiest meal of the day", and we all agreed not to process the health out of it through processing and preservatives. What we got is this product. But it's also something that is different for a lot of people. So we say to them, "give it a try, it's a food not a drug. if you take it regularly and at any time during the 30 days don't sense a change or have any adverse reaction, send it back for your money back." our returns are very low. It works for people, and the anecdotal and experience reported by doctors, customers, and coaches is proof that this product is delivering potent nutrition - not a drug - to the body so it can do what it craves, heal itself.

    I don't have the answers you are looking for. But I know the product works because I take it every day and I know how often i used to get sick. I spoke to a guy today who told me that instead of paying for a luxury product like Shakeology he has decided to go back to eating a burger and fries for lunch. he said he pays around $7 a day for lunch, but he likes it. Everybody has the freedom to make their choices. I think for thousands of people, the results they have experienced with Shakeology is their proof. We don't make the argument with million dollar studies to prove what it does (like Vioxx?) we make the argument with a food that gives people a result or we give them their money back.

    I hope that helps.


    I think I am going to stop asking further questions since he plainly said "I don't have the answers you are looking for." So, bottom line, you can either try it for yourself to see what it does, or blindly believe what coaches and other customers say it does for them. (By "you" I am not speaking towards any one person, but in general.)

    To be quite honest, I am one of those people who have seen the positive health benefits that the Carl talks about...and I don't personally need a peer reviewed study to show me that. But with the same ingredients at a cheaper price, let's just see what a shake with Green Vibrance and Double Rich Chocolate Protein Powder tastes like. Hopefully all the reviews are wrong when they saw GV tastes like @$$, lol. Cause I honestly love the taste of chocolate Shake-O.
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Bump for later
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Personally, I'd rather EAT my meals lol

    I bought Insanity online early last year and decided to join the Facebook group for support - wow, I got SWAMPED by messages from coaches wanted to 'support' me and 'oh, have you tried Shakeology?! I can send you a Free Sample, you're not going to get the benefits from Insanity unless you take Shakeology'....until they found out I was in New Zealand and then I never heard from them again.
    BB seems like some kind of giant multi-level marketing pyramid scheme.
    That's exactly how it's sold, MLM style.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yeah, I asked about P90x on here a month or so ago and got swamped with "coaches" trying to sell me stuff. UGH. I refuse to buy any beachbody products now just in protest.
  • Spamee
    Spamee Posts: 148 Member
    thanks OP
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Personally, I'd rather EAT my meals lol

    I bought Insanity online early last year and decided to join the Facebook group for support - wow, I got SWAMPED by messages from coaches wanted to 'support' me and 'oh, have you tried Shakeology?! I can send you a Free Sample, you're not going to get the benefits from Insanity unless you take Shakeology'....until they found out I was in New Zealand and then I never heard from them again.
    BB seems like some kind of giant multi-level marketing pyramid scheme.
    That's exactly how it's sold, MLM style.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yeah, I asked about P90x on here a month or so ago and got swamped with "coaches" trying to sell me stuff. UGH. I refuse to buy any beachbody products now just in protest.

    ya..I know...but...P90X is great
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Thank you so much for this info! And about that never ceases to amaze me how venomous people get when someone does not respond with what they want to hear. Oh well, good job with this info I am sure a lot of people appreciate it.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    BTW: I reached out to the beachbody coach that prompted this post and asked her to come and respond why she decided to distort the prices of products to make it seem ShakeO was a good deal and for my free bag of ShakeO, but no response
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Yeah, I asked about P90x on here a month or so ago and got swamped with "coaches" trying to sell me stuff. UGH. I refuse to buy any beachbody products now just in protest.

    Having spent many hours in classroom training above and beyond my Master's in clinical psych to pursue certification as a life coach, I have to wonder what sort of formal training these "coaches" have gone through. Don't fall for the "coach" label ... these sound like sales people rather than trained coaches. Kind of like the "sales counselors" title you see floating around ... they aren't really counselors in a formal sense (unless you consider getting you to buy their product qualifies as "counseling").

    Anyone who tries to sell me something and tells me I'll have access to a "coach" or "counselor" has immediately lost the sale. I don't appreciate these sorts of manipulative semantic tricks.

    Regarding cost: $4.00 or $5.00 per serving?? You've got to be kidding me. :)
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Yeah, I asked about P90x on here a month or so ago and got swamped with "coaches" trying to sell me stuff. UGH. I refuse to buy any beachbody products now just in protest.

    Having spent many hours in classroom training above and beyond my Master's in clinical psych to pursue certification as a life coach, I have to wonder what sort of formal training these "coaches" have gone through. Don't fall for the "coach" label ... these sound like sales people rather than trained coaches. Kind of like the "sales counselors" title you see floating around ... they aren't really counselors in a formal sense (unless you consider getting you to buy their product qualifies as "counseling").

    Anyone who tries to sell me something and tells me I'll have access to a "coach" or "counselor" has immediately lost the sale. I don't appreciate these sorts of manipulative semantic tricks.

    Regarding cost: $4.00 or $5.00 per serving?? You've got to be kidding me. :)

    That is the thing they are not trained my Beach Body anyway (some may have personal training or nutritional accreditation) but for most of them it is a simple sign up.......

    ^^^^ This is the requirement...basically pay beach body a fee and then go out and drive your friends and anyone else you can crazy for $$.
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    ^^^^ This is the requirement...basically pay beach body a fee and then go out and drive your friends and anyone else you can crazy for $$.

    My friends are already crazy, so that leaves me out! :)
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Is Shakeology overpriced?

    What prompted this post, was actually being linked to a Beachbody's coaches blog tackling this subject
    Thanks for posting this.
  • warriorsal
    warriorsal Posts: 64 Member
    Nice post
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    Loving all the information here!!! I used to be a BB coach & loved Shakeology, then switched to Body By Vi. UGH!!! When will I ever learn? I think I finally have! I loved ShakeO, both flavors, KAREN!! lol, but what always got me was that it did no good to offer up "the healthiest meal of the day" to people who simply can't afford it. Then the coaches would always try the guilt tactic...well, you can afford McD's, Taco Bell, cigarettes, beer, etc....

    Anyway, I don't want to ramble. I just wanted to say I've been on both sides of this fence and my honest opinion is this: ShakeO is overpriced AND overdosed. It did curb my cravings and helped me lose weight, but that was about it. Other than giving me expensive pee. Body By Vi is cheaper, but only because it's made with more artificial ingredients and does not have the superfoods that ShakeO does. They really can't be compared to each other.

    I loved the fact that I could get all my vitamins in ShakeO, but could have done without all the other ingredients - whole, processed, or otherwise. (Can't really be a "whole" ingredient in powder form now can it?)

    I'd rather eat my food than to drink a meal replacement shake but the truth is, when time runs short for most of us, a meal replacement shake comes in really handy - and is better than skipping breakfast or going through a drive-thru to grab something fast. So I will always keep them on hand, just won't be ShakeO or Body By Vi any longer. :tongue:
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    lol, I'm a coach too, but one that actually cares about helping others succeed. That's what our "oath" is, per se, to help "End the Trend", right? Yes, I drink Shakeology. No, I don't push Shakeology on anyone. I'll ask if they want to try it, and if they do, I'll send them some and a video I made on how to mix it. [The first time I tried it, I didn't like it - I made it wrong. I mean, this stuff is THICK! Filling, yes, but if your proportions aren't to your liking, it'll taste like crap. Ever try to make tea or something like Crystal Light and you either added too much water or not enough? Same effect. Won't taste good. So there is a method behind it.]

    The coaches that DO push Shakeology are no different than Jennifer Hudson promoting Weight Watchers or Janet Jackson endorsing Nutrisystem. It's an endorsement, and the promise of results sale. Part of being successful in your career is being successful at promotions. Regardless, why bad mouth another for something they believe in? It's a matter of opinion and personal choice for many what they choose to put in their bodies. Leave them alone.

    I wouldn't say that it's expensive, considering what all goes into it. With budgeting, it can fit right in, but you don't have to go that far if you don't believe it's the product for you. I budget it in because I love it. I love the taste. I love how my craves are curbed, and I love how it can be used for a cleanse. I also love how it helps my mom, who has Type 2 Diabetes. So, I actually have 2 HD orders (one for me, and one for my parents).

    Anyone can lose weight with regular exercise and by being mindful of what you're eating. My biggest weight loss in history (and fastest) was from me training muay thai and logging my foods (hitting my cals and not going over, nor too far under). It was easier for me then because I didn't have all the contributing factors of today (working full time, being a single parent of two tiny kids, helping family with Lord knows what on the daily (I swear I'm a taxi), having my own graphic design business, and making time to work out). Back then, I simply had more time, more freedom, and fewer responsibilities; Didn't have to worry about sitters and could go to the gym whenever I wanted, and was able to get a full night's rest every night. Now...not so much. Sometimes, I need a solid meal replacement shake and my shake of choice is Shakeology. I take a shake and an apple and I'm out the door and good to go until my next meal.

    Sharing info is GREAT and I found this thread to be quite nice apart from the bashing. Try to refrain from speaking ill about the choices other people make if it doesn't effect you. If it works for you, then DO IT. If it doesn't then DON'T. No need to stress more than you need.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I only read the initial post but I think its spot on... I love the BB fitness programs but the bottom line is they are creating these supplements as part of a MLM plan (and if that is what you want to be involved in, great... I tried it and it wasn't for me) -- the price is so high because it is essentially paying the "commissions" for the MLM players.. the coach, the coaches above the coach .. a five tier program... so... if you eliminated that you would essentially have a 20-25 dollar product.

    This all ties in with the marketing of "Suggested Retail Price" of X but we offer it for X - playing into the psychology of you are getting a "deal" when you really aren't. (Check out William Sonoma a high end retailer to see what I am talking about -- its the TJ Maxx of pricing but TJ Maxx you get seconds or past season If WS gives their employees a 40% discount - they are still making a profit - and they even get it off the sale prices... I know, I worked there as seasonal help). We are being slowly conditioned to pay more than something is worth, to think we are getting a deal on inflated prices. It's rediculous.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Loving this thread. It's informative (instead of bashing).

    I have a "BB coach"... she's awesome. She doesn't push anything down your throat, but shows you by example what the programs are capable of. (as far as I know, she's done them all (ShakeO included)... LOL :laugh: ) There are several other "coaches" that have friended me on facebook & are nice to have for motivation. They do tend to advertise products more than my coach does (which can get a little annoying sometimes), but I enjoy their positive attitude.

    I do wish that ShakeO wasn't so expensive. I would like to try it, just to see if I like it. But on the other hand, don't want to try it because if I like it... then what! :laugh: Hubby only get's paid bi-weekly & we currently don't have the room for me to take a chunk just for a shake. So... I think I will have to stick with the cheaper options for now.
    My problem is finding a multi that doesn't make me sick. I'm sensitive to the iron in them and will get nauseous and throw them back up. :sick: No idea why. So... I quit taking them. :frown: Don't have the money to buy a multi just to see if it won't make me sick, because if it does, then that's just money I wasted that could have gone to groceries or gas or such, and a whole bottle of multis hits the trash can.