Is Shakeology overpriced?



  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    I have a question for Acg. I had been thinking about shakeO because I thought it would help me get more nutrients. However, I can't really afford anything like that. I bought this powder before I found this thread: Can you take a look and see if this is a beneficial powder? I do feel better when I add it to my green smoothie. And it has a pretty decent chocolate flavor. I normally add this to water, a banana, another serving of a frozen fruit (I prefer cherries or strawberries), and 3 handfuls of spinach. I also take a vita pak from GNC. I really am trying to research the healthiest most frugal options. Any information or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    lol, I'm a coach too, but one that actually cares about helping others succeed. That's what our "oath" is, per se, to help "End the Trend", right? Yes, I drink Shakeology. No, I don't push Shakeology on anyone. I'll ask if they want to try it, and if they do, I'll send them some and a video I made on how to mix it. [The first time I tried it, I didn't like it - I made it wrong. I mean, this stuff is THICK! Filling, yes, but if your proportions aren't to your liking, it'll taste like crap. Ever try to make tea or something like Crystal Light and you either added too much water or not enough? Same effect. Won't taste good. So there is a method behind it.]

    The coaches that DO push Shakeology are no different than Jennifer Hudson promoting Weight Watchers or Janet Jackson endorsing Nutrisystem. It's an endorsement, and the promise of results sale. Part of being successful in your career is being successful at promotions. Regardless, why bad mouth another for something they believe in? It's a matter of opinion and personal choice for many what they choose to put in their bodies. Leave them alone.

    I wouldn't say that it's expensive, considering what all goes into it. With budgeting, it can fit right in, but you don't have to go that far if you don't believe it's the product for you. I budget it in because I love it. I love the taste. I love how my craves are curbed, and I love how it can be used for a cleanse. I also love how it helps my mom, who has Type 2 Diabetes. So, I actually have 2 HD orders (one for me, and one for my parents).

    Anyone can lose weight with regular exercise and by being mindful of what you're eating. My biggest weight loss in history (and fastest) was from me training muay thai and logging my foods (hitting my cals and not going over, nor too far under). It was easier for me then because I didn't have all the contributing factors of today (working full time, being a single parent of two tiny kids, helping family with Lord knows what on the daily (I swear I'm a taxi), having my own graphic design business, and making time to work out). Back then, I simply had more time, more freedom, and fewer responsibilities; Didn't have to worry about sitters and could go to the gym whenever I wanted, and was able to get a full night's rest every night. Now...not so much. Sometimes, I need a solid meal replacement shake and my shake of choice is Shakeology. I take a shake and an apple and I'm out the door and good to go until my next meal.

    Sharing info is GREAT and I found this thread to be quite nice apart from the bashing. Try to refrain from speaking ill about the choices other people make if it doesn't effect you. If it works for you, then DO IT. If it doesn't then DON'T. No need to stress more than you need.

    Good post! I love Shakeology and am a coach also but I never push it on anyone. People come to me to ask the price. When they find out the price they say it's too pricey yet don't hesitate to go to the bar every weekend LOL :)
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member

    This made me LOL!!

    And's overpriced.

    The end.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I have a question for Acg. I had been thinking about shakeO because I thought it would help me get more nutrients. However, I can't really afford anything like that. I bought this powder before I found this thread: Can you take a look and see if this is a beneficial powder? I do feel better when I add it to my green smoothie. And it has a pretty decent chocolate flavor. I normally add this to water, a banana, another serving of a frozen fruit (I prefer cherries or strawberries), and 3 handfuls of spinach. I also take a vita pak from GNC. I really am trying to research the healthiest most frugal options. Any information or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Does it have some benefits? yes, not a huge fan of the prop blend, but since the price isn't outrageous it's not a bad product. I use Controlled labs Oximega greens, just because it's cheap, it's ac ompany i trust and tastes good. As for the vita pack, i'd ditch that and go for something higher quality and prob costs the same or less, like source naturals life force multiples for women or NOW foods EVE. if you check amazon or around the web, a 2 month supply can be found pretty cheaply and they both use better quality of vitamins then GNC
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    Awesome! Thanks acg. I appreciate your help and advice. I still have two weeks worth of the vitapak, but I don't think I'll be buying it again. I will definitely look into your suggestions. It would be nice to find something that has beneficial ingredients with "super foods" that tastes good. I love having a smoothie in the morning for breakfast because I can drink it on my way to work. Anyway, thank you again for your help. :happy:
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    Unless you're on Shakeology for at least a week or two you will not know the benefits of it. It does curb your cravings. They are coming out with a soy free vegan blend on Valentines day-- it is Tropical Strawberry. I do believe in it. I was a coach but my coach only believed in pushing me to get me to sign up people under me, which is very hard when she takes every person you're talking to. I got out of it. I buy it every once in awhile from my new coach and still believe it helps w/ the cravings.

    I was trying to find the post about them being from New Zealand and wanted to let you know the reason why the coaches "vanished" is because they don't have international sales yet. They could have been courteous about that and told you so.

    Anyway this is my say on Shakeology. If it helps you w/ the cravings and you can try them out for 30 days for only one time purchase, if you don't like it you can return it. Don't do HD (home direct) which is why that one person got hit every month with the charges.

    Hope everyone does awesome this week using MFP and exercising.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    It's unfortunate that many people on here seem to have had bad experiences with BB coaches. There are good coaches out there willing to actually help, and not push products onto you.

    Is Shakeology overpriced? Probably.

    Do I order it? Yes, mainly for the convenience of drinking one shake for my breakfast in the mornings and getting most of my daily nutrition.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Way too many apologists in this thread who obviously aren't paying attention *AT ALL*.

    It's overpriced, WAY overpriced, by about 400% on average, when compared against loads of other meal replacements *THAT CONTAIN THE EXACT SAME STUFF*.

    Jesus, people, wake up.

    (I just woke up, and am grumpy that it's snowing, can you tell? ;) )
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Do I order it? Yes, mainly for the convenience of drinking one shake for my breakfast in the mornings and getting most of my daily nutrition.

    You will get the SAME EXACT CONVENIENCE from products that cost ONE QUARTER OF THE PRICE.

    WAKE UP.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Do I order it? Yes, mainly for the convenience of drinking one shake for my breakfast in the mornings and getting most of my daily nutrition.

    You will get the SAME EXACT CONVENIENCE from products that cost ONE QUARTER OF THE PRICE.

    WAKE UP.

    Why are you yelling???
    This was a pretty decent thread until you started yelling. I pay for convenience and taste too. I don't see a problem with that if I can afford it. I know I can probably come up with something similar for half the price but don't want to go through the hassle of taking / buying various products. This works for some people but it doesn't work for me.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Do I order it? Yes, mainly for the convenience of drinking one shake for my breakfast in the mornings and getting most of my daily nutrition.

    You will get the SAME EXACT CONVENIENCE from products that cost ONE QUARTER OF THE PRICE.

    WAKE UP.

    Why are you yelling???
    This was a pretty decent thread until you started yelling. I pay for convenience and taste too. I don't see a problem with that if I can afford it. I know I can probably come up with something similar for half the price but don't want to go through the hassle of taking / buying various products. This works for some people but it doesn't work for me.

    I was tired and cranky due to lack of coffee :P

    I'm not changing my tune, though. People say "convenience and taste", meanwhile they are literally paying 2-4x more than similar products with the same exact convenience and taste.

    Meaning you aren't paying for convenience and taste, you're paying because you either (1) don't know any alternatives (perfectly legitimate), (2) don't care about alternatives (ridiculous), (3) have been sold into thinking that it's the bees knees compared to said alternatives (entirely false).

    So unless you're just unaware of the alternatives, which is totally legitimate I agree... there are so many loads of meal replacements out there it's hard to follow them all, then you're just throwing money away for nothing.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Do I order it? Yes, mainly for the convenience of drinking one shake for my breakfast in the mornings and getting most of my daily nutrition.

    You will get the SAME EXACT CONVENIENCE from products that cost ONE QUARTER OF THE PRICE.

    WAKE UP.

    Why are you yelling???
    This was a pretty decent thread until you started yelling. I pay for convenience and taste too. I don't see a problem with that if I can afford it. I know I can probably come up with something similar for half the price but don't want to go through the hassle of taking / buying various products. This works for some people but it doesn't work for me.

    I was tired and cranky due to lack of coffee :P

    I'm not changing my tune, though. People say "convenience and taste", meanwhile they are literally paying 2-4x more than similar products with the same exact convenience and taste.

    Meaning you aren't paying for convenience and taste, you're paying because you either (1) don't know any alternatives (perfectly legitimate), (2) don't care about alternatives (ridiculous), (3) have been sold into thinking that it's the bees knees compared to said alternatives (entirely false).

    So unless you're just unaware of the alternatives, which is totally legitimate I agree... there are so many loads of meal replacements out there it's hard to follow them all, then you're just throwing money away for nothing.

    Ok Mr Cranky pants.
    It took me 2 years to get shakeology. In those 2 years, I tried other options (many other options) and didn't like any of them. A key thing for me is that is has to be as natural as possible.
    I finally broke down and asked for a sample. I liked the taste and decided to give it a try with their money bag guarantee. I am pretty active, eat very well and healthy but after a week or so of trying this my energy leves spiked and I felt great. Believe me when I say I almost wanted to hate it when I got it because I am well aware of placebo effect or what not.
    I also run a test with my husband. He didn't know I got it. I told him that I would make him chocolate shakes to snack on after his workouts. Guess what, he asked me what the hell I was putting on it because whatever it was it made him feel great. He actually though I was using starbucks chocolate to make the shakes. When I showed him what I was using he was could not believe it because he was one of those that thinks everything beachbody is a gimmick.

    Anyway, this is why I like it. Convenience and taste. I pay premium for these things and will continue to until I find something else. I am always on the lookout for an alternative.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I guess it depends on if you like it, if it works for you and if you can afford it.

    I, personally, think that anything you have to buy through a "dealer" is not for me and $4 or even $3 is way out of my budget. I can get the same results and super yummy shakes for about $1.50 each driving down to Sam's Club and picking up Premier Nutrition or EAS. As far as convenience these two brands you can buy in ready to drink so it doesn't get any easier than that.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    If you know of a meal replacement shake with the same nutritional value of Shakeology at half the cost, please tell me.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    If you know of a meal replacement shake with the same nutritional value of Shakeology at half the cost, please tell me.

    Read through this thread for your answer. A few were listed. And one guy linked to an entire page of a dozen or so cheaper alternatives.
  • wh0a_is_me
    @ACG - thanks for posting! I was just doing a ton of research today on Shakeology and similar products. Funny enough, I just asked a fitness friend of mine if he could recommend a protein powder, and he recommend Optimum Nutrion's too, lol

    Shakeology IS wayy too expensive, whether it's worth the money or not. I only work part-time (which is what has given me enough time to stick to the Insanity schedule thus far) and paying $120 would be half of one of my paychecks. The point of, "but don't you spend more than $4 on fast food meals or a coffee?" is often brought up - but for someone like myself who RARELY eats out or buys snacks, coffees, etc, that's irrelevant. And once you eliminate that point, you really aren't left with any other way to justify it, lol. If I had the spare money, would I spend it? I'd at least try it. I do believe it works, but it's a shame of how expensive it is.

    Anyways - @ACG, I think I'll go your route of trying the Whey Protein and making my own shake to start having for lunch (sometimes I don't get breaks on work, so something to sip on would be perfect)

    Also, ACG, I think you were the same person that said Whole Foods > Shakeology, and I believe that, too. I think you can get the same benefit by just eating cleaner and more natural foods - which, unfortunately, is still expensive. I personally do the best I can.

    I have to say, I do love Beachbody and love their programs. I also just signed up under a BB coach and have had no problem with it - though I chose NOT to bring up Shakeology because I assumed he'd do what he could to convince me to buy it, lol
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    @ACG - thanks for posting! I was just doing a ton of research today on Shakeology and similar products. Funny enough, I just asked a fitness friend of mine if he could recommend a protein powder, and he recommend Optimum Nutrion's too, lol

    Shakeology IS wayy too expensive, whether it's worth the money or not. I only work part-time (which is what has given me enough time to stick to the Insanity schedule thus far) and paying $120 would be half of one of my paychecks. The point of, "but don't you spend more than $4 on fast food meals or a coffee?" is often brought up - but for someone like myself who RARELY eats out or buys snacks, coffees, etc, that's irrelevant. And once you eliminate that point, you really aren't left with any other way to justify it, lol. If I had the spare money, would I spend it? I'd at least try it. I do believe it works, but it's a shame of how expensive it is.

    Anyways - @ACG, I think I'll go your route of trying the Whey Protein and making my own shake to start having for lunch (sometimes I don't get breaks on work, so something to sip on would be perfect)

    Also, ACG, I think you were the same person that said Whole Foods > Shakeology, and I believe that, too. I think you can get the same benefit by just eating cleaner and more natural foods - which, unfortunately, is still expensive. I personally do the best I can.

    I have to say, I do love Beachbody and love their programs. I also just signed up under a BB coach and have had no problem with it - though I chose NOT to bring up Shakeology because I assumed he'd do what he could to convince me to buy it, lol

    FYI- a beachbody "coach" has no requirements to be a "coach" other than a valid credit card.. They are abusing the term.
  • wh0a_is_me
    FYI- a beachbody "coach" has no requirements to be a "coach" other than a valid credit card.. They are abusing the term.

    Yea, I found that out after the fact (when I was reading about how you can sign up to be a BB coach to get a 25% discount off Shakeology), but the FBook group has been helpful thus far and he definitely seems passionate about helping everyone out. As long as he's not taking my money or forcing products down my throat, there's really no harm, lol
  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
    I tried it and really liked it. But I have no idea how I can afford to keep the habit...
  • Thesarahmonster
    Thesarahmonster Posts: 44 Member
    I'm really glad I found this post. I've been wanting to try Shakeology, but mainly because I've had several "Coaches" pushing it on me telling me how much it will help. I've always been wary of these types of companies for this exact reason. I don't feel like pushing people to buy products is really support in any way! I do acknowledge that there are good ones out there though!

    Anyhoo, I'm going to try some of the alternatives you listed. I appreciate you taking the time out to make this post, especially for people like me who really didn't know any better!