Please tell me I am not the only one



  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    this is actually a form of addictive reasoning. it's something to be careful of.

    Please tell me I am not the only one to agree with this.

    I agree. The reasoning doesn't make sense to me.

    I do not do this. When I think things will tempt me, I throw them in the trash.

    Never said it was rational :laugh:

    Luckily it tends to only be stuff like holiday candy and thank God that only comes a few times a year (but dammit now they're putting cadbury creme eggs out MONTHS before Easter!). Right now I have oreos, fudge poptarts (Mmmmm) and chocolate covered granola bars in the pantry, but those don't tempt me. I can keep those in the house and eat them in moderation, but a box of chocolates (or God forbid chocolate covered cherries) Halloween candy or Easter candy, it's game over.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Dilly Bars are my worst one... I can portion everything else out nicely for the most part... but when there is a box of dilly bars in my fridge it just doesn't make it more than a day or two... They are my weakness.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Oh you are sooo not alone. I don't usually buy my trigger foods because I will fixate on them and binge until they are all in my belly. When I end up with delicious binge worthy foods in the house (like the delicious box of Fannie May pecan turtles my MIL sent for Christmas), I put them in the cabinet over the fridge, That way I will have to want them enough to drag a chair over from the other room. My laziness usually outweighs my craving :smile:

    And omg cadbury cream eggs.....they are my biggest weakness. I saw them in the grocery store check out aisle and had to RUN!
  • Fedup85
    Fedup85 Posts: 70 Member
    i Do the exact thing. Even to somethings that aren't as good but not really considered "diet" food. If I can ever get over that issue, that could be one of the best days of my life.
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    I used to be more like what you are describing, feeling like I needed to eat a lot of certain goodies, but I'm not really anymore. I actually think that it kind of comes from growing up in a house with 3 siblings (at least in my case). Whenever my mom would buy snacks they would be gone pretty quickly, so I got in the habit of trying to get 'my share' before someone else did. There were too many times when I missed out on the good stuff. Then it kind of became a habit, but I'm over it now. If I buy a special snack or treat for myself, I usually try to eat it in moderation. I've learned to slow down and savor the flavor of things too. It's much more satisfying that way, and I find that I don't eat as much when I really think about what I'm eating, the tastes, textures, etc.

    Oh, I used to have a problem with cheesecake. It was around 10 years ago, and I was a whole lot skinnier then (go figure), but I knew it wasn't good for me. One piece was never enough, so I stopped buying it all together & now I have lost the taste for it completely. Thank goodness!
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    I have to tell my wife to hide the candy and goodies we get. And she does!

    Sometimes, like now, I am very motivated to lose weight, so right now it isn't a problem. But I still tell her to hide it just in case! :ohwell:
  • eiha
    eiha Posts: 27
    I ate a tin of bisquits in ONE day!!!!
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    You're not alone - I used to do that alllllllll the time lol! Now I don't buy it!
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    I am exactly the same as you :embarassed:

    We just can't have chocolate, crisps or biscuits in the house at all as i have zero will power if these things are hanging around.

    At Christmas we had a big tin of chocolates and i had to finish them before the New Year so that I could start back on the plan, but that meant eating them twice as quickly and eating most of them myself! My husband is the complete opposite - he can have chocolate just laying around and it doesn't bother him. He once had a mars bar in the fridge for about a year! (that was back when i had more will power).

    The only bad thing we have in the house at the moment is some turkish delight chocolate in the fridge, but that's quite safe as i'm not too keen on them. Oh and my son has some chocolate in the fridge, but that's safe as well (i would never steal chocolate from a child! :laugh: )
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Yeah I do this all the time. In my head it seems like if I eat it all at once, then I can start eating healthy again afterwards because there'll be no junk food in the house. But it never works that way in the end. Because what will happen is, I'll eat that whole bag of chocolate biscuits in one sitting, then the next few days I'll eat healthy because there's no bad food left to eat. But then there'll be a day where I'm just really tired or stressed and I get a massive craving for chocolate and just can't get the thought of it out of my head. So I end up going to the supermarket and buying another bag of chocolate biscuits and eating it that day.

    So I figure it's best to leave it in the house where it's tempting me constantly. Because every time I'm tempted I'll eat some, but feel too guilty to eat all of it, and then when I get an insane craving for it, there'll only be half a bag left to eat anyway, which is better than the full bag I would have gone and bought from the supermarket and eaten otherwise.

    Alternatively, tell yourself you're saving it for a special occasion, like when friends are coming over. Then put it in a special place, and make that the place you keep food for special occasions. If it's somewhere you're not seeing it constantly, you might forget it's there after a while, or at least you'll feel more guilty about wanting to eat it because you were saving it for something special.
  • Jacquibennett
    Jacquibennett Posts: 95 Member
    Yeah, I know the feeling! You are most definitely not alone :happy:
  • heidigough
    I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one.
    I have to from time to time buy things for my boy to treat him when he comes to visit.
    Then when he leaves I feel compelled to finish it.
    Then afterwards I hate myself and vow I am never going to do it again!!!!
    Ugh life is so cruel.
  • clare1510
    I am another one who is exactly the same. Thats why I try not to buy anything I think would tempt me otherwise I would eat it and then say to start afresh tomorrow!
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    Yep i'm the same I couldn't leave chocolate in the fridge for days i'd just be thinking about it the whole time so i'd just eat the whole lot then it wouldn't be annoying me anymore.
  • dmiller06
    I have my husband hide them from me and set out an allotted amount for my day! Lol. I am so horrible when it comes to sweets!
  • buttons2455
    snap me too so i try not to let them in the house but it is hard with to little ones wanting stuff in there packet lunch :)
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    I've been having this mental battle the last few days with a bottle of wine that I opened. Seriously! Thinking that if I drink what's left of it, I won't be tempted to have any more because all my other bottles aren't open yet and I want to drink this one so that it's still fresh and tasty!

    Drink the wine :drinker: