gym pet peeves



  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    There is this one guy at the gym that all he does is try to talk to everyone. Especially women at the gym. Everyone tries to avoid him, but he insist on standing next to people who are trying to workout and begin talking. He tried telling me how to do a workout yesterday, but he is in horrible shape, probably due to his talking i just nodded and didnt say a word. I love getting advice, but only from people who are in shape. He annoys me...and he's there everyday.

    There is one of those at the gym I go to... instead he likes to lift one leg up and position one foot on the machine next to you and talk to you while his short shorts barely contain what I really do not want to see... He walks around does like one set of reps at each machine and then talks for like 10 minutes then he goes to the girls at the front counter and talks to them for like 20 minutes... I have saved them once or twice by coming up to them and asking them some retarded account related question..

    They have thanked me on the few occasions I have done that....
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    I can understand how lifting weights and grunting can be annoying to some people....but if someone is squatting or deadlifting, even benching, more than 350....they have every right to grunt.

    I totally agree! I now lift at home and often realiz ehta ti am making a lot more noise getting out htose last reps of a heavy set than I ever previously thought I would! I know going back to a "Real gym" would take an adjustment there, but it does help some push harder!
  • Mike3851
    Mike3851 Posts: 4 Member
    Perfume and cologne. If you are going to the gym and you can't be bothered to wash off all the perfume and make up beforehand you are leaving a trail of perfume and sweat on every machine, treadmil or weight station you use. If you do this, please stop.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Holding onto the treadmill...I just don't get it for 90% of the people I see holding on.

    i see nothing wrong with not wanting to fall on ur butt

    By holding on you're cheating yourself. If it's difficult I think it's best they lower the speed or lower the incline, Jillian Micheal's discourages it on biggest loser.

    OP-people not wiping off the machines, bleh. also a lot of "bros" at my gym just sit and talk about their sex lives really loud for everyone to hear and that's annoying.
    the GOOD things are seeing people actually trying hard to get something out of their work out. I always want to say good job but I'm too shy =]
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    people who get on the treadmill right next to you when your the only one there and there is 20 others they could use
    related to that, people who smell- not BO cos i know we all get that but just a real stink

    Umm can we extend this to people that do that in bathroom stalls as well!! drives me nutty!~

    I had this chick last night who I was the only one on the elliptical line and there was no one on the treadmill line and she gets the treadmill right in front of me. She kept looking back to make sure I was looking at her... then she gets off and "welcomes me for the show"... I threw up a little ... Yeah butt sweat doesn't do it for me.
  • like.. like... like... Funny, I've flipped through 3 pages just to see where the conversation would go!
  • When someone crop dusts the entire floor so you smell their anal air while breathing heavy from your workout. It angers me.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    When someone crop dusts the entire floor so you smell their anal air while breathing heavy from your workout. It angers me.

    LOL crop dust!
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Holding onto the treadmill...I just don't get it for 90% of the people I see holding on.

    I've had several physical issues to do with balance followed by a foot op. It's only the last month or so that I've been able to use the treadmill without holding I'm up to a slow jog.

    Others may be holding on cos they're going TOO FAST!!!!! Slow down & let go!

    Sue :smile: x
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    There is this woman who comes to the step aerobics class I attend. She doesn't follow the choreography, and chews gum while half-heartedly stepping along. If you're THAT bored, why bother? You're taking up space from someone who actually wants to work out!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    When someone crop dusts the entire floor so you smell their anal air while breathing heavy from your workout. It angers me.
    Breath it in, Buttercup. It'll clear up any sinus issues you might have.
  • Women wear way too much clothing.

  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Women who douse themselves in perfume. Dries my nose out. Especially annoying if they park next to me and I have to workout with that. Related: Bad bad bad BO.

    The below three annoy me because it sets an atmopshere that makes it difficult for me to get into my workout. It's my own problem, but this is a "what is your pet peeve" so I'm listing it:

    * Guys who wink and point at themselves in the mirror while working out.

    * Guys who take pictures of themselves working out.

    * People spending more time trying to hook up than working out.

    Last - the lady on the eliptical next to me talking loudly on her cell phone and I can hear her over my headphones which are turned up loud.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Holding onto the treadmill...I just don't get it for 90% of the people I see holding on.

    I don't get why this would annoy someone? When I was going to gym I had to hold on, and thats not with having it at high speeds.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I totally don't get the treadmill peeves. If they want to hold onto the handles, let them.
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    Irritates me: People who leave the machines dripping with butt and/or hand sweat (UGH)
    Machine hogs (YOU are the reason the gym has a limit on treadmill/elliptical time)
    Television hogs (Maybe YOU want to drop dead on the treadmill watching "American Gladiator," but I'd rather not)
    Gym "scenes" (This is why I avoided clubs and bars when I was younger; don't come pestering at the gym)

    Makes me happy: Nice tranquil gyms
    Clean gyms (Inner Joan Crawford is happier this way)
    Senior citizens who work out at the gym with me
    Mothers whose kids work out with them
    Watching other gym users hit their goals and sharing their milestones with them
    Friendly trainers ("Cindy" at my old gym was the best; wish we could clone her)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I totally don't get the treadmill peeves. If they want to hold onto the handles, let them.

    If something doesn't affect you personally, why worry about it? Does life not have enough worries or burdens, that one has to look for more of them while at the gym?
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Women who douse themselves in perfume. Dries my nose out. Especially annoying if they park next to me and I have to workout with that. Related: Bad bad bad BO.

    The below three annoy me because it sets an atmopshere that makes it difficult for me to get into my workout. It's my own problem, but this is a "what is your pet peeve" so I'm listing it:

    * Guys who wink and point at themselves in the mirror while working out.

    * Guys who take pictures of themselves working out.

    Last - the lady on the eliptical next to me talking loudly on her cell phone and I can hear her over my headphones which are turned up loud.

    definitely my top peeves....perfume and talking on cell phones!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I've been going to the gym since the beginning of November, so I haven't really developed any pet peeves. I get in, do what I can do, and then leave. I don't really sit and judge people on their workouts as I'm sure I am not doing everything right, either.

    However, I do love it when the old guys are there on the weekends. I'm very shy and get intimidated easily, so I feel a bit more comfy about them being there.

    I do love how whenever I end up going there aren't too many people there. Yay! I also like it when someone grabs my attention with super fast speeds/strength. It motivates :)
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Things I enjoy at the gym;

    Seeing people follow the rules. Or someone helping another person out with something and not being a **** about it.

    For example; I was boxing once and this pro level guy was in there working with his kids and he walked up to me and he just said "May I offer some advice" I said sure and he corrected my form. Which was very nice.

    On the flipside I hate it when people give you unsolicited advice.