weight loss without drinking water?



  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    So I'm sure a lot of people will tell me off for this, but i dont drink my water, not a glass, I've tried several times but find myself forcing it down and can only manage 2 glasses a day when I do, i dont remember ever really being a "drinker", of any sort, I usually have 2 med coffee a day, and 2 small glasses of diet pepsi and thats it. Why am i struggling to drink water? I dont think I ever really drank more than what i currently do and I have the most beautiful clear skin and am not dehydrated. So my question is, will i suffer and not lose weight without the water intake?

    Last year I dropped 18lbs (unfortunately gain it back and then some this year), But I would only consume 1/2 a bottle-1 bottle a day when I did lose the weight back then, and that was only during a work out, PLEASE HELP!

    And for the people who will suggest the crystal lite stuff for water, I tried that and dont like that either.

    And I have to make one more point, Ive been reading everyone saying if your hungry drink water, when i do, i swear, my body feels like its STARVING! LOL

    * week one on mfp today and -2lbs :)

    If your skin is moist and you are not thirsty you may be getting enough fluid from your food. Fruits and veggies are mostly water, so you are getting hydrated. Decaf coffee, tea, etc all are good too. You will find what works for you. Water is important for the body to function, but you can get it from your food.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm not a fan of water either. I ended up getting hooked on Vitamin Water by accident, though, so I hope that can sub for it for now. That's about as close as I can get.

    vitamin water is full of sugar. Wasted cals if you ask me. I prefer to eat.
  • nyyrule
    nyyrule Posts: 28
    You can try seltzer. it's just water, but the bubbles makes all the difference in the world- it has the same texture as soda then. The flavored ones are pretty good too.

    What also is really good is sparkling water- I find the generic ones from Walmart are really good. It is less bubbly than seltzer and contains more ingredients, but the flavor is much stronger and still has no calories.
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty. Usually a glass or two a day, plus whatever I get from food. I trust my body knows what it's doing...
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Have you tried swapping a soda or coffee for a water? Or 'you're not allowed ur soda/cofffee until you've had a glass of water?

    Also, sip it constantly rather than having a whole glass at a time?

    great advice......

    I love WATER...
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I know where you're coming from, as I used to drink zero water and only consumed Diet Coke. It really is addicting and hard to break the cycle of craving it.

    Here's my suggestion...give bubbly water a try. For me, one of the things about Diet Coke that I always loved was the carbonation. Flat water is just "thicker" so to speak. I find that the effervescence of bubbly water makes it SO much easier to chug away! Yes, some bubbly water varieties have amounts of sodium you don't want. Just check the label.

    Give it a shot! You'll probably end up craving bubbly water over soda.
  • Chiquitaboric7
    Chiquitaboric7 Posts: 19 Member
    I am not the greatest at drinking water. I can go months and not have a single glass. When I started MFP I tried to get more into drinking water by doing what you did with the jug. That was a waste of time. What did finally work for me was to do it in baby steps. Start with a week. Take a regular 16 oz bottle of water with you. You say you drink about 2 cups of coffee or soda a day? Replace 1 of those with the bottle of water. Have it when it is really cold and chug it like medicine. Not fun at first I promise. Do that for at least a week. Then the next week, refill that 16 oz bottle and replace another drink with water. Now you are up to 4 glasses and cutting down on other drinks. Stick with it and you will find that verrryy slowly you will build a tolerance for drinking it. The colder it is, the better because when you bring down your body temp, your metabolism revs up to get your normal temp back. Lost a lot of initial weight this way. Let me know if this helps at all!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    The amount of pure ignorance within this thread is amazing....You do realize there is "water" within th food you ingest?
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    The amount of pure ignorance within this thread is amazing....You do realize there is "water" within th food you ingest?

    No one has suggested differently. If she truly is hydrated and well, then clearly she is getting plenty through food/drinks/etc. But if shes having trouble losing weight, she might not be getting enough.
  • LibLiu82
    I think people can adapt to living on less water, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is best for you. I used to not drink very much either, especially water, I hated it. Tap water is the worst, like torture. I can tolerate spring water okay as long as it has no added minerals. That mineral taste (like Dasani) makes me gag. So, it's not fun to force yourself to do something that you don't like, that probably won't help you anyway. But do what others have suggested and try some new things, you may find something that you actually enjoy.
    I think an alternative to adding stuff to water might be to eat fruits and veg that are high on water content like watermelon and cucumber. I'm sure there are more, I just can't think this late. Also clear soups or blended soups are a good way to get water as long as it is not too salty. That way you are actually eating water instead of drinking it because you pretty much implied that you don't like drinking period.
    But really, give it an honest try. Like others have said, sometimes you don't know how bad you feel until you try something different and it's like woah!
    Best of luck! :drinker:
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    i dont particularly drink water sometimes a glass today i actually drank the "right amount" but usually i dont drink any water i drink diet twist up like a fish tho(like diet 7up) lmfao
  • kittiefuk
    kittiefuk Posts: 1 Member
    Try drinking water out of different containers, that has helped me. I find it easier to drink water out of a bottle of some sort. I hate drinking water out of a glass. I find that I struggle to drink water that way unless I'm really thirsty.
  • SouthernBeauty89
    14 cups a day? um ... i heard that you could actually flood your brain if you drink to much. there was a lady trying to win a game system for her kids that actually died from drinking to much water to fast. plus she said she brought a huge bottle and it didn't make any difference. she couldn't drink that much. some ppl just cannot.

    You have to consume a very large amount of water to kill yourself. I understand what your saying though. I drink lots of water & my Dad who knows all about fitness tells me to watch my water intake because it can hurt you. Reason being is you flush pretty much everything out of you & all that's left is water. I know there is more to it :P but drinking 8-12 glasses is okay. :) Idk about anymore.
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    your body will lose weight through urination.

    You pee it out. So getting in water will help you lost weight.

    If you have extra fat waiting to leave the body, your body can reabsorb it if it has no way to leave. Just thought I would share.

    What?? This is so very wrong it hurts me. You don't urinate fat, if you do you should seek medical attention. When fat is needed for energy, it is highly processed and converted to energy for your body. All that remains of fat after it's processed is carbon dioxide and water, which you may then urinate.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I like water; I drink anywhere from eight to ten glasses a day.
    However, I don't log things like tea or soup broth as water, because ... they're tea and broth, not water.
    Mio is pretty legit, but it's a little spendy. They normally have coupons on their Facebook.
    I've seen some weird 'water' recipes on here, and some of them just kinda freak me out.
    Yeah, the woman who died from Hold Your Wee For a Wii died in '07 from water intoxication. They also wouldn't let her pee. She died in her husband's arms, and the people at the radio station lost their jobs, but are their job more important than her three kids without a mother? She didn't even win the fcking contest! Water intoxication scares the **** out of me. I know that it rarely happens, and that you need to be realy low in salt, but.. I still wig out sometimes.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Hydration is good :D

    However, you can become hydrated by drinking other things besides water, and there is water in the food we eat.

    About the drink-too-much thing...

    If you drink a lot of water (or liquid... doesn't have to be water) quickly, you CAN cause harm. Many years ago, there was a horrible story in the news about the death of a little girl that had been forced to drink too much kool-aid. Her parents were punishing her for sneaking a glass without asking and made her drink a whole bunch. She threw up. They made her drink more. She threw up again. They made her drink more. It killed her.

    But that type of situation is rare. Most often, you drink water over the course of a whole day, in which case, you'll just pee out the excess and be fine. It will not flood your brain. It will not cause harm.

    About peeing out excess weight... er... not really. I don't know of any metabolic advantage to drinking a lot of water. You might expend a tiny amount of energy to bring water up to body temperature... but the effect is going to be negligible. It should help you rid your body of excess sodium and will certainly help your kidneys do their job, and hydration in general keeps your body happy and healthy... but otherwise... I really don't think it has a direct effect on weight.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 106 Member
    Don't make the mistake I did. I drink water, but with all the running I was doing I didn't drink enough. I ended up in the hospital with kidney stones, which the doctors attributed to inadequate hydration during my runs. Not life threatening, but very painful.

    I drink a lot more water now, and use a Camelbak for long runs.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Coffee and tea will help flush the system too.
    But come to think of it...my Spidey senses are tingling and I smell a plant!

    I call Bull****!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    You have to drink water. Your body is 70% water. It is needed in all basic function including protein synthesis. When your body digests water it burns calories creating a calorie deficit. Water also fills you up allowing you to eat a little less. It is very unhealthy to not drink a good amount of water!

    Ummmm, no...you do not digest water. You CAN burn calories with Ice cold water, but at a rate of only 17.5 calories per 16 oz glass. (source: http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/question447.htm) As far as what is BETTER for your body, tepid is best for hydration. Also, cold drinks solidify fats from the food you ate, making them harder to digest. Warmer water helps move the fats through the body resulting in reduced risk of artherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Of course people prefer cold over warm and will drink more water if it is cold, so it is about balancing. (source: http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/question447.htm)

    Also, your body will retain about 2/3 of the fluid from things like coffee, tea, and soda, so these will hydrate you, though you have to drink more which can increase calories.

    Food has fluid too...especially fruits and veggies. If a person really cannot stand to drink beverages but eats good amounts of fruits and veggies and gets in a couple of glasses of coffee, they are safe.

    Before I get flack for using sources...I knew this information before (I work in nutrition), I just felt it necessary to back up the knowledge.