

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Yeah, I agree that Helen looked UNHEALTHY!! She lost weight, but at what price? Mike & Tara looked wonderful! They are exactly why I watch the show. They will get many more benefits than the 250k Helen won.
  • meadowlee
    meadowlee Posts: 14
    kindof scary that people are so judgemental... helen's arms? are you serious? she's been fat nearly her whole life, and she is bound to have some loose and droopy skin. even mike at 18 has droopy arms! who cares! they are fit and healthy and no one should fault them for that.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    kindof scary that people are so judgemental... helen's arms? are you serious? she's been fat nearly her whole life, and she is bound to have some loose and droopy skin. even mike at 18 has droopy arms! who cares! they are fit and healthy and no one should fault them for that.

    Thats not so much judgemental thats just jealousy-- I thought she looked awesome-- They all did--
  • librarygirl
    librarygirl Posts: 182
    They usually mention when the next season is going to start? Did they mention it and I missed it or did they not say anything?
  • krissynicole787
    krissynicole787 Posts: 121 Member
    Wow, I just watched the finale & am amazed at how fast everyone changed thier lives! I was bummed that Tara didn't win...but she did the best in my book :wink: It's great that Helen lost weight, but I think she lost a little bit too much.

    It's deffinately an inspiration to me...if a 64 year old man can do it, so can I :happy: ....he was super cute tonight!!! Just love him & his wifey :smile: :flowerforyou:

    I was sooooooo bummed Tara didn't win either! And my mother and I also think Helen lost a little too much. I wish Ron beat Jerry! (My mother thinks Jerry had surgery)

    I just wish Tara or Mike won. Boo :grumble:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    My guess is Jerry is retired so he did not have the stress of working and finding time to workout. He could probably workout whenever he wanted.

    I know this is not a popular opinion but I am glad Helen won. It shows those of us in the over 40 crowd that it is possible to get the body you want through diet and exercise. I only wish that when we get to that point there was a check for $250,000 waiting for all of us.:flowerforyou:
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    It shows those of us in the over 40 crowd that it is possible to get the body you want through diet and exercise. I only wish that when we get to that point there was a check for $250,000 waiting for all of us.:flowerforyou:

    I hear you on that one!
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    My personal opinion, I thought Helen looked scary! She looked OLD to me and just scary. I was disappointed that she won. She lost my respect when she kicked her daughter off. I just thought that was selfish on her part. I am a mother and if my child's health was on the line due to weight I would totally give her the chance to stay...I would not even question it. So my two cents. It was a great season overall..just wish the outcome had been 5 pounds different!

    Took the words right outta my mouth. I couldn't agree with you more. I thought Helen looked 15 years older and just nasty, the dress didn't help, just diverted attention from her haggered face. I think she should put the money into lipo for her nasty flag waving arms, let's face it, she ain't young, and she's been working out like a demon it isn't helping those wings of hers, then she needs a serious face something..i dunno what, lift, tuck, pluck, suck, something, cause she looks ancient. No jealousy over's just a fact. Kristin new blonde choppy do was WICKED!! I loved it!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    My personal opinion, I thought Helen looked scary! She looked OLD to me and just scary. I was disappointed that she won. She lost my respect when she kicked her daughter off. I just thought that was selfish on her part. I am a mother and if my child's health was on the line due to weight I would totally give her the chance to stay...I would not even question it. So my two cents. It was a great season overall..just wish the outcome had been 5 pounds different!

    Took the words right outta my mouth. I couldn't agree with you more. I thought Helen looked 15 years older and just nasty, the dress didn't help, just diverted attention from her haggered face. I think she should put the money into lipo for her nasty flag waving arms, let's face it, she ain't young, and she's been working out like a demon it isn't helping those wings of hers, then she needs a serious face something..i dunno what, lift, tuck, pluck, suck, something, cause she looks ancient. No jealousy over's just a fact. Kristin new blonde choppy do was WICKED!! I loved it!

    No jealousy over here either. I didn't like Helen as a person after what she did to her daughter and she is too thin. I thought Tara and Mike looked much healthier than Helen. It was eye opening to me to see what healthy looks like vs. what super thin looks like. Sort of changes my goals. My goal is healthy.
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    I saw Helen on the Today show interview. She looked a little better than she did at last nights show. Also on the Biggest Loser site on NBC, they have new after finale pics of all the teams. Tara looks amazing. I hope someone snatches her up for a modeling contract. She looks stunning.

    Even Helen looked better in the pics, better than she did last evening on the show.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    My personal opinion, I thought Helen looked scary! She looked OLD to me and just scary. I was disappointed that she won. She lost my respect when she kicked her daughter off. I just thought that was selfish on her part. I am a mother and if my child's health was on the line due to weight I would totally give her the chance to stay...I would not even question it. So my two cents. It was a great season overall..just wish the outcome had been 5 pounds different!

    I agree 100%
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I was so disappointed that Mike or Tara didn't win. Albeit, I am A Kristin fan (LOVE THE NEW "DO") I was rooting for M & T.

    I wish somebody I could meet someone who is watchign the Aussie vesions....omg, they are way better thanthe American version...seriously!!! Let me know if you do!!!
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Listen up people can we say SELECTIVE EDITING? The show is good why? SELECTIVE EDITING!! Helen did not sacrifice her daughter. Her daughter is a stubborn mule and Helen said, "you should stay cause you know why?" Shannon interrups with a fit , "no" Helen sais, "but listen"

    oh wait then camera cuts to different scene.

    Maybe I have the advantage here because I've talked to Helen and know that there is WAY more going on behind the scenes than they are showing. For example.

    Helens car she had to tow the wheels kept locking up. IN REALITY they had her tow Tara's car and she timed in at second place. BUT in TV Land they had several people help push Helen's car across the finish line to make it look all hunky dory except it looked like she came in last.

    Let's all do ourselves a favor and exercise our minds as well as our bodies shall we?

    I can't help but be a little disgusted by all the negativity I see on a site that is supposed to help people be better people.

    Helen won fair and square. And it is a shame that when someone is trying to be a nice person others perceive it as fake.

    It is a shame for someone not to be recognized for all the hard work they did and critized for something lame like loose skin or too skinny.

    Those of you who are too narrow minded try putting yourself in their shoes. It is EXTREMELY HARD AND STRESSFUL on that ranch. Not just the physical activity but yes the GAMEPLAY. I'd like to see any one of you that had nothing nice to say to go on that show and lets see if you come out if it physically and mentally perfect.

    It really is quite hipocrytical to find such nasty comments on a site like this.

    Get a grip and WAKE UP. It's TV. Nothing is as it seems.

    I'd like to honor all those that had the courage to join the BL. Congradulations to everyone and I hope each and every person found what they needed to live the rest of their life in good health.