So I went to the lady doctor yesterday



  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member

    Not a lady doctor.

    For the love of god, people!!!!!!!!!! :noway:

    Yes, yes and yes!!! You can stop hiding ladies, we know you have a vagina. It's okay. Really, it is.

    OH, thank GOD. **wipes brow** I get so tired of pretending I have a penis. :love:

    Ouch, sorry about that. I should have said something sooner. Did you ruin many shoes?
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My general practitioner does, but only if it comes up in conversation. The gyno doesn't say a word, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. She already sees me naked, and that's enough embarrassment for one day. I like that she just gives me the pap smear, and answers questions about birth control and leaves it at that.

    The GP will talk about it when I discuss my family history with diabetes, or if it changes significantly to make sure I did it in a healthy way. (For example, when I lost weight at the same time I was having digestive issues, the doc needed to make sure I didn't stop eating or start pooping too much... you get the idea.) We don't talk about it at every appointment though.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    My gyno was the one who told me to lose the weight. So he wasn't shy about mentioning (I do have weight related health issues that he is helping me to take care of so that is probably why). I've lost more weight than what MFP shows--I've lost 53 pounds all together. I see him again in March and expect to be down another 15-20 by then, and I am hoping he will mention it since he was the one who ordered me to lose it in the first place. :P I find it uncomfortable when doctors mention weight, but REALLY, if they care about their patients' health, then they SHOULD. If your doctor didn't mention it to you at either visit, then maybe you should find a new doctor.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've never had mine comment on it so I wouldn't be offended if they did not.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    They must get tired and frustrated and just stop looking. I would if people ignored me year after year after year. I'd give up thinking OK then I'll see you in emergency...

    My Dr.'s awesome though and is thrilled with any loss I log. Ever. Sent me to the nutritionist who sent me here.
  • jawolfe
    jawolfe Posts: 64 Member
    After not seeing my gastroenterologist for a year I was up 8 lbs. Yes 8lb is a lot to me, but it the grand scheme of things it's not that bad. And she commented on it!! She asked if i had a lot more clothes on than i did last year (wise *kitten*!) or if really gained 8 lb and why...even though i was still under 140lb. I thought damn she's tough!! i was embarrassed, but I also was glad that she paid attention to EVERYTHING!
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    Could I ask... who is the "lady doctor?" Is it the gynaecologist?

    About the subject now. The only doctor that weighed me, was the last endocrinologist. I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto 3 years ago but not even the last one weighed me, or even ask me to tell him my weight.
    A few years ago, when I was at my heaviest (183 lbs) I had some knee pains and problematic meniscus to both of my legs. The doctor couldn't find another reason but my weight. He was the first one who told my
    "The only problem I see it's your weight! You HAVE TO LOOSE WEIGHT! I won't give you any meds"

    It was a great sock for me, cause I hadn't really realised how much I hurt my self until then. He explained me, that in every step I make, 183 lbs are on each my knee destroying it.
    He was the reason that I began loosing weight and I NEVER have been at this weigh again.

    PS. After loosing the first 10 pounds the pain stopped. It gets back ONLY when I gain weight.