For all the DOG lovers out there~



  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    ^^^ did you enjoy my overuse of Smilies?! YEAH< BABY!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I hate people who hate dogs. I also hate people that are so stupid that they would start a thread about hating dogs and title it "For all DOG lovers out there."

    I'd take a big steamy crap in front of you too if I could.

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I hate people who hate dogs. I also hate people that are so stupid that they would start a thread about hating dogs and title it "For all DOG lovers out there."

    I'd take a big steamy crap in front of you too if I could.

    BEST RESPONSE all day!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I hate people who hate dogs. I also hate people that are so stupid that they would start a thread about hating dogs and title it "For all DOG lovers out there."

    I'd take a big steamy crap in front of you too if I could.

  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Where to start....

    You brought out the dog LOVERS because, well, you titled it that way. Very strange you would then bash us for opening a post with that title expecting to find those of like mind. Had you then followed up immediately with "Explain why you love dogs because it's something I don't understand". But no, you proceeded to bash dogs in general because of one lousy mutt owner. So I dare say you have no one to blame but yourself.

    And as for basically saying someone is crazy or something is wrong with them for treating their dog like a child, or holding more regard for a pet than a human, I would say to each his own. I have no children BY CHOICE. Children do not appeal to me in any way, shape or form. I have nieces and nephews that are great to hang around with in small doses, but I don't want a tiny human living in my home. Yet I would never PRESUME to write a thread saying I HATE CHILDREN, CHILDREN ARE DISGUSTING, HOW COULD ANYONE WANT A CHILD IN THEIR HOME? Sounds dumb, doesn't it?

    Man up, or better yet get your husband to man up and talk to his mother about it. Set some boundaries or just deal with it. But unless you enjoy people mocking you for breeding or want others to start talking trash about your children, then stop talking trash about MY 4 legged child.

    Everything she said. Tiny humans are disgusting loud things that make big messes. I have a niece, I love my niece very very much, but at the end of the day when we are done doing things together I can send her home and resume my life. I would NEVER ever bash anyone with children or who wants children that would just be stupid.

    I think the next time you feel the need to vent you should either put a title that maked dog lovers know its not a forum for them, OR possibly just write about it on your own personal blog.
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll
    I hate people who hate dogs. I also hate people that are so stupid that they would start a thread about hating dogs and title it "For all DOG lovers out there."

    I'd take a big steamy crap in front of you too if I could.

    I think I just fell more in love with you!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    OP, you wanna treat? Yes? Wanna treat? C'mon! Yes! Treat? Treat?

    Want scratchies? You like scratchies, don't you? Yes! Scratchies!

    Wanna go bye-bye-car? You like bye-bye-car! That will make you happy, won't it?
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I hate people who hate dogs. I also hate people that are so stupid that they would start a thread about hating dogs and title it "For all DOG lovers out there."

    I'd take a big steamy crap in front of you too if I could.

    I think I just fell more in love with you!
    Let's run off to a state where same-sex marriage is legal and live happily ever after!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I hate people who hate dogs. I also hate people that are so stupid that they would start a thread about hating dogs and title it "For all DOG lovers out there."

    I'd take a big steamy crap in front of you too if I could.

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Wow just plain wow. The stupid gene must have run rampant in this one.(I was so frustrated I couldn't even spell correctly)
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    OP, you wanna treat? Yes? Wanna treat? C'mon! Yes! Treat? Treat?

    Want scratchies? You like scratchies, don't you? Yes! Scratchies!

    Wanna go bye-bye-car? You like bye-bye-car! That will make you happy, won't it?

    Sounds like my conversation with the husband last weekend. Usually works with my pup too.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Wow just plain wow. The stupid gene must have run ramped in this one.

    Haha well played
  • trishka48
    trishka48 Posts: 51 Member
    Don't hate the poor pup, hate the mother in law for not teaching him right.

  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    OP, you wanna treat? Yes? Wanna treat? C'mon! Yes! Treat? Treat?

    Want scratchies? You like scratchies, don't you? Yes! Scratchies!

    Wanna go bye-bye-car? You like bye-bye-car! That will make you happy, won't it?
    Sounds like my conversation with the husband last weekend. Usually works with my pup too.
    Works with my little ***** here at home. Figured it was worth a shot. :happy:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    My question is, why is the title of this "For all the DOG lovers out there"? Why not "For all the DOG haters out there" so you would draw like minded people.
    I thought the same thing.

    But then I noticed the use of a tilde as punctuation and now I have even more questions.

    Now, that's the REAL issue here.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I haven't bothered reading all 7 pages but I agree with a lot of people. The problem isn't with the dog, the problem is with the owner.

    This is my mutt. He is inside most of the time. He doesn't make a mess of the house or get up on furniture.


    p.s. it was fairly confrontational to title the post as "for all dog lovers" when you should really have titled it "for all other dog haters"
  • LauraRose03
    I have two dogs. Both are quite large. Other than when they were very little (puppies), they NEVER step in their own poop nor do they pee on themselves. That being said, their feet are wiped whenever they come into the house. They have been taught how to behave and have rules they must follow.

    Let me just say one thing? If you came to my home and complained about my dog in MY home -- well, I would point blank tell you to leave. This is my home (and their home too) and if you don't like it? I don't really give a hoot. Just because YOU don't like dogs and don't want to be around them doesn't mean other people don't like them or want them around.

    Dogs are a direct reflection of how they were raised. If they were raised with obedience, manners and such - they will be well mannered, obedient, etc. Animals who misbehave are often the product of a terrible time during their puppy years or a lack of training (our dogs were rescues and had some bad habits when we got them - but we have broken those habits). Lazy people make dogs who aren't well mannered. Don't judge ALL dogs by 1 dog you've met.

    I feel sorry for someone who has such an intense dislike of animals. Wow.

    ^^^^ THIS
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I have three Dogs. Two Dalmations and a Belguim Shepherd. Jack 13 yrs, Prince 5 yrs and Daisy 3 yrs. None of them step in their own pee or poo. None of them get on furniture because I have never allowed them to. As a child I was brought up in Germany just after the war on a farm and was never allowed to leave the house without the dog, a German Shepherd. If I was out with the Dog my Mother knew I was safe. Dogs do have their uses with Children :laugh:
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member

    I have 3 dogs, 2 big and 1 little. If someone complained about them I would definitely tell them to leave.

    I do feel sorry for someone that "hates" dogs and all animals. It just seems like something isn't wired right for someone to feel that way. I do understand that some people don't like them as much as I do but to hate them is weird!

    If you dislike her dog and house so much why leave your kids there? Find somewhere you approve of a little more to do you a favor.
    I have two dogs. Both are quite large. Other than when they were very little (puppies), they NEVER step in their own poop nor do they pee on themselves. That being said, their feet are wiped whenever they come into the house. They have been taught how to behave and have rules they must follow.

    Let me just say one thing? If you came to my home and complained about my dog in MY home -- well, I would point blank tell you to leave. This is my home (and their home too) and if you don't like it? I don't really give a hoot. Just because YOU don't like dogs and don't want to be around them doesn't mean other people don't like them or want them around.

    Dogs are a direct reflection of how they were raised. If they were raised with obedience, manners and such - they will be well mannered, obedient, etc. Animals who misbehave are often the product of a terrible time during their puppy years or a lack of training (our dogs were rescues and had some bad habits when we got them - but we have broken those habits). Lazy people make dogs who aren't well mannered. Don't judge ALL dogs by 1 dog you've met.

    I feel sorry for someone who has such an intense dislike of animals. Wow.
  • victoria233
    I like dogs more than I like most people.....but thats just me lol.
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