Why do you honestly want to lose weight!?



  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    *Not fulfilling every fat stereotype*
    *Getting healthy for my son*
    *Body Boarding - Yeah my board has like a 250 weight limit... wasn't happening at 370*
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    I want my girlfriend to drool when she looks at me! and I want all my exs to do the same.
  • Ruz456
    Ruz456 Posts: 99
    I want to turn heads at the beach or pool parties with a ripped body, to not be known as the big guy but as the fit guy which will give me self confidence in myself which will affect every other aspect of my life for the better
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    I want to keep weight from interfereing in every aspect of my life. I want stop thinking that every person I meet thinks "Geez, she's fat, she can't be good at very many things". Because, being fat translates into being so much less of a person. Seriously, they've done studies on what people think when someone is overweight vs normal weight. The more attractive someone is the more others will try to be their friend, help them, like them etc. I want to wear a bikini for the first time in my life. I want guys to look my way when I walk in the room. And I want to be healthy enough to have another baby. It's for me, that's why I want to loose weight!!!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I want to keep weight from interfereing in every aspect of my life. I want stop thinking that every person I meet thinks "Geez, she's fat, she can't be good at very many things". Because, being fat translates into being so much less of a person. Seriously, they've done studies on what people think when someone is overweight vs normal weight. The more attractive someone is the more others will try to be their friend, help them, like them etc. I want to wear a bikini for the first time in my life. I want guys to look my way when I walk in the room. And I want to be healthy enough to have another baby. It's for me, that's why I want to loose weight!!!

    Yup! I've lived that, growing up over weight getting the raw end of the deal, not even good customer service I learned to be weird to get attention lol, Then I lost all my weight and BAM! all of a sudden I'm seen even at family events I was cerclud by the family that wouldn't "hear" me when I would say something, then after the weight "oh Jess your so fun to be around" and yea you get so much better costumer service when you look good, open doors random conversations, I spit at this disgusting world, patowy**
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I just don't want to be a Fatty fat fat fat. All the health and energy benefits are hommus on the carrot (icing on the cake). I'll never be skinny mini, but I just want to be normal
  • beckie4442
    Because I miss the compliments I used to take for granted. I'm far (very very far) from what anyone would consider gorgeous, but once upon a time people just used to compliment me...tell me I was beautiful, stunning, a goddess (okay, that person may have been a little drunk) whatever. And I think, honestly, that my confidence had more to do with it than anything. Right now, that "hold your head high and strut your stuff" confidence is buried under layers of lard. Lucky for me, my husband still thinks I'm beautiful, but I want ME to think I'm beautiful, too.

    The health stuff? Sure. I want (and NEED) to be healthier, but that comes with the territory of losing weight, exercising, etc.

    THIS EXACTLY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • kymdarnell
    because i want to wear my 'skinny' clothes again!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I want to keep weight from interfereing in every aspect of my life. I want stop thinking that every person I meet thinks "Geez, she's fat, she can't be good at very many things". Because, being fat translates into being so much less of a person. Seriously, they've done studies on what people think when someone is overweight vs normal weight. The more attractive someone is the more others will try to be their friend, help them, like them etc. I want to wear a bikini for the first time in my life. I want guys to look my way when I walk in the room. And I want to be healthy enough to have another baby. It's for me, that's why I want to loose weight!!!

    Yup! I've lived that, growing up over weight getting the raw end of the deal, not even good customer service I learned to be weird to get attention lol, Then I lost all my weight and BAM! all of a sudden I'm seen even at family events I was cerclud by the family that wouldn't "hear" me when I would say something, then after the weight "oh Jess your so fun to be around" and yea you get so much better costumer service when you look good, open doors random conversations, I spit at this disgusting world, patowy**

    I'm on the same boat with you right now. I've been living this discriminating life especially with some stupid nosy relatives who used to tell me that I'm so fat (as if I don't know it) & now that I'm in shape suddenly I feel that I'm no longer "invisible" & these same relatives would always go near me like a magnet to tell me "Oh you look good" or "What have you done?". I hate it so much :grumble:
  • alisha232
    alisha232 Posts: 43 Member
    Honestly I want my old body back. I gained 60 pounds durning my pregnancy, my son is 2 months old now. It was so hard to watch my body change so much so fast. I want to feel good about myself. On top of that, I am in the army and if I don't lose this weight I will fail my physical fitness test and can be kicked out. This weight needs to come off so I can support my son, and prove to myself that I can do it.
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    I want to be fit enough to chase after my 12 week old daughter once she starts walking. I want to show my sister that she isn't the only skinny one in the family. I want to feel sexy and have my partner say wow she's mine. To not feel embarrassed going out for a meal or shopping.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Surely a lot of it is also about how society makes people feel if they're not the perfect body shape? I struggle with whether I'm truly doing this for me or for a social ideal of who I should be.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    The real reason for me is im tired of women being rude to me and saying "ewwwee gross, your fat" when im standing there or if they look at me and i just say hi. Yes, women do this to guys alot. Its not good. There is a level of respect and treatment you get when people are thinner. I dont know why its that way but it is. I want to be respected and not have rude comments made to me becuase I am chubby.
  • lollypop_ginger
    lollypop_ginger Posts: 69 Member
    My reason for losing weight is just to be slim! I've been overweight since I was about 4 years old, I don't remember ever fitting into anything less than a size 16- I want to know what that feels like! obviously, becoming fitter and healthier are both great side-effects of that, but they're not the reason I'm here
  • kymdarnell
    The real reason for me is im tired of women being rude to me and saying "ewwwee gross, your fat" when im standing there or if they look at me and i just say hi. Yes, women do this to guys alot. Its not good. There is a level of respect and treatment you get when people are thinner. I dont know why its that way but it is. I want to be respected and not have rude comments made to me becuase I am chubby.

    i have to say this: " i am so sorry on behalf of all the female population if they really are saying this to you that is just down right rude...... they are insecure in themselves if they are saying this to you..... xx
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    because i feel ugly at this weight
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    Because I want people to stare at me in a good way!

    I want to feel pretty for the first time.

    I want to be strong so if the world does end in dec I'll be ready....lol

    I want my boys not to be embarrassed by the fat mum at school.

    But mostly cos I want to look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside...it would be nice if the 2 matched

  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    To pick up any dress I like and not give a second thought if it would look nice on me!
  • lenny776
    I want to look good naked!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I do want to be healthy (actually, I have gotten quite healthy compared to where I was), but also so I can put together better cosplay costumes. It's also sort of an experiment in whether or not I can actually get and stay under 200, and whether I'll be happy when I am.