Ripped in 30 Challenge - start Sunday



  • bluesunshine999
    Oh yay!! I am starting tomorrow too! :) Gotta take pict now (ugh!).
  • bluesunshine999
    Does anyone know what I'm going to need to do the video? Weights? Mat?
  • Logansmom2011
    Logansmom2011 Posts: 81 Member
    I just did day 1 level one today :) and am using fridays as my rest day,also doing the hip hop abs dvds according to the recommend 30 day schedule along with my ripped in 30 workout.
  • Logansmom2011
    Logansmom2011 Posts: 81 Member
    Does anyone know what I'm going to need to do the video? Weights? Mat?
    weights,and mat if on a hard floor.I was using 3 lb weights but think I'm going to use 5 lbs next time cause I didn't feel much with the 3's.
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    I did it yesterday and picked up 30 DS today (I had it but gave it away). I've done both and want to commit to 5 days per week of one or the other! I'm in! And the results from these workouts are really fantastic, for anyone who hasn't done them before :)
  • foolinme
    foolinme Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in! I should be getting mine any day now in the mail so I will start then. I am glad to see that people have had success with it! Can't wait to add it to my gym routine.
  • bluesunshine999
    Thanks for the info!
  • karabatak
    I'm excited that there are so many of us! It doesn't matter what day you started as long as we all complete the workout successfully by the end of the 30 days... yay for getting ripped :)
    karabatak: I'm thinking of including pilates and yoga as well but every other day though. Don't want it to be too strenuous for my body
    chikkie1000: you could still use us as your support group even though you're doing the shred, jillian kicks butt either way.
    sjhaar: Way To Go!!

    that's great news! let's hold each other accountable :) i just learned i might be going on vacation this time next week, so might have to take a pause on week 2 haha :)
  • misselk
    misselk Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in! Just finished 30 DS and lost 4.5 pounds and 8 inches. Can't wait to see my combined results once I'm done with ripped in 30!
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    Level 1, Day 1 - DONE!
    I am absolutely dripping right now, but I did it and I'm really happy. The hollowman and the side lunges with the raises were absolute killers but very soon, I'm going to be sailing through them like its nothing (fingers crossed really tightly lol). Will be doing pilates later on
    I also did measurements today ugh

    We got this, ladies!
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    Day 1 down, was dripping with sweat at the end but my muscles weren't to bad so will look at increasing my weights. I will be starting the c25k tomorrow so combining the 2. Better get some measurements and a photo done so I can see the results :smile:
  • EJsMummy26
    EJsMummy26 Posts: 101 Member
    How you input your exercise for 30 day shred or rip it?
  • Jackie0127
    Jackie0127 Posts: 71 Member
    Day one done! I had to push myself ... But felt good :)

    I have measured and taken pics of myself, so that maybe at the end of 30 days we can share our results.

    Anyone can add me to motivate each othet. I will be committed to the 30 day.

    Happy Ripping :D
  • Jackie0127
    Jackie0127 Posts: 71 Member
    How you input your exercise for 30 day shred or rip it?

    Under circuit training is where I post it. Hope it helps!
  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 done! Good job everyone, keep it up!! I also did 30 minutes of yoga today, it was a nice cool down after doing the ripped!
  • melgirl_89
    Love this work out. Just finished it, I mainly noticed changes in my arms. They have a lot more muscle and definition, especially my triceps! Also noticed my quad muscles are a lot stronger :) Its a good intense workout, and I find it went by very fast. Good luck!
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    I'm in for sure, LOVE Jillian's workouts!!
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    I'm buying it this week sometime a friend recommened it to me.

    add me as a friend if you want to motivate each other
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Did it today and took pics and measurements yesterday (*shudder*). Will do it first thing in the morning all week long! :D
  • ChelleBelly2012
    ChelleBelly2012 Posts: 7 Member
    Jill is kicking my butt!!!