Is your job trying to help you lose weight?



  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    my job does a biggest loser challenge every semester, we also have free gym privileges and a discount trainer option. they also have groups that organize walking or jogging during lunch hours every friday
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    Hell no, I wish! My boss ate 5 of the 90 calorie brownies I had in a drawer the other day and then tells ME that I need to lose weight. I hate him lol
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Hell no, I wish! My boss ate 5 of the 90 calorie brownies I had in a drawer the other day and then tells ME that I need to lose weight. I hate him lol

    WTH??? Did you charge him? Geez, those things aren't cheap!
  • afss07
    afss07 Posts: 13 Member
    Uhhh that sounds wonderful! I should join military!

    It's not for everyone, but it can definitely get your butt in shape! Well, until you get out of basic training and they give you free reign to eat whatever you want at the chow hall (which is mostly fried crap!)
    When I was in The Marine Corps, they gave us an extra hour for lunch, if we went running. If you dared take the hour and didn't run, they would certainly find out. Punishment: You had to run with the Seargent Major for one week. He did like 10 miles at lunch, in the heat. I only caught that punishment once; and learned my lesson! One hour for lunch is enough anyway.

    We don't get a lunch break at my job, but we have an hour to work out before each shift, and the base gym is really well stocked. It's just after the workout we literally sit for 8 hours!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Almost all of us gained weight when we started working at my job because we just sit still at a desk all day.

    I think the employer recognizes that and they do host workout sessions in the afternoon. Usually they just do a Beachbody DVD, but in the past we have done yoga and self defense classes. I know that a lot of the men like to play basketball on Fridays, but none of the women want anything to do with it and quite frankly, we aren't invited.

    Our employer has also offered discounted weight watchers meetings, and Biggest Loser competitions.

    The only thing I have participated in was the yoga.

    Most of my coworkers like to offer up unhealthy food to share, but that isn't coming from management.
  • yulinerinwang
    yulinerinwang Posts: 36 Member
    i work at starbucks.

    last night my manager bought me a cookie that was as big as my head because i was the only one who would come in during a snow storm.

    so no they dont help me stay active haha. i did have to sweep, mop, put up chairs and tables, do an hrs worth of dishes, restock, make peoples drinks etc... which makes me sweat a bit after 8 hrs but i consider that more slave labor then keeping me healthy...

    Shake hands, starbucks ppl :)
    I seriously don't consider free drink all day long as benefits... That's what got me to this place.. :(