Low Carb Eating



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Also- this guy has probably lost that midsection at this point because there's no way he can be spending any time in the gym with all the time he spends on the boards low carb bashing.

    I have a current pic in my profile, you're right i did gain some fat around my bellybutton. And i'd love for you to point out one post where i "bashed" low carb? I have never once said it's ineffective, dangerous, a fad or anything else, so not sure where you're getting that from
  • littlemsmuffet
    I'm not buying the bad press on Low Carb -- read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Traube. It is not a diet book - it's a scientific study that discusses what happens when we eat different ratios of food.

    There may be some who can eat carbs and still lose weight -- but 45-50% of overweight people have an inability to correctly process and use the carbs as fuel. So, they pile on belly fat despite low calorie and exercise. I am one of these people - ride a bike, walk, run, strength training, etc. and I will not lose weight on so-called "good" carbs like fruit and whole grains.

    I totally agree with this ^. I don't feel well or function well above 70g of carbs a day. 100g is my personal limit. When I was younger I did distance sports so I just assumed I had become more efficient at utilizing carbohydrates. My friend, on the other hand, lives on carbs. Literally. Grains for breakfast, grains and fruit for lunch, potatoes for dinner, crackers for a snack. She's thin, healthy, and has lots of energy. She's just completely different from me! I recently tried a 50% carb - 25% fat - 25% protein diet but I was nauseated, uncomfortable, and sweaty most of the time, plus I gained 7 lbs (no, it wasn't water weight)!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I'm not buying the bad press on Low Carb -- read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Traube. It is not a diet book - it's a scientific study that discusses what happens when we eat different ratios of food.

    There may be some who can eat carbs and still lose weight -- but 45-50% of overweight people have an inability to correctly process and use the carbs as fuel. So, they pile on belly fat despite low calorie and exercise. I am one of these people - ride a bike, walk, run, strength training, etc. and I will not lose weight on so-called "good" carbs like fruit and whole grains.

    I totally agree with this ^. I don't feel well or function well above 70g of carbs a day. 100g is my personal limit. When I was younger I did distance sports so I just assumed I had become more efficient at utilizing carbohydrates. My friend, on the other hand, lives on carbs. Literally. Grains for breakfast, grains and fruit for lunch, potatoes for dinner, crackers for a snack. She's thin, healthy, and has lots of energy. She's just completely different from me! I recently tried a 50% carb - 25% fat - 25% protein diet but I was nauseated, uncomfortable, and sweaty most of the time, plus I gained 7 lbs (no, it wasn't water weight)!


    This site here summarized what a couple studies found. Some people respond better to high fat, and some respond better to high carbs. Just depends on the person to find what their body prefers. But what this shows is the main argument that "a calorie is a calorie" is false in terms of optimal weight loss for an individual. The energy equation is also used in a very poor context most of the time as showing causation, when it really only shows association of how the energy is distributed through the system.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm not buying the bad press on Low Carb -- read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Traube. It is not a diet book - it's a scientific study that discusses what happens when we eat different ratios of food.

    There may be some who can eat carbs and still lose weight -- but 45-50% of overweight people have an inability to correctly process and use the carbs as fuel. So, they pile on belly fat despite low calorie and exercise. I am one of these people - ride a bike, walk, run, strength training, etc. and I will not lose weight on so-called "good" carbs like fruit and whole grains.

    I totally agree with this ^. I don't feel well or function well above 70g of carbs a day. 100g is my personal limit. When I was younger I did distance sports so I just assumed I had become more efficient at utilizing carbohydrates. My friend, on the other hand, lives on carbs. Literally. Grains for breakfast, grains and fruit for lunch, potatoes for dinner, crackers for a snack. She's thin, healthy, and has lots of energy. She's just completely different from me! I recently tried a 50% carb - 25% fat - 25% protein diet but I was nauseated, uncomfortable, and sweaty most of the time, plus I gained 7 lbs (no, it wasn't water weight)!


    This site here summarized what a couple studies found. Some people respond better to high fat, and some respond better to high carbs. Just depends on the person to find what their body prefers. But what this shows is the main argument that "a calorie is a calorie" is false in terms of optimal weight loss for an individual. The energy equation is also used in a very poor context most of the time as showing causation, when it really only shows association of how the energy is distributed through the system.

  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    There is truth in calories in and calories out, but most people do not take into account the inefficency of burning ketones vs glucose. Ketobodies have fewer available calories by weight than fat, so it takes more to yield the same number of burnable calories. That is why low carb dieting is so fast. Often faster than fasting, which your body will go after muscle tissue first.

    Too bad low carb/keto diets have no metabolic advantage. Any initial faster weight loss vs a mixed diet is water weight, and studies have shown greater fat loss on a mixed diet vs low carb diet holding calories constant
    do you get off on trolling the low carb threads?

    I think he does- I see him in all of them.

    Good to know that you understand what a troll is, someone who refutes someone's point is not a troll
    I think someone should ask him about his food diary and the crap brands he's eating. Apparently he's not a farm to table advocate, either. But whatever.

    This coming from someone who's eaten more pizza in the last week then i have in the last few months, but go ahead and ask away
    This is fantastic!! I can't believe that his "fit" to "fat" is only a 5 month difference- amazing how quickly "fit" can be undone! BTW, I wasn't agreeing with the "if someone is more fit than you" portion I was agreeing with the "someone who looks like that probably knows something". I don't discount that whatever that guy does works for him- but he's always posting in low carb forums throwing research around. I WORK in clinical research for God's sake and he wanted to argue with me when I posted a Primal/Paleo question- only asked to those who eat Primal/Paleo and the guy made my head hurt with all his incessant rambling. And yes AG whatever the hell your dumb *kitten* screen name is- I'm talking about you.

    I'm glad you work in clinical research and yet still manage to make asinine statements like "This isn't a "keto" diet, dear. As you aren't in ketosis regularly unless you choose to place yourself into IF. " Maybe you'd care to explain what IF has to do with ketosis?

    I don't pretend to be perfect- I've had pizza recently to cure a hell of a hangover. I'm an adult, and if I choose to deviate from my diet I suppose that's my business. Just as you should be able to- I'm assuming those girl scout cookies, pound cake, and Olive Garden cake were high enough carb for you, eh?

    As far as Clinical Research I'm insinuating that you don't understand how research trials operate from a real time aspect. Have you worked in research? I don't pretend to know (nor need to track down or quote) every clinical trial ever performed. I have however researched and obtained abstracts and full peer reviewed texts of research that I was interested in in relationship to low carb.

    Clearly we all know why were are doing low carb and are not assuming that we are "superior" to any other diet- just as you feel that what you do works for you- we do the same. So you can stop with the research quotes. Clinical Research is performed by large pharma companies with the money to test hypotheses that can potentially make them more money. If people continue to eat processed carbohydrates- they will continue to make more money from illnesses such as complications from obesity. I'm sure you know this. So don't advocate for this any more. It's tiring, and we all know that no diet is superior to another- its how the individual feels on said diet.

    And as far as intermittent fasting and ketosis: http://www.allaboutfasting.com/effects-of-fasting-ketosis.html
    This isn't a research trial- just an explanation- so please don't condemn me. Or do it, whatever floats your boat.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Good to know you don't.

    trollingpresent participle of troll (Verb)

    1. Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat: "we trolled for mackerel".
    2. Search for something. :wink:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I don't pretend to be perfect- I've had pizza recently to cure a hell of a hangover. I'm an adult, and if I choose to deviate from my diet I suppose that's my business. Just as you should be able to- I'm assuming those girl scout cookies, pound cake, and Olive Garden cake were high enough carb for you, eh?

    Ah i've never stated i eat a clean diet at all, nor have i called someone out on their diet besides you after saying i consume crap foods, which i would never deny even though i don't like to label foods good/bad/junk/crap what have you. And the choc mousse hazlenut cake was delectable today
    Clearly we all know why were are doing low carb and are not assuming that we are "superior" to any other diet- just as you feel that what you do works for you- we do the same

    And yet you will continue to see low carbers say that low carb diets = faster fat loss, i've never condemned low carbers, or said it didn't work. I have contended that there is no metabolic advantage to low carb diets
    Clinical Research is performed by large pharma companies with the money to test hypotheses that can potentially make them more money. If people continue to eat processed carbohydrates- they will continue to make more money from illnesses such as complications from obesity. I'm sure you know this. So don't advocate for this any more. It's tiring, and we all know that no diet is superior to another- its how the individual feels on said diet.

    You're leaving out context there, simply eating processed carbs will not make one obese or ill, if you were to eat an amount that would put you in a consistent caloric surplus, that would make you obese. And i have a question since you posted the carb curve for weight loss which heavily bases it's assumptions on the insulin response to carbs, why hasn't big pharma created a drug that suppresses insulin, would that not cure obesity since insulin is supposedly the main culprit?

    And as far as intermittent fasting and ketosis: http://www.allaboutfasting.com/effects-of-fasting-ketosis.html
    This isn't a research trial- just an explanation- so please don't condemn me. Or do it, whatever floats your boat.

    Sigh, did you even read that site you just linked to? It is not talking about IF at all, but fasting like water and juice fasting. Ive yet to see an IF protocol that calls for regular 48-72hr fasts, if you are aware of one please do link me to it and i will apologize to you.

    "It is said this state is attained at approximately 48 hours of a water fast for women and closer to 72 hours for men. "
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I don't pretend to be perfect- I've had pizza recently to cure a hell of a hangover. I'm an adult, and if I choose to deviate from my diet I suppose that's my business. Just as you should be able to- I'm assuming those girl scout cookies, pound cake, and Olive Garden cake were high enough carb for you, eh?

    Ah i've never stated i eat a clean diet at all, nor have i called someone out on their diet besides you after saying i consume crap foods, which i would never deny even though i don't like to label foods good/bad/junk/crap what have you. And the choc mousse hazlenut cake was delectable today
    Clearly we all know why were are doing low carb and are not assuming that we are "superior" to any other diet- just as you feel that what you do works for you- we do the same

    And yet you will continue to see low carbers say that low carb diets = faster fat loss, i've never condemned low carbers, or said it didn't work. I have contended that there is no metabolic advantage to low carb diets
    Clinical Research is performed by large pharma companies with the money to test hypotheses that can potentially make them more money. If people continue to eat processed carbohydrates- they will continue to make more money from illnesses such as complications from obesity. I'm sure you know this. So don't advocate for this any more. It's tiring, and we all know that no diet is superior to another- its how the individual feels on said diet.

    You're leaving out context there, simply eating processed carbs will not make one obese or ill, if you were to eat an amount that would put you in a consistent caloric surplus, that would make you obese. And i have a question since you posted the carb curve for weight loss which heavily bases it's assumptions on the insulin response to carbs, why hasn't big pharma created a drug that suppresses insulin, would that not cure obesity since insulin is supposedly the main culprit?

    And as far as intermittent fasting and ketosis: http://www.allaboutfasting.com/effects-of-fasting-ketosis.html
    This isn't a research trial- just an explanation- so please don't condemn me. Or do it, whatever floats your boat.

    Sigh, did you even read that site you just linked to? It is not talking about IF at all, but fasting like water and juice fasting. Ive yet to see an IF protocol that calls for regular 48-72hr fasts, if you are aware of one please do link me to it and i will apologize to you.

    "It is said this state is attained at approximately 48 hours of a water fast for women and closer to 72 hours for men. "

    Don't take things out of context: "When glucose isn't readily available via the diet (in the form of carbohydrates) and the glycogen stores in the liver become depleted, the body could break down muscle to get it. But ketosis is an adaptation that will spare muscle during times of shortage by instead breaking down fat stores and manufacturing ketones for brain fuel. It is said this state is attained at approximately 48 hours of a water fast for women and closer to 72 hours for men. "

    "ketones are an acceptable alternative fuel, produced and used by the body any time glucose is scarce, which can happen even in non-fasting, non-dieting individuals, such as during intense exercise or during sleep. They are considering it a natural metabolic process where ketone production and use fluctuates constantly in response to the body's needs. "

    "Fasting methods that include some carbohydrates, like juice or fruit fasting, can produce various degrees of ketosis, and strive to provide enough carbs to prevent any muscle loss. Some juice fasters (as well as low-carbers) adhere to the theory that 400 calories (carbohydrates) will supply enough glucose to prevent muscle loss and aim for that number in their daily diet. "

    I could eat nothing but Chicken and be in ketosis. I wouldn't have to "water fast"

    And you answered your own question. Why would a pharma company create one drug to help one problem? When they can create multiple drugs to help the multitude of problems resulting from insulin resistance?

    I'm done arguing with you.

    And you never mentioned where you have obtained your "plethora" of knowledge about what research entails. But whatever- pick and choose what you can manipulate and twist appropriately.
  • Calvinsgrl1
    Calvinsgrl1 Posts: 30 Member
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Don't take things out of context: "When glucose isn't readily available via the diet (in the form of carbohydrates) and the glycogen stores in the liver become depleted, the body could break down muscle to get it. But ketosis is an adaptation that will spare muscle during times of shortage by instead breaking down fat stores and manufacturing ketones for brain fuel. It is said this state is attained at approximately 48 hours of a water fast for women and closer to 72 hours for men. "

    "ketones are an acceptable alternative fuel, produced and used by the body any time glucose is scarce, which can happen even in non-fasting, non-dieting individuals, such as during intense exercise or during sleep. They are considering it a natural metabolic process where ketone production and use fluctuates constantly in response to the body's needs. "

    "Fasting methods that include some carbohydrates, like juice or fruit fasting, can produce various degrees of ketosis, and strive to provide enough carbs to prevent any muscle loss. Some juice fasters (as well as low-carbers) adhere to the theory that 400 calories (carbohydrates) will supply enough glucose to prevent muscle loss and aim for that number in their daily diet. "

    I could eat nothing but Chicken and be in ketosis. I wouldn't have to "water fast"

    I understand how ketosis works, what i don't understand is what that link has to do with intermittent fasting and what intermittent fasting has to do with ketosis. You made the original claim that IF would put you into ketosis and that to substantiate that point when i asked you to clarify you linked to a site talking about fasting, not intermittent fasting. So we're back at square one, what does IF have to do with ketosis? As far as i know most IF protocols are styles of varying fasting lengths from 14-24hrs depending on which one we're talking about.
    And you answered your own question. Why would a pharma company create one drug to help one problem? When they can create multiple drugs to help the multitude of problems resulting from insulin resistance?

    Ah, but what would make them more money, mult drugs for some probs related to insulin resistance or a blockbuster drug that would cure obesity and all it's ails?

    And you never mentioned where you have obtained your "plethora" of knowledge about what research entails. But whatever- pick and choose what you can manipulate and twist appropriately.

    I'm an analyst by trade but you don't need to specially go to college or anything to be able to look at research critically
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    There is truth in calories in and calories out, but most people do not take into account the inefficency of burning ketones vs glucose. Ketobodies have fewer available calories by weight than fat, so it takes more to yield the same number of burnable calories. That is why low carb dieting is so fast. Often faster than fasting, which your body will go after muscle tissue first.

    Too bad low carb/keto diets have no metabolic advantage. Any initial faster weight loss vs a mixed diet is water weight, and studies have shown greater fat loss on a mixed diet vs low carb diet holding calories constant

    Wow, I guess I had more than 100 pounds of water weight and no fat weight when I lost 100 pounds on Atkins in 2003.

    And I can eat the same amount of calories on a Standard eating plan and gain weight where as with low carb I lose weight.

    Explain that?
    I was just wondering if you had trouble staying on Atkins or do you still do it? Have you kept the weight off? It would benefit a lot of people who are trying to lose with this method. I have had success with lower healthy carbs. but not no carb. I just couldn't do it. Thanks.:flowerforyou:

    No, I had no problems staying on Atkins. Atkins isn't a NO carb plan. It is a controlled carb plan that starts out as an elimination plan. As you move along the phases you add in higher carb veggies, then berries, then other fruits, nuts and seeds, dairy, starchier vegetables and grains. Then you are set to maintain your weight loss and you know how much of each food you can have and how your body reacts to different foods.

    I kept the weight loss off for 5 years and then was involved in a near fatal car accident and gained weight from eating hospital food, steroids and then rehab and depression.........

    I have now transitioned over to a more Paleo approach so there will be no more grains for me and now I only consume raw dairy products too.