I just had to post this. I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    It's sad really. It's so easy to get married and just as easy to divorce. Nobody takes their vows seriously anymore.

    My 6 yr anniversary is tomorrow. We've had our ups and downs. Like...bigtime. We've both put on weight. I'm on a mission to get healthy for myself and I'm determined to make it happen...with or without my husband.

    That website is pretty sad. It's even more sad that they have 12 million people using it. But...I'm a believer in karma. What goes around, comes around. In due time....one way or another, it'll get back to them.

    I never understood cheating. You're unhappy? You hate your life? Then leave your husband or wife? Either separate or get a divorce. What's the purpose of cheating? At least be the bigger person and admit when things are over. And leave. It's as simple as that.

    what if you have two young children...you and your spouse are still good parents but no sex spark remains....you want to stay together for the kids sake....cheating is worse than splitting and disrupting the kids life?

    My Dad cheated on my mom for years before any of us found out.

    He wasn't just cheating on her, though-- he cheated our family. My mom, my sisters and I.

    Instead of manning up & saying, "Hey guys, its been fun but I think I'm going to try this now..." he just lied to us and shattered my concept of my ideal relationship.

    Cheating is selfish, unnecessary and foolish. You are not doing anyone a favor, especially not the kids.

    ive seen those ads before, its so wrong but unfortunately thats the way the world is today, people expect to have everything! with all the celebrity marriages lasting 5 minutes, nobody takes marriage seriously anymore, it is meant to be for life, not just until the next pretty young thing comes along!
    I was with my husband for 13 years before we got married 3 years ago, and would NEVER cheat - my dad had an affair with my mums best mate when i was a kid so ive seen what it can do to people, ive always said if a person seriously considers cheating then they are obviously not happy with their husband or wife, so just grow a pair and leave instead of screwing with peoples lives by cheating!
    rant over :)
  • mo_is_here
    And this country won't let me marry my partner because of narrow minded people. However, married men and/or women can just choose to join a website to cheat on their spouses because of weight????? Yeah gotta love this. Good thing my skinny partner over there <<<< loves me regardless of what I weigh. Actually I weighed 260 when I met her and I can proudly say neither one of us have ever cheated with anyone else. But yeah my "gay" marriage will corrupt our country. They can blow it out the *kitten*.

    I love you. (Not in a creepy way, but the support/admiration way.)

    Thank you Kat and know what you mean. LOL My partner and I have been solidly commited for 11 years and yes we have trials and tribulations like any couple but we work them out. We dont go to the nearest bar or website to hook-up for meaningless sex. I actually have a sister that is gay also and she and her partner have been together for years and years. Our parents love us all and treat our partners just like their own daughters. We are in the middle of a hostile work environment/gay exploitation case right now with my partner's workplace for allowing an employee to video tape her while working on his cell phone and posting it on the web that "that this is what a big old *kitten* looks like". We've been receiving harrassing phone calls ever since and my partner is on medical leave due to the stress from work. But yeah a good old man and woman marriage with cheating is considered better than our devoted and commited partnership. Thank you USA and all the do-gooder voters that wont allow me to marry in MY state.

    (((dakitten))) I just wanted to give you a hug.
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    I agree that the website is pretty pathetic. I've never heard of it before so I'm under a rock for sure. :o)
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome to planet Earth.
    This whole absurd concept of fat acceptance has detached us from reality.
    After an accident, I gained a ton of weight, and was just an elephant.
    When I was fat, I was unattractive.
    My wife, instead of having an affair, told me I should lose the weight or our marriage would end.
    And I don't blame her one bit.
    So, I got busy, lost the weight and all is well.
    Most people are not going to be that direct. I am thankful that she was honest with me about this.
    For any relationship to work, sexual compatibility is a must.
    And weight gain ruins that no matter what lies you are being told about how it doesn't matter.

    It matters - believe it!

    I understand where you're coming from... kind of resent the reference to an elephant, but if that's how you choose to remember yourself (and hopefully ONLY yourself - this site is meant to offer support, not harsh criticism), whatever.

    However, my husband (who has never had a weight issue, family doesn't, etc. and while he doesn't enjoy my current weight) keeps coming back for more... to the tune of 4-6 times a week... It's not always JUST about the weight. Even us bigger folks can be sexy, maybe not to everyone, but hopefully our spouses see more than just size. I always told him though, if he finds that he's no longer attracted to me, to please be honest so we can both move on...

    Also, I like your wife's honesty and am glad her approach worked for the two of you. Congratulations on your significant weight loss. I hope you have some sensitivity left for those of us who are still working hard to achieve your results!
  • samandlucysmum
    Disgusting!! It should not be allowed!!
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    I just had to share this because it's eating me! Very shocked!

    Watched this today show that talked about this website called http://www.ashleymadison.com.
    The creators of this site actually say if your partner gains weight (or as they put it, gets fat) and/or their appearance dulls, it's not only alright to cheat on them but completely justified. There are almost 12 million members on this site! They had guys backing it up saying that if "I'm not attracted to my wife cause she's gotten fat or ugly, then I'm going to find someone that I am attracted to". I'm amazed! Wowzers!

    This is seriously their AD. Unbelievable!

    look at it this way, when you look like the 1st girl from top to bottom, a lot of guys will have affairs with you ;)

    Too funny! Now THIS was an honest, yet considerate,way to give your opinion! Thank you for your sense of humor!!! I agree that the difference is pretty dramatic.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Welcome to planet Earth.
    This whole absurd concept of fat acceptance has detached us from reality.
    After an accident, I gained a ton of weight, and was just an elephant.
    When I was fat, I was unattractive.
    My wife, instead of having an affair, told me I should lose the weight or our marriage would end.
    And I don't blame her one bit.
    So, I got busy, lost the weight and all is well.
    Most people are not going to be that direct. I am thankful that she was honest with me about this.
    For any relationship to work, sexual compatibility is a must.
    And weight gain ruins that no matter what lies you are being told about how it doesn't matter.

    It matters - believe it!
    If my husband doubled in size, I would not be physically attracted to him anymore, nor would he be the same man I was attracted to at the beginning. Yes I would still love him, but intimicy is important as is his health. I want my husband to always find me attractive and be attracted to me and same goes for him. If we were both heavier and that's what we were attracted to from the beginning, and then one of us lost a lot of weight, the marriage would suffer.

    We are not shallow, but physical appearance does play a role in being attracted to someone, whether big, small, medium, tall, short, etc.

    Gotta say I agree with the point of views of both posters. I do not think cheating is right, I think if you really love someone, you'll talk about your problems first.

    A lot of times when ppl gain a significant amount of weight, there are other things going on besides the weight. They probably aren't acting like the person you fell in love with. You probably aren't attracted to them like you were. Still NOT ok to cheat but I see with the loss of attraction is.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Welcome to planet Earth.
    This whole absurd concept of fat acceptance has detached us from reality.
    After an accident, I gained a ton of weight, and was just an elephant.
    When I was fat, I was unattractive.
    My wife, instead of having an affair, told me I should lose the weight or our marriage would end.
    And I don't blame her one bit.
    So, I got busy, lost the weight and all is well.
    Most people are not going to be that direct. I am thankful that she was honest with me about this.
    For any relationship to work, sexual compatibility is a must.
    And weight gain ruins that no matter what lies you are being told about how it doesn't matter.

    It matters - believe it!

    I understand where you're coming from... kind of resent the reference to an elephant, but if that's how you choose to remember yourself (and hopefully ONLY yourself - this site is meant to offer support, not harsh criticism), whatever.

    However, my husband (who has never had a weight issue, family doesn't, etc. and while he doesn't enjoy my current weight) keeps coming back for more... to the tune of 4-6 times a week... It's not always JUST about the weight. Even us bigger folks can be sexy, maybe not to everyone, but hopefully our spouses see more than just size. I always told him though, if he finds that he's no longer attracted to me, to please be honest so we can both move on...

    Also, I like your wife's honesty and am glad her approach worked for the two of you. Congratulations on your significant weight loss. I hope you have some sensitivity left for those of us who are still working hard to achieve your results!
    Yes, I felt terrible fat.
    And coming back from that hell was the hardest thing I ever accomplished.
    I hope everybody on this road can complete the journey, but I know that's not going to be the case.
    That bothers me.

    Best of luck to you!
    And again, thanks!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    that is absolutely nauseating! although it makes me physically ill, i am [sadly] not surprised =(
  • TammyLynne71
    TammyLynne71 Posts: 184 Member
    I do know that weight does affect the sex in my marriage. I still find my hubby hot. But the weight gain from both of us has changed how we do and how often. Face it some postions are harder to get in when u are bigger and you get tired faster.
  • Marizzle23
    Ya because I'm sure women who look like THAT are waiting around and pining to get diddled by some guy who is already married, but doesn't have the balls to tell his wife he is unhappy. I'm suuuuurrreee! I get that weight can affect physical attraction, but a marriage should be made up of so much more than that. I think if you are with someone who is really fit and they gain weight, part of the problem is a change in the quality of life and maybe not having that lifestyle in common with them anymore. I GET THAT! But where is the love and respect for your partner that you VOWED to have for them? If this website "calls it as they see it" why don't they put up accurate pictures of who is really on there? Like maybe one of some coke-head stripper who is missing teeth, has stringy nasty hair and a plethora of STDs, but it's all good because she's skinny! What a crock!!! I wish people had the foresight to see how affairs hurt others, and that after the fact they are still going to be unhappy.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Ya because I'm sure women who look like THAT are waiting around and pining to get diddled by some guy who is already married, but doesn't have the balls to tell his wife he is unhappy. I'm suuuuurrreee! I get that weight can affect physical attraction, but a marriage should be made up of so much more than that. I think if you are with someone who is really fit and they gain weight, part of the problem is a change in the quality of life and maybe not having that lifestyle in common with them anymore. I GET THAT! But where is the love and respect for your partner that you VOWED to have for them? If this website "calls it as they see it" why don't they put up accurate pictures of who is really on there? Like maybe one of some coke-head stripper who is missing teeth, has stringy nasty hair and a plethora of STDs, but it's all good because she's skinny! What a crock!!! I wish people had the foresight to see how affairs hurt others, and that after the fact they are still going to be unhappy.

    The picture is from a site that advocates that type of behavior.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Who cares. It gives stupid arsehats a place to hang out with each other and keeps them away from the rest of us. More power to it.
    Anyone who is going to cheat will do so regardless of that sites existence. They have found a nice niche in which to run a business. Not very moral I suppose but nor is Nike or Nestle. At least these guys are only exploiting cheating adults not sweat shops or whatever
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    OMG! I've not heard of this site before! That's just appalling!