you know when your overweight when....



  • psychopiglet
    psychopiglet Posts: 130 Member
    When you break someone else's bed during...
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    When your BMI puts you in the 'overweight' category.

    When your BMI puts you in the OBESE category!!
  • spiceshirl
    When you get on the scale and it reads one at a time please!
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    When you fall on a slippery stone step, badly bruise your backside and all someone asks is 'did you break the step?'. :(
  • jankleberry
    you could easily fit a toddler's head into one of your bra cups :/

    A toddler's head? I can fit my OWN head in there and it's not even tight! :laugh:

    Me too!
  • jankleberry
    When you are sitting in a peircing studio and a wee girl walks up to you, smiles, points and shouts "TOO FAT!"

    her dad was mortified. My friend and I laughed and went to the pub. hehe
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    when you're swimming at the beach to the calls of "whale on the port bow; man the harpoons".....:drinker:
  • mikituba
    When you glance at your profile at the doctors office and it says "obese"...I was mortified.

    When the only time your jeans fit is after wearing them for 3 days in a row without washing them, wow I'm losing weight! Then after next wash...dang the dryer really shrunk them...No fatty, your fat stretched them out! Now they're back to normal.

    I love washing my jeans now :)

  • firefightmc
    firefightmc Posts: 33 Member
    pizza guys drops one off just incase
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    you realize you have two chins but you were only born with one! What?
  • lilyjay_
    When the only time your jeans fit is after wearing them for 3 days in a row without washing them, wow I'm losing weight! Then after next wash...dang the dryer really shrunk them...No fatty, your fat stretched them out! Now they're back to normal.

    I love washing my jeans now :)


    Agreed. I used to dread putting my jeans on after washing them, since I have had to buy new jeans a size down and now they are way too big even straight out of the wash!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    When your butt gets stuck in a carnival ride, in front of tons of people :(
  • GrahamBarwick
    when your walking down the stairs and your man boobs wobble :noway:
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    Standing there after weighing myself, all proud for losing 40+ lbs, and ask my 5 year old son, "Does mommy look smaller?", and he responds after surveying me, "Uh, no.".

    Damn it.

    WELL DONE ON LOSING SO MUCH WEIGHT. That is a lot of weight to lose, out of the mouths of babies..
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Options're riding home from work on a packed subway and a lady offers you her seat because she thinks you're pregnant. You aren't.


    That happened to me (went from an hourglass shape to an apple I really look pregnant) and I put my hand on the small of my back and did that heavily pregnant leaning back sit and thought "well finally something good comes of being fat". I didnt want the girl to lose that good samaritan glow now did I?
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    When your child, coming back from a year and a half in Iraq, walks right by you because he doesn't recognize you.
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    When you try out your new workout dvd for the 1st time, completely proud of yourself for having made it through w/o dying and your child comes over to and says, "You need to return that and get your money back because it does'nt work, your still fat. That's false advertising."

    wow, kinda mean but so so so so funny, out of the mouths of babies.. haha
  • jankleberry
    when your 18month old daughter hits your belly and laughs at the way it wobbles!
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    passers by get pulled into your orbit
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    you find popcorn in your bra because you have been shovelling it so violently in your mouth at the cinema
    HAHA x