Is he trying to sabotage me!



  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I ask my husband to keep that stuff at his office if he wants to eat it. Although he doesn't always. Last night when I was trying really hard to stay on track due to a major alcohol binge the night before, he made teriyaki chicken wings. I love teriyaki chicken wings. Deep fried them and the whole house smelled like teriyaki chicken wings. I ate my dinner and remembered that he could not keep up with me the other day when I was jogging and had to push the stroller with the grandkids in it. Couldn't even do it when the kids got out and ran with me. I don't want to be that person.
  • nkosky
    nkosky Posts: 115 Member
    Have him hide the goodies, and don't tell you where they're at!!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    Just walk over, grab the junk and throw it in the garbage. I bet he wont come home with it again :)

    I totally agree.

    I don't agree. That would be very passive aggressive and will cause higher tension and issues between them.

    I am of the mind set that only YOU can sabotage yourself. This is our journey, not anyone elses. We have to do what is best for us, but we can not dictate the lives of those around us. Our weight loss journey should not be anyone elses. To force our views on others is just wrong.

    Sorry this is total BS! Throw that crap in the trash and tell him next time your going to shove them up his *kitten*! Are you all kidding me! If he does not support her he does not CARE! I would never do anything to not help my wife! Period! End of Statement! ......ok rant is over, you people piss me off sometimes!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    Sorry this is total BS! Throw that crap in the trash and tell him next time your going to shove them up his *kitten*! Are you all kidding me! If he does not support her he does not CARE! I would never do anything to not help my wife! Period! End of Statement! ......ok rant is over, you people piss me off sometimes!

    OR, maybe he didn't realize that it would upset her. It's been my experience that most spouses are not as horrible as they're made out to be.

    Now, if he said, "Here honey, eat these. I dont' like you losing weight," then YES, throw them out. And him too. But just because he bought them, you think she needs to go all ballistic on him? Seriously? What happened to communication?

    My husband brought home donuts three times in one week right after I started watching my calories. So I talked to him about it, and you know what? He apologized, and he stopped bringing them home. He was trying to do a nice thing for me, not thinking about how it would affect my efforts. But by your logic, I should have thrown them in his face and screamed at him instead of having a calm, loving conversation. I'm so glad I went with calm and loving instead of crazy and rude.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    I agree with some others here on the self control part - dont throw anything out for spite. Try using self control for yourself, and then communicate with him - tell him that although you love them and him, you're not eating that stuff right now. Thank him for thinking of you (which he will appreciate whether he was or wasnt at purchase), and then inform him that those things are his to eat.

    If you control you, there is no need to be affected by things others do. You are a strong mature adult, and you can do it!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Just walk over, grab the junk and throw it in the garbage. I bet he wont come home with it again :)

    I totally agree.

    I don't agree. That would be very passive aggressive and will cause higher tension and issues between them.

    I am of the mind set that only YOU can sabotage yourself. This is our journey, not anyone elses. We have to do what is best for us, but we can not dictate the lives of those around us. Our weight loss journey should not be anyone elses. To force our views on others is just wrong.

    Sorry this is total BS! Throw that crap in the trash and tell him next time your going to shove them up his *kitten*! Are you all kidding me! If he does not support her he does not CARE! I would never do anything to not help my wife! Period! End of Statement! ......ok rant is over, you people piss me off sometimes!

    It's BS to say someone doesn't care because they don't go on a diet with their spouse. It is both people's house and both have equal right to have what they want to eat at THEIR HOUSE. My husband is in great shape and has a very physical job. He would wither away if he tried eating what I do while dieting. That doesn't mean he doesn't care, it just means he doesn't like salads or whatever. Now if I'm fixing to eat something that'll make me go over he'll ask if I really want it and if it will fit into my daily allowance. YOU piss me off!!