when DID this becomer more attractive?!?! (pic.....i hope)



  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    Id like to be thin, but not a bag of bones, healthy, not ill.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I really hate these types of threads, and the comments that "men like woman with curves", or "real women have curves". I'm a real women but I don't have any curves. I have no boobs and a small butt, so does that mean I'm not a real women or that no man is every attracted to me? I think it's about time that everyone stop bashing on people whether their skinny or heavier, and just learn to accept that everbody is a different shape or size.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I really hate these types of threads, and the comments that "men like woman with curves", or "real women have curves". I'm a real women but I don't have any curves. I have no boobs and a small butt, so does that mean I'm not a real women or that no man is every attracted to me? I think it's about time that everyone stop bashing on people whether their skinny or heavier, and just learn to accept that everbody is a different shape or size.

    Amen to that!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Don't know if was already commented here, but skinny looks sick. Just sick.
    I like curves.

    Would it be okay for someone to say curves look fat, just fat? No, I don't think so.


    You can see my collar bone, hip bones, ribs when I stretch, small boobs, and I have back dimples.
    You can also see my biceps, quads when I walk, and rear delts when I flex
    I look skinny in clothes sometimes.

    Man I look sick and disgusting.
  • Sorova
    Sorova Posts: 101 Member
    I don't think it's necessary or appropriate to demonize anyone's body type in order to promote other people feeling good about themselves. Thin people, plump people, and people in between can be beautiful and sexy. There's no need to criticize the women in the top row in order to say that the women in the bottom row are beautiful. Furthermore, most people would be better off spending less time worrying about what other people think is sexy, and more time worrying about what they want and what will be healthy for their body.

    Some people are fatter than is healthy and some people are skinnier than is healthy...both groups of people could use the support of loved ones and could benefit from healthier eating...but neither group of people needs to be mocked or criticized.
  • amonkey9
    I did NOT make this photo (couldn't if i wanted too) its the message it sends. A lot of women starve themselves into eating disorders trying to look like the top row of women instead of embracing that maybe their body wasn't meant to look that way. Keira Knighlt I'll admit does look good, though :P
  • DawnDawn2011
    I think it is sad that some women think that they have to be that thin, I think the pressure on famous women must be overwhelming. I bet the thin women on the top row are very strong, they do have muscle and I bet they spend a lot of time exercising. I know for a fact that Marilyn Monroe lifted weights, I have a few pictures of her doing so. They are all beautiful in their own way, with their own unique bodies. I respect any woman that does her best to be healthy and beautiful. : )
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I really hate these types of threads, and the comments that "men like woman with curves", or "real women have curves". I'm a real women but I don't have any curves. I have no boobs and a small butt, so does that mean I'm not a real women or that no man is every attracted to me? I think it's about time that everyone stop bashing on people whether their skinny or heavier, and just learn to accept that everbody is a different shape or size.


    We are all beautiful in our own right.
    Some with lovely hips; some with large breast, and some with slender yoga frames.

    Just a thought - that man that praises your shape, is probably doing so because he loves YOU. But most men will look at different sized/shaped women. Beauty is definitely in the beholder and we should not bash the fat, the skinny and the in between.

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Getting soooo sick of these threads.


    Why do so many people have to whine about skinny girls being skinny?

    If the shoe was on the other foot and people were bashing the size 10's for being overweight, then there'd be so much flaming my computer would melt.

    Get over it people.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I totally agree, you really can be too thin in my opinion (not something I suffer with however lol) Those women from earlier hollywood look amazing! Thanks for posting it really reminded me how you dont have to be size 0 to look good :-) x

  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Great post! Thanks for sharing that beauty is looking like a woman, not a skeleton! :flowerforyou:

  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    I like some curves on my woman. Too skinny and bones sticking out can bruise me. LOL I'm not that superficial. I want my sweetie to be happy and feel comfortable with her body. I never want her to feel pressured to be skinny because all these skin and bones Hollywood people think it is the way to be. I love her no matter what, as long as she is content with herself.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    I agree with Kiera statement. If your naturally thin and healthy its all good. Also women like Kelly Rowland, she's a size 2 but she doesnt look sickly and you can tell she works out to get that body. But if your forcing yourself to be an unhealthy weight, have ribs showing, and look like your starving thats a no go.
  • ❤B☩❤
    AMEN, SISTER! :drinker:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I did NOT make this photo (couldn't if i wanted too) its the message it sends. A lot of women starve themselves into eating disorders trying to look like the top row of women instead of embracing that maybe their body wasn't meant to look that way. Keira Knighlt I'll admit does look good, though :P

    You don't have to "starve yourself" to be as thin as the girls on the top row. Losing weight continues as long as you eat under maintenance, so you can eat sensibly and still reach size 2 if you want. My ex-best friend has never been above a size 4 in her life and looks very much like the girls in the top row, but she eats 3 large meals a day. She's been called names like "anorexic" all her life...simply for being naturally thin and not overeating??? WTF.

    But I digress. I shouldn't have even read this thread...it just proves that a lot of women can't get beyond their cattiness to accept that some people are thinner than others without having eating disorders...
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Hopefully you are eating more but your posts are current for your food intake. Please don't starve yourself girl!!! One day you will realize it's just not worth it! You'll do more damage to your metabolism eating like that and when you are actually a bit heavier after babies and closer to 40 (ahem, like me! LOL) You will wish you had eaten!! ;) You're a beautiful girl!!!
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Its generally not more attractive to heterosexual men. Women just spend too much time listening to other women and to the fashion industry...who spend a lot of time giving women images of what they seem to want.

    Men's magazines give men what THEY say they want. And yes, while still veering on the unrealistic side (just try to find big hips, a round, pert butt, big boobs, WITH a concave stomach and a teeny tiny waist on the same woman in nature. Just try!), the women on those pages are certainly not stick-thin!

    And while I don't think its necessary to bash thin women (I don't think its ever appropriate to say someone "looks disgusting" or "sick" or "unattractive." Civility is required for civilized discourse!), I also think the 'some women are just naturally skinny" meme is a bit disingenuous. There are very few 5'8" women who are "naturally" a size 0 past puberty. I find it fascinating that after all those 'naturally thin" supermodels retire, they magically rise a size or two (or 3, or 4, or 6) past their natural and effortless thin-ness. They later confess that it wasn't so natural to maintain after the age of 18 or 19, and that their inability to maintain that ideal, rather than just age, is often why they retire. Do some women have a more streamlined silhouette than others? Sure. But what we see in magazines is not simply the result of genetic diversity.

    Those women exercise alot and keep very rigid eating regimes. Not because they have eating disorders or hate their bodies, but because they want to keep getting jobs. To be in movies and magazines that WE buy. (And wouldn't buy if they were less thin. Who wants to see folks that look like the neighbor girl?) And, truthfully, if they are not ill, I don't see anything wrong with that. Elite athletes do the same. But most of us are smart enough to recognize this, and to admire the discipline of elite athletes, without believing that taking up jogging after work will achieve the same result.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Nicole actually looks pretty damn good in that picture. That must be when she's considered "fat." :laugh:

    Kirstin and Kierra need new bikini tops, stat. Those look horrible. They are very thin women, but bandeau tops to no justice to... well, to anyone, really. But especially if your cup does not runneth over.

    Vintage swimsuit do wonderful things to be the body. I have one. Even when I was as skinny as Kierra, I looked like as curvy as Liz in it.
  • HealthyBride5_3_13
    I'm glad you posted this! I saw it on Facebook yesterday and was going to post it myself :) it helps us keep things in perspective!
  • jayjohnson1320
    jayjohnson1320 Posts: 26 Member
    Not in the world I live in. What am I suppose to hold on to.