when DID this becomer more attractive?!?! (pic.....i hope)



  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Ahhh Bettie Page. My favorite girl! :heart:
  • twilighttabby
    twilighttabby Posts: 51 Member
    I know right.....I am blessed with one of the few men who would look at those girls and be like. NO THANKS. He is all about the big girls. And not just because he is married to one. He has always liked big girl.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I'm all for the bottom gals. My husband might disagree - I think he personally likes to see muscle definition, but I don't think girls look attractive when they are nothing but muscle and bone. I'm glad to hear it's not just me.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Bottom rowTotally!
  • quietpotato
    quietpotato Posts: 17 Member
    Apparently I'm in the minority. I think those current hollywood women look great. I'd give anything to be as thin as Nicole.
  • mazza2marilyn
  • Indy_Mario
  • amonkey9
    but at the same time don't expect everyone on the internet to agree with you.

    Yeah I guess that isn't something I really thought about because my intentions were not what some are making it out to be :/
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I don't think its right to assume all very thin women "starve" themselves thats like saying all fat people just shovel food in their mouth all day. Its a unfair judge. And besides the 3rd picture over on the top (Kiera? or w/e to me she looks to boyish), I don't see anything wrong with the "thin" pictures, or the curvy pictures. I hate when people post things like this putting down very thin people. Both can be attractive just because people are currently overweight they act like only curvy women are attractive. ex: "Real women have curves" blah blah blah...
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    I think all 8 of them look beautiful and they all clearly have very different body types.

    If I had my choice of bodies from these pics I think Nicole looks phenomenal.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Well that kinda makes me sad since my body is closest to Nicole's on that picture and I didn't starve myself to be thin I just always have been. Oh well, I am happy with who I am.

    If anyone has a chance read a blog my sister wrote:
    it's called "Tolerance for Skinny People Too"

    http://revivingpollyann.blogspot.com/2012/01/tolerance-for-skinny-people-too.html - "its no better to go around saying, “You're unnaturally skinny!” and loading a thin person's plate up with extra food than it is to say to an overweight person, “Wow you are fat aren't you?” and steal their fork. Either way you are tearing the person down."
  • mdailey93
    I really regret this topic now because some people are apparently not getting the same message I got from it -__- I'm not saying anything negative about naturally thin women, but let's be real, Hollywood puts A LOT of pressure on actresses to be thin and not EVERYONE is built like that (ie Marilyn Monroe). It's just saying you don't have to be bone thin to be considered beautiful. This was not to offend anyone! I'm sorry though, if you didn't like it you could have just clicked the back arrow on you're computer instead of condemning those who saw the picture in a different light. Oh and I DIDN'T MAKE THE PHOTO do I didn't choose who was on the list

    I'm not saying that you were wrong or anyone who took from the photo that it's ok to be curvy was wrong. But the people who are saying "Ew, the top girls are disgusting and sick looking." or "I would NEVER want to look like a twig like them" I'm saying they are wrong. That is just as hurtful as saying "Ew look how fat that girl is." or "I would never want to be that fat!"

    I think the general message from this photo was supposed to be that having curves is beautiful, and it is. But it's also beautiful to be skinny, or fit.
  • alicerunnergirl
    I 100% agree with you and I have to say that a lot of those girls who are that skinny don't even think that it's pretty. I'm one of those girls. I am using this site to GAIN weight because I am skinnier than they are and recognizing that its not pretty. Its unhealthy.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Also to be fair, you picked 4 unplanned not 'modeling' photos for the thin girls, pictures that are not super flattering. Then the bottom 4 photos are all posed for with hair/makeup done... So I don't think it's a very fair comparison
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    AHHHH!! I love this I did a paper on body image for a psychology class a few semesters ago and I found out some seriously interesting stuff. Did you know that the average female model is 5ft 9in and wears a size 2, while the average american female is 5ft 6in and wears a size 10? Yet the Model look (ie suuuuuper gaunt and skinny) is the look everyone seems to pine over. It is so unattractive to be skinny to the point where people can see your ribs and bones. NEWS FLASH!!! Most guys like girls with a bit of meat on their bodies and some curves too!!!

    I have wide hips and am really proud of them!!( ps: my boyfriend likes em too :tongue: )

    This is rude and hateful. You could see my ribs when I was 9 months pregnant and I wasn't unhealthy or too thin then. Just think before you speak. You don't want skinny chicks telling YOU what men consider sexy, so what makes you think that ripping on skinny chicks is okay?

    I find the first comment rude aswelL. I eat very healthy & exercise, I'm currently 116lbs and 5'4, my ribs, hipbones and collar bones have ALWAYS shown even when I weighed 130. I also have wide hips, hips are bones not fat, so I am not sure what that has to do with being to thin or to fat... Don't put down another body type because its different then yours.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I really regret this topic now because some people are apparently not getting the same message I got from it -__- I'm not saying anything negative about naturally thin women, but let's be real, Hollywood puts A LOT of pressure on actresses to be thin and not EVERYONE is built like that (ie Marilyn Monroe). It's just saying you don't have to be bone thin to be considered beautiful. This was not to offend anyone! I'm sorry though, if you didn't like it you could have just clicked the back arrow on you're computer instead of condemning those who saw the picture in a different light. Oh and I DIDN'T MAKE THE PHOTO do I didn't choose who was on the list

    I'm not saying that you were wrong or anyone who took from the photo that it's ok to be curvy was wrong. But the people who are saying "Ew, the top girls are disgusting and sick looking." or "I would NEVER want to look like a twig like them" I'm saying they are wrong. That is just as hurtful as saying "Ew look how fat that girl is." or "I would never want to be that fat!"

    I think the general message from this photo was supposed to be that having curves is beautiful, and it is. But it's also beautiful to be skinny, or fit.

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    but at the same time don't expect everyone on the internet to agree with you.

    Yeah I guess that isn't something I really thought about because my intentions were not what some are making it out to be :/

    I honestly don't think you are to blame :] I didn't see any bashinf in you post
    The last 4 pages of "ewwwww skinny ewwww hisssssss" was the problem xD
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    Well that kinda makes me sad since my body is closest to Nicole's on that picture and I didn't starve myself to be thin I just always have been. Oh well, I am happy with who I am.

    If anyone has a chance read a blog my sister wrote:
    it's called "Tolerance for Skinny People Too"

    http://revivingpollyann.blogspot.com/2012/01/tolerance-for-skinny-people-too.html - "its no better to go around saying, “You're unnaturally skinny!” and loading a thin person's plate up with extra food than it is to say to an overweight person, “Wow you are fat aren't you?” and steal their fork. Either way you are tearing the person down."

    I couldn't agree more. At my smallest I was questioned all the time about if I was eating enough or that I looked like a waif. It really wasn't fair, it was just how my body was at the time. People are built differently and that is something people need to appreciate.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Marilyn Monroe... yum
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Don't know if was already commented here, but skinny looks sick. Just sick.
    I like curves.

    Really because I think being morbidly obese looks sick. Those girls are not anorexic they all look healthy to me. They obviously work out, and they do have curves. The word curves is used way to much as another word for fat these days. I consider myself curvy & I am built more like the "to thin" girls. The top & bottom photos are all attractive not just one or the other!