Question to all the girls - guys in the gym

rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
Hey this has been bugging me for a while recently...

Whats the female opinion on guys making some sort of noise whilst they weight train in the gym? Im not talking about screaming at the top of your lungs like conan the barbarian but what if you are exhaling a bit louder than usual to get those reps out?

Do you think that guys like this are complete egotistical *kitten* or is a little bit of noise ok within reason?

I try to keep it down in the gym. Probably to the extent of actually affecting my lifts. The gym is a public place after all...

I would really like to get this cleared up :)


  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Within reason...too much is a little off putting, like attention seeking behaviour.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm curious too. I naturally let out some small grunts and groans when I'm straining to lift something and do so without worry about what other people think. I'm there for my own benefit, not anyone else. I'm also someone who'd rather be left alone than seek attention, so yeah.
  • 2LoveAndHate
    2LoveAndHate Posts: 57 Member
    Seeks attention
  • Galletakek
    Nothing wrong with it! I do it when lifting heavy on that last rep D:<.

    and the last thing i want is attention ;D im pretty shy soo dont like when ppl stare..... just sayin : /
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    im not a woman.............but id say do what you gotta do, if you need to grunt real loud to get that last rep then go for it, who cares what people think.

    But for me, i find that making noise distracts me from the lifts, so I just kinda breath loudly.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    subbing, even though I train at home :P

    My noises are involuntary & I give no fark what my neighbours think LOL Generally happens when you push yourself to the limit.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I think a little bit is to be expected if they're working hard enough.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I don't care, I do it myself on the last couple of reps sometimes, especially on squats!

    I don't do it purposefully, (really shy, don't want people hearing me) but you just can't help a little noise come out when you're pushing hard.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    it doesnt bother me, i have my ipod in most of the time so dont really notice what other people are doing :)
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    I actually feel bad when I breathe louder than usual but I do what I gotta do.

    Id go red in the face if I didnt and thatd probably be more embarrassing haha.

    I dont do it for attention though. Im in the zone when I am in the gym.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Its fine, means you are working hard. If you were making noice lifting 10lbs then would be embarassing...
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think it's perfectly fine. Screaming or exaggerated grunting bothers me, but a bit of a groan when finishing up a set is normal.
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    I'd much rather hear someone grunting than farting in the gym, I swear some people run on gas
  • kvhmc
    kvhmc Posts: 33 Member
    It's not so much the noises if people keep to themselves. It's more when guys look around at the same time to see if anyone's looking at how hard they're working!
  • vxjammiedodgerxv
    vxjammiedodgerxv Posts: 42 Member
    A bit of noise is better than holding it in...that might make you fart and that's worse lol :laugh:

    Personally I wear headphones so I never hear anything anyway x
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I think a little grunting is ok if necessary to really pull through the set. I also agree that loud crazy noises are not necessary!
  • fitaliciag
    I think too loud is a bit overkill. breathing loudly is understandable though. if you are grunting all crazy though, it makes me want to leave the gym, lol
  • Fat_Chopper
    Fat_Chopper Posts: 97 Member
    I don't get the screamers or weight droppers, annoying look at me behaviour! A few grunts and groans is fine though.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I'd much rather hear someone grunting than farting in the gym, I swear some people run on gas


    I am so with you on that one!

    It's the men who walk up to the mirror in full view of as many people as possible, lift up their vests to admire their abs, stroke their chests and stomach and gush over themselves for ages that come across as big headed....or the ones that chuck the weights against the wall when their reps are finished...why do that?!