Turbo Jammers 3/16-3/22



  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    OMG Andrea, that must of been very scary for you.. Congrats on getting this far!!

    Ladies... I need another KICK UP THE BUTT.

    I havent exercised in AGES and I have no motiviation either..I was down with a really bad head cold and today is the first day I can breathe properly and all I want to do is stuff my face!

    I was doing sooooo well and now? Nothing! No inclination to go up to the attic and put in a dvd.. I'm afraid to even get on the scales in case i've put ON..

    Pleae feel free to lecture me!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Deedun~ No lecture; I love you. Get off your tuckus and do something...anything, just to break the cycle. Go for a walk if you can't bear the thought of the dvd's. Just quit digging the hole. Start drinking your water again if you're really hungry and make good food choices. You might be hungry b/c your body has been sick, but get back on track. You'll feel so much better once you do!!
    I know how much you want this and I know you can do it!!:flowerforyou:
  • snarf1234
    snarf1234 Posts: 19
    Deedun.... first, put your workout clothes on... you don't have to workout... just put them on. Once you have done that... come back to this blog and read the rest. Don't cheat... go put them on...

    All dressed? Well, for crying out loud... you're already dressed, just put in the dvd and do the damn video.
    I'm a tough love kinda person. :heart:
    Post when you have finished your workout... you will soooo thank me when you have finished and feel free to curse me during the workout... my name is Andrea (want to make sure you are cursing me and not just my screen name). :happy:
  • snarf1234
    snarf1234 Posts: 19
    OH... I forgot to tell you all that I ran my 5K this morning! YEA! I was however; passed by several speed walkers and lapped by a 5 year old. Seriously, the 5 year old beat me by 5 minutes. That's a bit of a reality check!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Andrea-Congrats! high_five.gif Don't worry about the 5 yr old...they have crazy energy anyway. You finished and that's what matters! Now lets see the pic of you in your shirt!

    Deedun-My motivation is always looking at me in the mirror....that's enough for me. If you have been sick then it makes sense that you are suddenly hungry...."feed a cold" right?? or is it starve a cold I never remember :laugh: I can't kick your butt but I can cyber slap you slap.gif Now get to work!

    What a lazy day....breakfast, took my kids to the movie, came home took a nap and now it's dinner time. After dinner I'm gonna curl up next to my hubby and watch a movie. I love lazy days!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Andrea...great job on the 5K! Just participating is an accomplishment as far as I'm concerned! I'm the kind of runner who can actually walk faster than I can run, so I know what you mean. :laugh: I think it's awesome that you did it! :drinker:

    Deedun...good advice from Janet and Andrea! The first thing I do if I don't feel like working out is put on my workout clothes! Once I do that my frame of mind totally changes...I can't sit around on the couch after that, I have to move! :heart:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Ok thanks girls, I went for a really brisk 30min walk with the dogs as it was really sunny out so that helped me get back into the right frame of mind..

    I am still feeling that bit lazy but I will do you as said Andrea and get into my workout clothes & JUST DO IT !! :laugh: :laugh: I have done so well so there is no going back for me - I think my evil side came out to play and wreck havoc with all the good i've done !!

    Congrats Andrea, that is brilliant!! Dont be worrying about the 5yrold, in another few years even he wont be able to do that!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Family,
    Checking in with 20min TJ and 30 min of Hardcore Fusion (Firm, I consider it strength trainig more than cardio). Really working hard to be consistenet with the strength training aspect of this journey but golly it's nowhere near as much fun as the TJ!! I find myself looking at the clock quite a bit and wondering when it's going to be over... Not really staying in the moment, am I??? Just gotta keep on pushing thru ~ and really glad I did it this morning before I thought about it long enough to talk myself out of it:laugh: !!

    Deedun- glad you took a positive action; you sound like you are in a much better place in your head, good for you!!:flowerforyou: Keep going. You're right ~ you've come a long way, don't quit now!

    Andrea- great job finishing that 5k, what an accomplishment:drinker: :drinker:

    To everyone else have a wonderful weekend:flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member