wedding etiquette



  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I have participated in 2 destination weddings & was a guest at another one & all of them were a big hit on the pocket. I spent at least a thousand in the 2 instances where I was an attendant - between showers, gifts, wedding attire, travel, etc.,.

    I think participating in a wedding comes with the expectation that you may have to spend a considerable amount of time (including participating in events leading up to the ceremony) & money. I have an acquaintance who is about to get married and everyone is clutching their pearls since she didn't ask her close childhood friend to participate in the wedding. I know both of them & I know that the friend complains about money a lot & it would have been a hassle for the bride & unfair to the other attendants to deal with someone who complained about every expense.

    I would not discuss your financial situation with the couple. They have enough stress right now.

    The B&B is expensive, but I don't think it's unreasonable given the advance notice, but there should be a way for your beloved to carry a bigger share of the financial burden for lodging. Be realistic about whether you intend to drink and pay and find a way to stay onsite, rather than risking a DUI. Cab service in small towns can be sketchy and unreliable.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I find it low class to expect a guest of the wedding party to pay, and especially that much!!!! WOW! Outrageous - custom or not.

    We paid for most of the expenses of the wedding party, dresses, hose, shoes & lodging, makeup and styling. It too was a destination wedding.