everyone say one craving u beat today



  • cscgal
    cscgal Posts: 27
    Wendy's Spicy Chicken with Ranch and Bacon Made a salad at home instead!
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    I really wanted some five guys (really good burger place), old order double cheese with bacon. Instead I went to noodle and company and ate a meal under 600 calories and low sodium (compared to most of there items)
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Fast food fries. So bad, but my weakness. I could even smell them as I drove by.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I totally beat one today. Went into the kitchen at work to refill my water bottle and the leftover Panera sandwiches and cookies from some meeting were in there for grabs. There was a bacon turkey bravo sandwich, a chocolate chip cookie, and a pack of kettle cooked chips just staring me down. All I had left at my desk was an apple... and there were 3 hours of the workday left. Gahhhh!!!! Danger zone!

    I few weeks ago I'd have snatched up that stuff without a second thought and probably eaten it quietly at my desk while hoping no one stopped by to see me doing it. It wasn't too hard today though... the temptation was there but I could resist it. Logging on mfp really does make a difference.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    (I hope you don't mind if I describe it, I like to be detailed lol)

    I finished class at 430 and had to get gas and things, and I had been craving candy alllllllll day. I've been really good the last couple of weeks (only a couple of weeks, but it's a start!) with eating lower-carb and the carbs I do eat coming from whole grains. So I go to get gas at QT, and I go into the gas station with full intentions on getting something carby and sweet. I walked around for 10 minutes trying to decide what I wanted. I didn't want something too heavy because I did want to work out when I got home, but the donuts were calling my name! Anyway, after walking around and reasoning with myself, I left QT with a cup of grapes and a thing of skim milk string cheese. And I worked out for over an hour when I got home.

    So...I guess I beat candy AND donuts!! Yay!
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    Had donut holes and whoppers malt balls in the house and stayed away.
  • tracielinn
    tracielinn Posts: 113 Member
    Moose tracks mint chocolate chip ice cream is calling my name right now. Fortunately I'm too tired to go get some.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Everything in the vending machine at work. :)
  • DawnDawn2011
    Spent yesterday sick as a dog, so I basically ate everything today, including chocolate! Oh well, I fail for today, but tomorrow I will do better! You guys rock! : )
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    Pinching the kids popcorn at the movies. Instead sat there with my protein shake.

  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    i said no to soda today, even diet!!
  • megannicolex33
    I work at a hotel and we bake Otis Spunkmeyer cookies every single night for the guests... usually chocolate chip cookies to be exact. They come out of the oven all warm and gooey and it's absolute torture! Today I was craving one SO bad, but instead I had a nutri-grain bar. Tough work but it was worth it. :)
  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
    The hot ginger from accounting.
  • TeamMe904
    No to sodas until my birthday!! (FEB 27)
  • Ironducky
    Ironducky Posts: 12 Member
    Chocolate pecan brownies in the staff room.
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    Had chicken and rice soup for dinner instead of something absurd like cake.
  • Journey2bFit
    M E M's (as my autistic step son calls them) And it was a tube of mini M E M's too!!!
  • Suralynn05
    Suralynn05 Posts: 2 Member
    We have a bowl full of mini candy bars in the foyer at work and for a split second I thought, "just one butterfinger couldn't hurt." But I shook my head and headed back to my desk!! I knew it wouldn't have tasted as good as getting skinny feels!!
  • Bpothik13
    Bpothik13 Posts: 135 Member
    I rewarded myself (ha ha) with a Pop Tart and even though the stupid things come in a 2-pack, and I toasted both of them, I only ate ONE! Now, THAT is will power, my friends! :huh: