Friend snobs



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If Healthy mind=healthy body. Some of you are really unhealthy. ....just sayin :P

    and she wonders why people don't want to be friends...... :ohwell:

    I didn't see any snide remarks in this thread. A few joking comments followed by serious answers. Then the OP, after calling people snobs, got defensive and nasty. THEN she again requested more people to friend her.

    For some reason, I'm not feeling inclined to do so. I can't figure out why ...
  • Arencey
    Arencey Posts: 4
    I see friend list snobs everywhere on the internet, not just here. They're not worth your time, if they have to behave so childishly and put others down on the internet they probably don't have many friends IRL. That's how I look at it anyway
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I hear ya
  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    I wouldn't take it so personally. It's just an online forum. Everyone socializes differently, has different definitions of friendship, and well, different priorities in life. To judge strangers as snobs for not "friending" back a random stranger doesn't make too much sense to me. Maybe because I'm an introvert? Despite my age (25) I've never been able to get into Facebook, for instance, because it makes no sense to me. For me, friendships are cultivated over time. But that doesn't mean I judge people who are much freer when it comes to connecting with others.

    I don't know, i feel I've written too much already. People are people. It's okay to be different. No reason to take minor things so personally. Having them friend you back isn't going to change your life.
  • Oncebittentwiceshy38
    Oncebittentwiceshy38 Posts: 127 Member
    I send requests knowing it's their choice. I don't take it personally AT ALL! :) Sometimes I forget I sent a request until I see them in my newsfeed. :)
  • Logical_Integrity
    Just wondering why some people seem stingy about who their friend are on this app? I guess everybody is different but aren't we all here striving for the same goals? I love friends, the more the better!
    It kind of puts me off when I ask to friend somebody (i always include a message!) and they completely blow me off. These same people are in the community forums over and over again so its not like I am asking people who never log in.
    So if you feel the same way and we are not friends yet please friend me, i wont let you down...LOL

    I do not have any friends yet but I am one of those snobs you speak of. I don't like drama and complaining. I do not just accept anyone either and I think I should have a very small group of friends so I can properly support them instead of having 50+ and missing some. We aren't all striving for the same goals either, some are maintaining. Do not be put off by rejection for there is a reason they rejected you and to be perfectly honest you don't need an explanation of it. Could be something as simple as you say things that are ridiculous in forums or they don't agree with your views. Could be a many different things stop wasting your time caring why.... you don't need them to succeed. Screw them.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    i only add people i can relate to .. ive lost alot and still alot to go i refuse to add people with 14lbs or less to loose as within weeks they are gone ... i also delete constantly people who havent logged in a month or more i want people in the long haul like i am x
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    I think of the people who are on my friends list as just that friends.
    while you can be friendly to everyone , i prefer to keep my friends to people who have similar goals, im not being a snob per se, but how can i help and support you if we are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
    i am 10 year post op gastric bypass, a working mom of 5 who has 100lbs to lose who is struggling to simply exercise and eat right
    while the last part is everyone's struggle
    the first part is a rather small group
    am i a snob if i don't reach out to people who aren't at least sharing some of my similarities? I don't think so
  • ImpossibleGrl
    Because not everyone is meant to be friends with everyone else just because they are all on the same site? I mean, you aren't friends with everyone that you happen to be in the same room with at any given time. *shrug* This is my experience, I will use it as I see fit, and I expect others to do so as well.