Do you have a desk job?



  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    I have a desk job....I'm lucky enough to be able to work only 3 days a week however. I couldn't bare being stuck at a desk 5 days a week. When I am in work I drink a tonne of water and as the loo is waaay down the end of the corridor the 7-8 trips a day I make are a good addition to sitting on my butt all day (my colleagues think it's hilarious how often I go). I also walk out at lunchtime and make all my phone calls walking the hallway, we have an open plan office so it's a good excuse to take calls on the move. They are all really small things but I just do my workout when I get home at night and then take the dog for a long walk so that I do not spend the entire day sitting down. I used to work for Dubai Mall, the largest mall in the world, and part of my job was to walk the mall every day to check on tenants etc (now and again I would use a segway....but only because it was so much fun!), so I hate now being stuck at a desk, you have to make the most of it though! :)
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Maybe with a body like that, YOU should be giving the tips?

    Ha, exactly!!!!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I have a desk job and my body looks nothing like yours! :-P

    I walk as much as I can, park a little further away and walk out to my car on breaks. When it's nice out I'll be able to walk home for lunch. I'm not a morning person so any additional exercise I get in is in the evening. I have a new dance game for the Wii I've been doing. I can see my coworkers in their office so I'm not comfortable doing any office exercises since they'd be watching me.
  • SixPackIsMyGoal
    SixPackIsMyGoal Posts: 121 Member
    We are in a five story building and I refuse to take the elevator. With meetings and normal activities I'm up and down stairs quite often.