Can't even walk



  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    Ok i only read the first two pages of this, but i feel the need to jump in with a personal story

    My father in law likes to go for walks after lunch/ dinner whatever. In early december, something similar happened to him, but he happened to have pepperspray. He sprayed the dog, it ran off, and he turned home and proceeded to write a letter to the HOA about the dog being out loose, which was then circulated to the owner as well as the other people in the neighborhood. About a week or two later he as out walking again and ran into a neighbor. They stopped to talk for a minute and then continued their seperate ways. A few moments later he heard her yelp behind him and turned to see her facing the same dog that approached him. The woman apparently had her hands up and trying to slowly back away, but the dog jumped on her. My FIL hurried over and tried to spray the dog with pepperspray again, but it didnt respond this time. The woman was bit on her hip and thigh, and now the dog has been put to sleep.

    Not saying everyone should go around carrying guns, and whoever said it does take constant training, aa certain personality, and alot of control/composure....but I know my FIL wished he had been carrying that day and does on all his walks now
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member

    From th above article: "The dog, believed to be a 5-year-old male doberman-staffordshire bull terrier cross, belonged to members of the boy's family. "

    thank god you posted that, it's so incredibly relevant to this thread...oh wait..

    First time I have posted on here and I won't bother again. thanks for being so....whatever!

    Don't let this chase you off. Some folks get their panties in a wad when they infer some sort of anti-pit sentiment.

    Pits can be wonderful family pets. I would seriously own one in a heartbeat if I didn't want to own multiple dogs. I have fostered dogs for 9 years now and have extensive rescue contacts who rescue pits. Most of them crate and rotate if they have multiple pits in their home, for the safety of the dogs. If a fight breaks out, the you-know-what hits the fan, so better safe than sorry.

    They don't scare me and I personally love them. As long as they aren't near my dogs. I will let them kiss my face all day long without a worry. But I will not put my dogs in a situation where there is any possibility of them being attacked. All off leash dogs make me incredibly nervous when I am walking my dogs and I do carry pepper spray.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    As far as loose dogs go, i'll never understand people who straight up flip out and run fleeing when they see a loose dog. I've encountered many many loose dogs in my life and several of them weren't in the least bit friendly but I reacted calmly and collectively and defused the situation.

    That couldn't have anything to do with the fact you're a young girl in your 20's living in a small town in Illinois (,_Illinois) and not an older women in their 50's living in a not-so-great section of Philly?

    OP, you had every right to be afraid--and rightly so--as would anyone with even the tiniest bit of sense who was in your situation. It's terrible not to feel safe in your own neighborhood.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    As far as loose dogs go, i'll never understand people who straight up flip out and run fleeing when they see a loose dog. I've encountered many many loose dogs in my life and several of them weren't in the least bit friendly but I reacted calmly and collectively and defused the situation.

    That couldn't have anything to do with the fact you're a young girl in your 20's living in a small town in Illinois (,_Illinois) and not an older women in their 50's living in a not-so-great section of Philly?

    OP, you had every right to be afraid--and rightly so--as would anyone with even the tiniest bit of sense who was in your situation. It's terrible not to feel safe in your own neighborhood.

    or a person who has never been around dogs before? My friend flips out still every time she sees a dog because shes never had one and none of her friends did growing up, so she doesnt understand how they act and gets scared by them trying to play
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Nothing a handgun couldn't take care of. You can get a concealed carry permit. Take lessons at the local firing range to improve your aim. If you are attacked by a dog (or human, for that matter), shoot first, then ask questions.

    This is probably the WORST advice I've ever heard. Please don't give all gun owners and permit holders bad names by doling out terrible advice. You have to have a legitimate fear for your life or severe bodily harm to actually shoot someone. To say "shoot first, ask questions later" is the most irresponsible thing. I hope for the sake of some future innocent dog trying to play or the innocent guy you think looks suspicious that you are not a permit holder.
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    Ok I have to chim in on this. First of all I read that the dog (no matter what breed, in this instance a pitbull) was hunkered down, i would assume he is crouching? Anyway, a dog doing this is clearly a threat no matter what breed! I've owned dobermans and rotwillers, I have never had a problem with these breeds but there are those who have a preconcieved idea a bad breed covers all dogs, well it doesn'[t it. So on that note "hunkered down, crouching, snarling. What the dog is doing is very scary and yes mace and a blow horn well work:flowerforyou:

    FYI My daughter lives in Allentown PA and I loved the neighborhood she lives in. I went walking every night I was visiting her thanksgiving week and I wouldn't mind living there:love:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I just have to say that I am scared of a lot of dogs, especially bigger ones. It's a sad thing that you don't feel safe in your neighborhood. Is there anywhere you can drive to and walk?