Is anyone that needs to lose 30+ pounds NOT using pills or c



  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    I have lost 38.4 lbs up to date since feb 8th, 2009... Yes long and slow... but so WORTH it... If you try to lose weight fast, the chances of you gaining it all back will be greater. Because I lost weight slowly, when I messed up my 2nd year -- i now call it my pre-maintenance year I only gained 2 of the lbs I had lost my first year (24.3 lbs) back... I was PROUD of myself for that success, but I kicked my butt to try to lose more weight for my 3rd year... and so far from feb 8th 2011 to now I have lost 14.1 more lbs ontop of the 24.3 lbs (total loss this yr was 16.1 lbs but 2 of those lbs were lbs I had already lost before...) My goal is to lose another 4.9 lbs before I go into maintenance mode again and for good... I can't wait!!!! PORTION CONTROL AND EXERCISE is what helped me!!!! Diets don't work for me at all because I can NOT deprive myself of what I love but I can cut down! I also took away soda from my life... 2012 I vowed that I would NOT drink it at all and so far I'm doing awesome with that!!! I might go back to drinking it after this year a little bit just to get my craving for the caffeine out of the way again... but I don't need it so I'm not rushing to go back to my soda, and i may never go back to it... I dunno.
  • endora60
    endora60 Posts: 17
    I've lost 116 with 1200 calories/day and working out hard. No scripts, no specific program. Just doing it.
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    No pills, protein powders, or packaged meals here, either. I am just trying to change the way I eat (I have a major west tooth and am borderline diabetic) and exercising. It's taken me a LONG time to find something I like to do- I've tried it all- biking, in line skating, etc, and hated it. Now Ive started running (well, trying to run, anyhow) and I LOVE IT. I am not losing weight quickly, but Im ok with that, because I want to get myself used to these changes and make them a way of life.