Is anyone that needs to lose 30+ pounds NOT using pills or c



  • Littlesparky09
    Never taken diet pills and never been on a crazy diet. I now also don't give my money to slimming clubs. I know I can do this with support of places like MFP rather than a weekly group.

    It's the whole 'rectal leakage' side effect thing that I just can't get my head around with diet pills!!!
  • Tawanda190
    Tawanda190 Posts: 27 Member
    I dont agree with using pills or any sort of quick fix on weight loss. I started with Weight Watchers and lost 62 pounds and now I am just using Fitness Pal and have lost 15 pnds so far. All from changing the way I eat and the amount I eat. Also I exercise. I have learned I didnt have to completly cut anything out its all about moderation. I have tried other diets and failed because they were all about cutting this and cutting that and I would miss the food i loved and went gung ho when I finally had a taste. All it takes and Hard Work and Dedication and For me I had to be mentally ready to make a change
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Absolutely - I have always avoided pills of any kind when at all possible, and know that any weight I lose won't stay off unless diet and exercise become part of my lifestyle. And from all the other replies, you are certainly not alone!
  • donquixote72
    they are all lifestyle changes or cries for help asking for the pills or so
    way too much advice and so many diet plans out there that even the health pro's don't have a clue.....

    one site that i have found awesome and totally helpful was (world health foods) it's all about healthy food and how its broken down and what it does for your body including how to use food to cure problems with your body
  • ckatastrophy
    ckatastrophy Posts: 112 Member
    This is all I hear! Go get scripts for this or do this crazy diet program, you'll lose quick!

    Is anyone here trying to make a lifestyle change? Not a quick weight drop then go right back to your old weight a year later? Even weight loss procedures have been recommended! I feel like Im alone on this where I am from. Pills seem to be the main stream...

    Anyone here doing this with good honest hard work and not relying on some gimmicks?

    Me! Me! Me! So you are not alone! :bigsmile:
    I have been on this site since June 2011. It's a great tool & I love my pals on here. I lost 38lbs on here last yr, unfortunately I recently gained 5 back. :frown: (no worries, I'll take them & more off this yr.) I have a long way to go to get to my goal, but I know I can do it!

    You can reach your goal too! Good luck!
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    I am working on changing habits and eating healthier. I am working on a 2 phase plan that I discussed with my doctor. I lost 24 pounds starting last January through June. I worked on maintaining the weight loss from July through December. I am in the losing phasing again and hope to lose at least 30 pounds by the end of June. Then I will work on maintaining that loss and go for the rest next January. This helps me realize that I am changing both my eating and exercise habits. I don't want any more yo-yo cycles. I find that it is important that I log everything that I put in my mouth. I need to be truthful with myself and this keeps me honest.
  • LongOak
    I just started on this site - but started working out about a week ago or so. I have to say I agree 100%! I've gone out and got a personal trainer to help me along the way but I want to "learn" how to live the life I know I can have rather than get another quick fix. What will that teach me down the road?

    I also just had a baby late 2011 (a girl) and I refuse to have her grow up and see me battle self esteem issues and adopt those herself. I am determined to be healthy and be a positive role model for her. I have a good 80lbs to go (roughly) and will stay the course until I'm done.

    Here's to doing it the natural way!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    Taking a pill? If only losing weight were that simple.

    No, I don't take anything. I just simply watch what I eat and exercise. I would love a -30 lbs in a bottle. But that doesn't exist.

    A lifestyle change is what it's ALL about.
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    I've lost 58 pounds without any pills. But I don't look down on people for going that route. I am at a plateau and have been considering a lot of crazy things to jumpstart myself and get back with the program.
  • xonicolette
    xonicolette Posts: 151 Member
    I am! I can't use any kind of diet anything because I am breastfeeding but I wouldn't even if I wasn't. I'd be worried I'd gain it all back.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I'm aiming to lose just under 100 lbs and I'm not using any type of pills.

    I don't care what anyone says, it's near impossible to keep the weight off if you didn't go through the hardship of shedding it off the natural way. If you feel yourself slipping back, you stop and say No I don't want to go back there after all that work.
  • michelle19na1
    I lost 87 lbs since last january doing it the healthy way! you can do it! it just takes determination and time! best of luck!
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    i am! although i must admit i do like to have either an atkins protein bar or Betty Baxter shake a few times a week but thats because i like them and its my "sweet treat". All other times it's just hard work and will power!
  • ravensfan1
    ravensfan1 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm not taking pills, just counting calories and trying to increase my activity level. Most evenings I am a couch potato but making an effort to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, usually in the morning. If I have some energy after work I do another 30. Like my mom say the weight didn't come on overnight, it's not going to come off overnight. Just hang in there....
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Grapefruit diet....all day! I LOVE grapefruit!
  • Jeneanhh
    Jeneanhh Posts: 16 Member
    2 years ago I lost over 100 lbs just eating smaller portions and exercising. Then I quit doing both and gained 68lbs back. I am now back on my lifestyle of eating right/small portions and exercising and in 15 days have lost 12 lbs I know it works this way because I have done it. I think this is the healthiest way too because your not using pills as a crutch. Good luck to you I know you can do it too.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    My old roommate always told me to use Alli, and didn't understand why I didn't want to take meds to lose weight.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I haven't started an actual diet. I just started eating healthy, using portion control and I'm trying this supplement powder that you mix with water. And of course, exercising. That's about it.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think most people I've talked to on MFP are doing it the old fashioned way -- no pills, no programs. Just exercise and better nutrition.
  • AlliO2
    AlliO2 Posts: 32 Member
    Just calorie counting and exercise here!