FB Friends don't get it.



  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    I've only ever told one person that I'm losing weight. I find people just don't understand what we are going through. Especially if they have never been overweight their entire life they don't understand how hard it is or they will tell you that it looks like you've lost too much when really you are no where close to a healthy goal.
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    I have never posted on social media about losing weight. The way I figure, I got myself into the state I did without posting about it all over Facebook, so I'll get myself out of it without posting all over Facebook. I have friends and "friends" on Facebook who do post about their weight loss attempts, some to the point where it becomes annoying... but I've never seen anyone post anything negative to any of them, it seems that people are either supportive or keep their mouths shut. If the people on your friends list can't even keep their mouths shut, instead of being supportive, then I'd question why you're keeping them around on Facebook. Making lifestyle changes is hard enough as it is without so-called friends trying to put you down. Ignore them and keep on with what YOU know is right!
  • junkfood_addict
    I'm in the same boat, I have a cups no matter my weight. And when I saw that picture, the first thing I saw were "woah abs!" ... not some gaunt twiggy model type. So yeah, good healthy goal! My goal is to lose weight, not because I'm crazy overweight, but because I'm super weak and have NOOOO tone! you're goal is my goal and very few people outside of this site understand that. In my opinion I think people knock our efforts b/c its they see what we're doing and they're not doing it. They're probably a bit jealous. I would take their comments with a grain of salt :) Seems like the people here get ya.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member

    Funny how because of my present strong interest in health, I pay far more attention to MFP over FB. Always drama on FB. FB is just really awsome to have on the side for thoes now and than keep in contact occasions. However I need to have my daily dose of MFP. Everybody is a stranger and many have become good pen pals. It's always motivated and positive around here, with much interest on most of the general conversations, and it's also interesting watching people hit their goals.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    People just don't get it. Your goals are "your". You can achieve anything you want with hard work and determination. Others just don't want to put in the work so discourage instead of support!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    You guys are so awesome. For those few people that suggested I post a response on FB, I did post a big long reply to those negative comments yesterday before I posted here. And I guess that's kind of what inspired this thread.

    I think you are all right. I need to remember that my goal is for me, and to me, that is what I want. It may take me 2 years to get there, but it's a healthy goal.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Aloha! :O)
    Judging by your pics you already have a wonderful figure.!!.. and I personally feel that chica in the pic is ridiculously skinny (and toned to be fair!!!) If you don't feel like you, then maybe there is a part of you that you're not loving?? I am battling this extra weight and want to feel exactly as you mention in your post (confident, being able to express oneself in clothes comfortably etc oh and of course waling around my fiance naked with a big smile hehe), so can completely relate there :O)... maybe this post needs to be written under your FB comments too ?? or you wrote a msg mis-communicating that the pic is for motivation not what you want to be like... dalai lama believes no matter what shape or form we are in we should accept ourselves as we are and thats a good frame of mind to have, but to get there you have to be in a healthy fit shape 'your body is your temple, and healthy mind = health body' ..... But moral of my two scents here, you already look amazing and maybe that's what raised the comments from your friends who know you? ..... dont get too bothered by it, they just care for you im sure !!! best of luck on reaching your goal ... live.love.laugh....skye xx

    Here's the thing I have always been VERY good and dressing my body to flatter it. That doesn't mean I don't have rolls, and that awful indent in my thighs a few inches under my butt so if I wear pants too tight I have a double bum, or that my torso is a size medium but I need a large because my arms are too hubby for a medium. As I said before, I do love myself. I love myself and want myself to be the best version of me
  • TimeToDoMe87
    Facebook is SO last year ;) Plus you don't get all the "support" like you would here on MFP!
  • Chass_C
    Chass_C Posts: 1
    You cant worry bout what ppl on FB think over half everyone on FB are over weight and dont have lives of their own. and of course ppl are goin to be jelly and say negative things its a test of how bad you want something and in your case how bad you wanna be fit take the negative comments n turn it into fuel to add to your fire n work that much harder for what you want. you can do it and i think your gonna look great not sayin you dont already. But I'm striving for that well toned body myself.
  • brewface811
    brewface811 Posts: 106
    Nope they really don't get it. I actually had my cousin tell me I need to stop posting stuff on facebook about my weight loss because I'm just trying to make her feel bad about herself because she isn't losing weight. I was like hmm not really trying to make you feel bad, infact you should be happy for me for getting healthier and working out. Instead she was a sourpuss and told me I need to think about what I post before I post it because I might make her ED come back.
  • hyper24
    hyper24 Posts: 27
    "God if you cannot make me THIN, please make my friends FAT"

    This is what most of the people around you will be praying. So there is no way they are going to be supportive if you decide to make a change.

    Haters are going to hate !

    So don't worry too much about what they say. Just work your *kitten* off to achieve your goals and then post a after shot picture of yourself on FB. Then all the naysayers will come running to you for advice on how you did it.

    Good Luck on rubbing it in their face soon ! :D
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Well, I have a weightloss album of my progress on fb and and people thought I was pregnant :( Nobody will understand unless they are trying to lose weight too.
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    I keep FB and MFP separate. On MFP, generally as a whole people can relate and understand the journey of overall health and fitness.Its the one thing we all have in common. In fact, since joining MFP, I'm rarely on FB. The topics here are much more interesting to me. :laugh:
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    You have an amazing body from your pics!!!! I would be jealous too!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Tell them to get over it and do your thing!
  • dusty_712001
    dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
    Some people have no goals or drive and resent people that do. I am not saying this applies to all the people with negative post, but I would be suprised if it didn't apply to some of them.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I love your attitude! I would not worry about it.

    I think it happens to the best of us. FB friends and friends that we see every day. I have lost friends because they did not like the fact that I was as they said, "spring boarding into the healthy lifestyle". They asked me to pick them or healthy eating and exercising. I was determined to lose weight. I really did not think that they would stop being my friend after 12 years. As sad as it was, they moved on.

    I guess we have different things in common now.

    p.s. I love that picture.

    That is just so sad :(

  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    I think they were well meaning, just misinformed...your friends my be afraid that being on a diet/working out inherently means that you hate your body and have low self esteem. And I agree with you about that picture, the woman doesn't look "skinny" at all...
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    Perhaps they do understand but feel inadequate cause you have set your sights on something they can't even imagine how to achieve.

    That's an awesome goal and there are people here who not only understand it but are 1000% behind you to achieve it.
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    Sounds like you're doing just fine. There is a strong movement for people to love themselves as they are, and that is all good, as well. But, if you know you want to be healthier, and get in better shape, so you feel like you're "well," then that is what you should do, for yourself! I think maybe the negative response you received could have been because you used this image, which many would think is "abnormal" such as people in Hollywood or on New York's finest fashion runways. And although you said you may not ever get to look like this, I think the simple fact that you put this body type up as an inspiration may cause some to think you have an unhealthy goal because, again, she's an extreme situation, and does not look like "most" of us. You know?

    I understand what you were getting at -- but people react emotionally to visual stimuli. :-)

    From reading your post, I think you're doing OK...and you should keep up on all the lifestyle changes you're making.
