FB Friends don't get it.



  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I hope you replied to their comments writing exactly what you did here.

  • MandiS80
    MandiS80 Posts: 127 Member
    I keep everything about this off my facebook also as I don't need people asking questions all the time. I leave that for here... I'm loving the community here.
  • Cocoru
    Cocoru Posts: 19
    Don't worry I get comments like that from people all the time. They tell me "Why are you exercising you don't need it?!" Well because I want to be fit and healthy, it's nothing about insecurity it's about taking care of myself. They just don't get it...
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I've seen this happen, I've experienced it myself, and I've been on the other side of this story. I think people are just kind of...scared and in denial about the reality of our bodies and their weight. we're so conditioned to accept ourselves as we are, which is great growing up, but when it becomes a problem for your health (like when i slowly packed on 60lbs over 9 years) its time to stop accepting the status quo and start DOING something about it. other people who havent been through this (what all of us on MFP are going through) dont really understand and react by thinking we dont love ourselves. in reality we just love ourselves so much we want to be the BEST version of ourselves as we can possibly be. for me, i felt like you, i stopped feeling like myself, i looked in the mirror and stopped recognizing myself and my health started getting in the way of BEING me.

    try to brush them off and take their **** with a grain of salt because most of them just dont know better. my family looked at me crazy when i said i wanted to try to get down to 135 because 145 was on the higher end of healthy than i wanted to be. lol

  • lynn_marie68d
    I SUPPORT YOU! find me on FB I also post motivational photos of what I'de like to look like.

  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member

    Also; delete freely on FB and don't look back.:flowerforyou:
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    I actually come up with more status updates for MFP than I do for FB sometimes. I wont say any of this stuff that I feel about motivation and fitness on FB, I'm pretty sure it just annoys everyone. The only things that FB has over MFP for me is the real life friends and the number of people that see what I have to say. I have like 10 friends here haha. So if it's not fitness or motivation related it will likely go on FB. Although I have been known to say some pretty random **** on my MFP status update lol.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Lol weird! Resurrection after 6 months!

    Well, since I started this thread 6 months ago I'm still eating healthy, exercising and as you can see by my ticker 17 lbs in 7 months, so I'm doing this thing slow and steady. I strength train and kick butt while doing it, so I'm doing good.

    I don't talk about it on FB much anymore except when I hit a big milestone ( like finishing The Grouse Grind in 82 min), I keep my fitness talk to this site now, I learnt my lesson.

    And I still don't think that girl looks unhealthy, it's not even like she's "skinny-fat" , she is in good shape.
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    Only about 4 of my fb friends know about me losing weight. Oh and the weight lose groups i'm in on fb. One of my friends I had to delete. Everytime I mention going to the gym, she kept telling me that i'm fine the way I am and don't need the gym. Ummm weighing over 300lbs is not fine. That crap ain't healthy!

    Sometimes people just need to hit the like button and shut the hell up lol. Anyway, dust them haters off (^_^)
  • melissa10666
    Those people are clearly just jealous of your success, and because they don't have the motivaion and willpower to do it for themselves
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I always post my fitness goals, motivational quotes, pictures etc. on FB. If my "friends" don't like it, they know how to delete me. I do have one friend, in particular, who constantly posts generally negative comments about drinking, relationships, job, life in general, etc.. I counter her posts with my positive ones regarding health and fitness. I figure if she gets irritated enough with my posts, she'll delete me. In the alternative, if she reads my posts, maybe something will "click." Either way, it's a win-win. :bigsmile:
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Well I think the woman in the picture is disgustingly skinny, but I don't think there is anything wrong with setting high standards for yourself and your fitness. Sometimes we need to accomplish something to be proud of ourselves. I don't get the people who love themselves and expect others to as well despite being a failure or quitter at everything. That sounds like the type of people giving you crap on FB. Don't listen to them because they are the type who think everyone needs to get a ribbon in gym class even when they are in last place.
  • grapegirl1
    grapegirl1 Posts: 22
    Good answer. Logical , healthy motivation. I also think your brave to put it out there what your goal is. Some people can't handle others success. Do it for you. Cheers