Crazy ~ Embarrassed to exercise in the living room in front



  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    As long as it's just my kids I'm the complete opposite. I don't do well at the gym because I feel like I look silly and I don'
    t want to get all sweaty in public. At home if it's just the kids I can push myself and not care. But, my kids are pretty young and used to it by now. I do feel like that in front of my husband though and won't exercise with him home. For awhile he was going to the gym first thing in the morning and I was doing a half hour of exercise in the living room and then still doing my normal half hour in the afternoon while my youngest naps. But, now he's taking a college class and is up studying in the mornings so I'm down to just once a day until he's done.
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    Ha, I get up before my family, but I always let my dogs in before I workout - I don't care if they watch, but poses a challenge when the labrador sticks her face in mine when I'm in plank, or on my back doing crunches & she gives kisses! LOL

    This is too funny.. my puppy does the same thing... I have to take her out in the morning when I get up to work out (5:30am) and then put her back in her room while I work out because she is constantly jumping on me when I am trying to do crunches or planks... lol.
    My puppy is a mix .. beagle x jack russell x pug ... she is 6 months old.
  • farr2fun
    No, I've always had the same problem. You can avoid seeing strangers if you choose, but family will know if you try and fail. However, I learned my son never even noticed after I'd lost 35 pounds. My daughter was extremely proud and began to pay attention to eating healthy herself. My children were old enough that I could leave them at home to walk, or excerise indoors while they were in school. If yours are younger than that, they will just think its a game. Don't give up. Once you build up some endurance, it was not quite so embarrasing to exercise in front of them. The role model you are setting for healthy living will be much more meaningful to you and them than you realise. Good luck.
  • funauntsherry
    funauntsherry Posts: 41 Member
    it's like you're in my head!
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I Have my 8 year old excersie with me..and we have good quality time together:)
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I used to be like this really bad in front of my boyfriend, until I worked out with him a few times. I like the Wii suggestion, your kids could play with you and than it won't be so much like "workout" as a time to spend time with your kids!
  • DirtyHippieFeet
    USed to have it to-- than I embraced it, let the kids watch, encouraged them to join, and even made fun of myself a few times.... now they no longer laugh they are impressed (after trying it....)

    Don't like it when my wife watches either... weird, I know-- but I am sefl concsious. not self concious at the gym unless I am lifting weights.. newbie with the weights.

    I'm self-conscious when my husband watches me too, so either you're not weird or we both are. ;) When I was starting Insanity, I didn't want to wait to start it (I was kind of anal about the day matching the one on the calendar lol), but I knew that he wasn't going anywhere. So I just sucked it up and did it and discovered he wasn't paying much attention, anyway. And my daughter kind of likes to join me, which adds some comic relief since she's 5. :)
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    I used to feel the same way, BUT not any more. I have a treadmill down stairs in my laundry room.My husband knows better than to bother me (I guess he got helled at to many times). My one son comes in and yells "Work it baby work it" LOL BUT I went from a sz tight 16 to sz 8. Now I am proud.. Don't let people bother you. Soon they will be commenting on how good you look.
    Good Luck!!
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    I used to stop dead in my tracks if my husband walked in the room while I was exercising. He never said anything, never made fun of me ... it was all me. At some point, that changed, but I don't know when or why.

    As for the kids ... they know to stay out of my way when I'm working out, so I don't have to worry about them watching me. LOL

    If you're uncomfortable, move to another room or maybe just mention to them you'd rather they not be there during your "you" time.
  • lissa2882
    I'm so glad I found this thread. I just got into a big fight with my boyfriend because he wouldn't leave the living room so I could do P90X. It's hard enough without feeling a pair of eyes at my back. I get embarrassed and distracted, and I don't give it my all. He says that I'm spoiled and I need to get over it, and I say I need his respect. He apparently thinks he's helping me by trying to force me into it. I think he's being a big jerk.
    Survey says ______?______
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i know what you mean! i had to move my elliptical to the back of the house and i get mad everytime my fiance watches me. at the gym i wear black shirts on purpose so people dont notice me sweating as much.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread. I just got into a big fight with my boyfriend because he wouldn't leave the living room so I could do P90X. It's hard enough without feeling a pair of eyes at my back. I get embarrassed and distracted, and I don't give it my all. He says that I'm spoiled and I need to get over it, and I say I need his respect. He apparently thinks he's helping me by trying to force me into it. I think he's being a big jerk.
    Survey says ______?______

    Survey says.. why the hell does he want to stay in the living room and watch you work out??

    Can't he go into a different room to play on his PC or something??
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I used to have a problem with it but then my kids wanted to join in with me and now they do their "workout" right along side me. We get to spend time together which is great and they see their mom being healthy.

    Hopefully you get it worked out. Hugs!

    This ^

    I think the only reason (although it doesn't really stop me) I don't want to work out in front of my hubby is because I'm afraid I will do the exercises wrong. :laugh: My oldest child enjoys working out beside me - he's too young to really do anything but like this poster mentioned, it's great for kids to see you be healthy. I love how interested my child is in this!

    I love getting my sweat on at home and at the gym.. I think a lot to do with the whole fear in your home is because most of the time the folks in the gym are working out too (and not talking to you).
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    My boyfriend sits like 3 feet away from me whlie I exercise to DVDs in the living room. I don't care.
    He hits pause on the DVD for me if I take a break... he looks up and helps me keep proper form.
    Oh and we have a squirt bottle for the cat, the he squirts me if I ask if I get too hot. LOL.
  • jd7887
    jd7887 Posts: 59 Member
    My kids love to join me during the 30 Day Shred. My husband enjoys watching the "hip circles". I prefer to workout in peace, but I guess the extra company has just grown on doesn't bother me like it used to.