Reaching 1200 calories



  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1

    I hope you're kidding.

    Nope, I'm new to this, I obiovusly am still learning! Why does MFP say 1200? How much should I eat a day then?

    I'm sorry - sometimes it's hard to know if someone is joking on here. TDEE is the number of calories you burn in a day, so as he pointed out, you want to consume %20 of that to continue to lose weight. I like this calculator: For instance, I work out 6-7 days per week, with an average burn of 500-700 calories just from exercise. I average, per day, over 2,000 calories consumed. If I didn't exercise, I would STILL eat over or around 1,600 calories.

    It's different for everyone, but my experiences have been, the more I eat, the more I maintain (I'm not trying to lose). But, I also eat a lot of whole foods, lots of GOOD fats and exercise a lot.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I personally will never understand the person who says that they're having difficulty reaching 1200 calories per day....Let's be honest. None of us became overweight because we had difficulty eating 1200 calories per day. We were eating well OVER that amount, which is what caused us to be overweight in the first place......

    Eat more healthy food. If you're having difficulty meeting your 1200 calorie goal, eat raw whole cashews. 1/4 of a cup is 170 calories; therefore, 1/3 of a cup is 211 calories, and 1/2 a cup is 320. That's a pretty easy (and healthy) way to increase your calorie intake without feeling too full....

    hey in my prime I could/have taken down two big mac's with Large Fries and a Large Diet (don't laugh) Coke and finish it up with a hot fudge sundae or an apple pie, then finish off my kids fries quick before their ice cream melted lol .... and seriously not thought twice about it and still go home and eat a full course meal.... for laughs I should log it and see how many calories I would consume at a time.....

    But I really do struggle now to meet that 1200 mark and I find it honestly frustrating to get scolded every day for falling short. It makes me not want to log my food at all but then I worry that I would end up eating even less without that daily scolding :P
  • promise4life
    My BMR is 1252 (essentially 1200) and generally I eat very healthy and "clean", but I have this problem often, too. Although I eat several small meals throughout the day, drink plenty of water and tea, am relatively active (when I'm not at work - or when I am - I take the stairs, stretch, try to walk around, etc.) but I get hungry a LOT.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure in calories!
    How many calories you burn every 24hours!
    You eat below this you lose weight!
    You eat above this you gain weight!
    Easy as that!

    Its a part of the big 3!
    Body Fat %

    If you dont have a grasp on these numbers its going to be hard losing weight!

    Ultimately we would want to maintain all lean mass while losing weight.
    Thats why I hide my scale and hang my measuring tape in the bathroom.

    See, we have some people on here who feel that losing weight is all out calorie restriction!
    Unfortunately the human body can only lose so much fat in a day.
    So If you could lose 1lb a week of fat eating higher calories and not being hungry...why settle for 1200 calories or lower?
    Why lose lean mass with fat?
    Its shocking that MFP hasnt adjusted the settings to start people out with higher calories than 1200.

    The average human is over 5 feet tall!
  • renaconnor
    renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
    I say ditch the lean cuisine too!! I switched to lean meats, veggies, fruits, and for healthy fat some Flax Seed Oil and I'm often under 1200 but I still lose. The stronger my workouts get I add almonds, brown rice, things that move through the body easy. Alot of low-calorie processed food would make me nauseous too!!
  • biscuit71
    biscuit71 Posts: 43 Member
    Be careful with the Lean Cuisine meals as well as the other "lean" frozen dinners. They are very high in sodium and carbs.

    You need to net at least 1200 calories or your body with go into a starvation mode and will start storing the fat that it is getting. Good luck!!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I've been doing the lean cuisine diet; eating a small breakfast and a lean cuisine meal for lunch and dinner, and small healthy snacks in-between. But as if lately I've been only eating when I feel hungry and my body doesn't show signs that I'm hungry until I start to feel nauseous. I've been forcing myself lately to reach my 1200 calorie goal limit and it's been hard.I usually only eat about 800 calories a day. I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat. Is there anyway to overcome this? I feel like I'm going to have to start eating higher calorie meals in order to reach my 1200 calorie goal but i want to eat healthy.

    Eat real whole food, not diet foods. Eat peanut butter/avocado/olive oil in small amounts, these are nutrient dense and contain calories.
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    You guys have a lot to learn. Except for the three of you that advocate eating smart instead of eating small. What really pisses me off is you people who say things like "OMFG you had to eat more than 1200/day to get fat lol!" Maybe *you* did, honey, but that's not how this always works. Do more homework then post.
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1

    I hope you're kidding.

    Nope, I'm new to this, I obiovusly am still learning! Why does MFP say 1200? How much should I eat a day then?

    I'm sorry - sometimes it's hard to know if someone is joking on here. TDEE is the number of calories you burn in a day, so as he pointed out, you want to consume %20 of that to continue to lose weight. I like this calculator: For instance, I work out 6-7 days per week, with an average burn of 500-700 calories just from exercise. I average, per day, over 2,000 calories consumed. If I didn't exercise, I would STILL eat over or around 1,600 calories.

    It's different for everyone, but my experiences have been, the more I eat, the more I maintain (I'm not trying to lose). But, I also eat a lot of whole foods, lots of GOOD fats and exercise a lot.

    OK so if my TDEE (based on the site you posted) is 2407, I was to consume 20% less than that a day, to still lose weight. So technically I could consume up to approx. 1900 calories daily and still lose weight?
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1

    Actually that is on the lower end for a woman.

    Well Then MFP has some explaining to do because that's what it set for me when I filled out the diet profile thingy mcgee :)

    What do you have your lifestyle and your pounds per week set at? For example, mine is lightly active and I want to lose 1lb/week. I currently weigh 201lbs and get 1830/day.

    I'm 5'5 and currently 170 lbs. I have my lifestyle set to active because I am VERY active for most of the day and I have it set to lose 2lbs a week out of habit because it's been there since I started. I'm not actually worried about it being so low... my concern is actually that I have trouble meeting it at 1200, when I know I should be eating closer to 1800-2000 to really effectively burn the fat and build muscle.....
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1

    I hope you're kidding.

    Nope, I'm new to this, I obiovusly am still learning! Why does MFP say 1200? How much should I eat a day then?

    I'm sorry - sometimes it's hard to know if someone is joking on here. TDEE is the number of calories you burn in a day, so as he pointed out, you want to consume %20 of that to continue to lose weight. I like this calculator: For instance, I work out 6-7 days per week, with an average burn of 500-700 calories just from exercise. I average, per day, over 2,000 calories consumed. If I didn't exercise, I would STILL eat over or around 1,600 calories.

    It's different for everyone, but my experiences have been, the more I eat, the more I maintain (I'm not trying to lose). But, I also eat a lot of whole foods, lots of GOOD fats and exercise a lot.

    OK so if my TDEE (based on the site you posted) is 2407, I was to consume 20% less than that a day, to still lose weight. So technically I could consume up to approx. 1900 calories daily and still lose weight?

    That's the plan I'm on, and it's working for me. :wink:
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1

    I hope you're kidding.

    Nope, I'm new to this, I obiovusly am still learning! Why does MFP say 1200? How much should I eat a day then?

    I'm sorry - sometimes it's hard to know if someone is joking on here. TDEE is the number of calories you burn in a day, so as he pointed out, you want to consume %20 of that to continue to lose weight. I like this calculator: For instance, I work out 6-7 days per week, with an average burn of 500-700 calories just from exercise. I average, per day, over 2,000 calories consumed. If I didn't exercise, I would STILL eat over or around 1,600 calories.

    It's different for everyone, but my experiences have been, the more I eat, the more I maintain (I'm not trying to lose). But, I also eat a lot of whole foods, lots of GOOD fats and exercise a lot.

    OK so if my TDEE (based on the site you posted) is 2407, I was to consume 20% less than that a day, to still lose weight. So technically I could consume up to approx. 1900 calories daily and still lose weight?

    Absolutely - if you configured your exercise properly - (and, do still keep track of that.) Yes, technically that should work for you. How has your progress been so far at 1,200? Again, some people will say it doesn't matter what you eat - it's calories in, calories out. There are even studies out there that prove that theory. But, for me, it really does depend on the food I'm consuming - mostly because the food I eat fuels my body and keeps me full. Now, I average around 2,100 per day and genuinely DO have trouble fulfilling that amount - it's a good problem to have!
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    OH well THAT makes me happy. I was struggling trying to stay under 1200 calories a day, and the says I worked my butt off at the gym are the only days I seemed to be able to maintain that. Well I guess I"m still learning about all this, I"ve never counted calories before. Thanks guys. I'm going to change my 'goals' on her to increase my calories.
  • RBRoy
    RBRoy Posts: 31 Member
    Are you working out? That will make you hungry and is a critical part of weight loss and weight maintenance. Also, make sure you drink enough water. I agree with the above posts about making your own food instead of eating lean cuisines; they are high in sodium and stripped of many nutrients. Also, by making your own food, you'll keep it interesting! I tend to make dinner and then take leftovers for lunch the next day. It makes it easy to pack my lunch (I'm a teacher) and it's a good use of the food my husband and I cook. I hope these suggestions help! Good luck in your journey!
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1

    Actually that is on the lower end for a woman.

    Well Then MFP has some explaining to do because that's what it set for me when I filled out the diet profile thingy mcgee :)

    What do you have your lifestyle and your pounds per week set at? For example, mine is lightly active and I want to lose 1lb/week. I currently weigh 201lbs and get 1830/day.

    I'm 5'5 and currently 170 lbs. I have my lifestyle set to active because I am VERY active for most of the day and I have it set to lose 2lbs a week out of habit because it's been there since I started. I'm not actually worried about it being so low... my concern is actually that I have trouble meeting it at 1200, when I know I should be eating closer to 1800-2000 to really effectively burn the fat and build muscle.....

    Just go ahead and mess with the settings! Change it to 1lb/week. Eat some more calorie-dense foods and see where it takes you. I can't hurt to give it a try.
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    I'm actually not doing too good, I try to hit the gym 4 times a week, plus I am out walking the dog daily. I'd like to incorporate more cardio though. I haven't lost anything yet, I've been focusing so much on saying under 1200 calories a day!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Just a quick FYI that this post will not go well.
    So on with it...

    Most 1200 calorie diets fall below your BMR.
    This is bad.
    You lose lean mass as well as fat.

    Boost the calories up to 1600 a day and lose the same weight at a more sustainable level and you not only get better nutrients but your energy levels will be high enough to get the best from your training.

    As you lose weight and improve lean mass you will be able to eat more.

    1600 calories for a woman? That seems really high?1

    Actually that is on the lower end for a woman.

    Well Then MFP has some explaining to do because that's what it set for me when I filled out the diet profile thingy mcgee :)

    What do you have your lifestyle and your pounds per week set at? For example, mine is lightly active and I want to lose 1lb/week. I currently weigh 201lbs and get 1830/day.

    I'm 5'5 and currently 170 lbs. I have my lifestyle set to active because I am VERY active for most of the day and I have it set to lose 2lbs a week out of habit because it's been there since I started. I'm not actually worried about it being so low... my concern is actually that I have trouble meeting it at 1200, when I know I should be eating closer to 1800-2000 to really effectively burn the fat and build muscle.....

    Well, now you DO know how it works! Okay - you just need to plan better and educate yourself on the foods you need to fuel your body. I used to be confused about how people who needed to lose weight needed help with EATING. But, I now understand that people need help with fulfilling their calorie goals with the right food. Easy: Drive to McDonalds Hard: Drive to the grocery store and pick between all of the foreign produce, go home and put it all together to create a tasty, satisfying and healthy meal that is also protein rich and somewhat calorie dense with some good fats thrown in. It's hard, it takes practice, but once you find your balance, you'll soon forget it was hard for you- it will just become second nature.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    You guys have a lot to learn. Except for the three of you that advocate eating smart instead of eating small. What really pisses me off is you people who say things like "OMFG you had to eat more than 1200/day to get fat lol!" Maybe *you* did, honey, but that's not how this always works. Do more homework then post.

    Condescending terms of endearment. How original, "sweetie."
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    For those who think we all got fat because we ate more than 1200 calories per day, every day:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eating too little causes weight gain and maintenance due to the bodies defense mechanism.
    Most everything eaten gets stored.