Brag on your spouse/SO! :0)



  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    1.) I love my wife because she is the only one that has ever understood me and she stuck by me when I was at my lowest point, and helped me turn it around.
    2.) She is stubborn and very independent (both good and bad).
    3.) When she goes into something, she gives it everything she has and doesn't back down.

    I could go on and on, but the thing I think I love most about her is:

    The way she makes me feel.

    That's something you can't describe, no matter how hard you try.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I love that I can make him laugh and
    he can make me laugh
    He loves me and tells me everyday and shows it
    He writes me letters in the morning so i have it by the coffee pot on most mornings that he loves me and to be careful.
    We are still very intimate and it is 20 years we have been together.
    He has never made me feel not wanted, even when i am fat or skinny
    I can be silly, gross, sexy or anything I am, at anytime.
    And he tells me he is glad he married me, and i am glad to be married to him..
    He just makes me so happy, Id rather be with him then with any one else on the earth.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I could write a million good things about my husband but the one that really impresses me is that he rides his bike to his office everyday--rain, snow, 100 degree temps.Nothing phases this man. 6 miles each way and the route home is almost completely uphill. He's a beast and his legs and butt are to die for :)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member

    I could go on and on, but the thing I think I love most about her is:

    The way she makes me feel.

    :heart: This
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    What a great idea.. hard to limit this to 5

    1) I love how he lets me be me. And he makes me believe that I am good enough as I am and worthy of love.
    2) I love how he treats our pets. He treats them like our children.. such a good daddy to the 2 and 4 legged ones in our life.
    3) I love that he lets me cook whatever I want and is always willing to try a new recipe .. and he is truthful about whether he likes it or not.
    4) I love that after I cook, he cleans.
    5) I love his laugh, his heart, his soul.

  • melrose09
    melrose09 Posts: 271
    1) My husband is incredibly sexy
    2) My husband is incredibly kind
    3) My husband makes me feel beautiful
    4) My husband is incredibly smart
    5) My husband is incredibly talented
    6) My husband is well respected among his peers and those above him
    7) My husband is an amazing father
    8) My husband is incredibly humble

    I could go on and on. My husband is the best
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I love this!!

    My husband:

    1. Works very hard so I can stay home with our kids. We have gone without a lot of extras so I can be a SAHM and he never complains about it.
    2. is a wonderful father
    3. is very loving towards our kitties (they all like to lay with him over me lol)
    4. is amazing in bed and is very sexy to me
    5. loves me unconditionally. Nearly 10 years later and its like we are 18 and 23 again :heart:
  • autumn_mix
    autumn_mix Posts: 34 Member
    My fiance is the most incredible man on the face of the planet. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I don't know how I got so lucky, really.

    He does the dishes every morning, makes coffee, puts my lunch together, does laundry, feeds our cats, scoops the litter box, vacuums, makes the bed, goes to the store. Not to mention he is incredibly good-looking and is getting a PhD in rocket science (not a joke). Every day I find myself being thankful for the things he does, pinching myself because I can't believe he's real. Take today, for instance:

    I love that my fiance washed and peeled the sticker off of the apple I took to work today. He doesn't know that before him, I would likely have mindlessly eaten the sticker and have had to spit it out.
  • Tranquil_Miche
    This thread is a great idea. Lets see just to name a few:

    1. My husband loves me unconditionally and I know it.

    2. He has a way to make me feel better when I am down.

    3. The sparkle in his big blue eyes will melt your heart.

    4. He can always make me laugh.

    5. He helps around the house, especially with folding clothes (I hate folding).

    6. He loves to watch scary movies with me.
  • gilream1
    gilream1 Posts: 6 Member
    What an awesome idea... life is all about perspective. If you look for the negative, you are sure to find it. If you focus on the blessings in your life, you will be amazed at how truly fortunate you are...

    1) My Husband LOVES and SERVES God 1st.
    2) My Husband is committed to our marriage. He has stood by my side when I was afraid, wanting to throw in the towel and downright RUDE... yet he still pursued me and stayed committed to his marriage vows.
    3) My Husband loves his children and enjoys spending time with them as much as I do
    4) My Husband supports me in every way... my spirtuality, my fitness goals, my career... you name it and he's right there.
    5) My Husband is my BALANCE... he soothes me when I'm emotional, understands me when no one else does and loves me so completely.

    I know the Bible says when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing but I truly believe that I am the one who is truly blessed!
  • BettyyRoss
    BettyyRoss Posts: 100 Member
    1, He's a good listener.
    2. He's sexy as hell!
    3. He has the cutest butt.
    4. He can make me smile no matter what.
    5. I'm always first in his eyes.
  • MamaChunk
    MamaChunk Posts: 46 Member
    1. My husband provides for his family- no matter what.
    2. My husband still looks at me like it's the first time.
    3. My husband eats anything I make- even when the new recipe I tried is aweful.
    4. My husband is hilarious! He makes me laugh (a lot) everyday.
    5. My husband puts up with my BS, and calls me on it.
    6. My husband supports me, even if he doesn't agree, I know I will always have his support.
    7. My husband curls my toes...every time!!!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My husband is stronger than everyone else's. He can bench press 500+ pounds raw.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    So many great things I could say about my boyfriend.

    1. He has the best sense of humor. He GETS my humor, I get his... it makes for a lot of great moments.
    2. He cooks dinner nearly every night...and doesn't complain that I'm not the chef in the relationship.
    3. He ALWAYS invites me to things with his buddies (poker nights, birthdays, etc).
    4. He tucks me in every night (we work opposite schedules - going to bed when he gets home)
    5. He tells me he loves me to the "max, max, max" <3
    6. He works a job he hates, but sticks it out for us
    7. He refers to everything as "ours"
    8. He constantly reminds me of how beautiful I am
    9. He supports every single thing I do...and knows how much I enjoy MFP, but totally thinks I don't need to lose any weight. He's silly.

    I could go on and on.
    I'm blessed! I see a lot of us are. It's a great thing!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    He is a man of integrity.

    He is a hunky Viking type, and yet he is also a complete computer nerd.

    He loved how I looked when I was thinner, chubbier, pregnant, post-pregnant chubbier, losing some weight, pregnant again, and now back down to what I was before, and he's liking my goal of developing muscle and becoming more athletic.

    He is determined and dedicated.

    He looks scary and intimidating, but he's a goofy, kind soul.

    He is my own personal McGyver, he can make or fix anything.

    He is such a great dad. Seeing him with the kids makes me love him even more.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    it's SO nice too read about all the HAPPY couples out there, I think we need more of these happy ness around =)
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    This is the most fantastic thread :)

    ~ I love that my boyfriend is TRULY my best friend.

    ~I love that every morning when I turn on my cell phone, I have a text he's sent from work telling me how much I mean to him and to have a good day :heart:

    ~I love that no matter what a bad day I've had, I can come home to him and he makes it all better.

    ~I love that he has the biggest heart that I've ever seen, and would do anything to help anyone that needed him.

    ~I love that he tears down the walls I build around myself sometimes.

    ~I love that he's made me a better person.

    ~I love that he loves me for who I truly am. He sees the real me; the me that not many people know.

    ~ I love that we share so many hobbies; things are always made better by sharing them with him.

    ~I love how he knows just what do do :blushing:

    ~I love how our love is all that I'll never need.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    it's SO nice too read about all the HAPPY couples out there, I think we need more of these happy ness around =)

    I agree!! This is great! I totally thought I might get bashed for posting lol but now i'm so glad I posted! This is the most uplifting thing i've read on here in a while, seeing all of these people who are so obviously proud of their mates! :heart:
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    Options husband has Alzheimer's now so it's a little harder because most of the time (even though he's in the earlier stages) he's more like my child now than my husband. But we have been married going on 33 years and before the Alzheimer's he was GREAT! I loved:

    1) That he was a hard worker...held a job with a paycheck and still came home and helped with anything he could
    2) That he was sentimental.
    3) He raised my two daughters like they were his difference between his children and them.
    4) He always thought I was sexy no matter my weight.
    5) He was always bragging to his co-workers about what a great wife he had

    Now, I love how funny he can be, he still thinks I'm sexy and the Alzheimer's has had a couple of pluses...he will go ANYWHERE with me now (used to hate shopping) and he will eat things he used to wouldn't (broccoli for example).
    He really has been such a great husband that I could go on and on but that would probably bore everyone to tears!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I love that my husband:

    1, Is the hardest worker I know.
    2. Is an excellent father who loves and wants to spend time with his children. (He is so cute with them)
    3. Is athletic (it's so sexy) has beautiful eyes and soft lips.
    4. Has very strong morals so I can trust him implicitly
    5. Is very giving of himself and his time. He's very unselfish.

    The list goes on. Thanks for the post. It's nice to read the positive and think of all the positive myself. I think I'm going to give him a nice lengthy list on his valentine's card.