Anyone Doing This Without Their Spouse/SO?



  • Lala20112
    Lala20112 Posts: 72 Member
    Yessssssss Iam on my own find it very hard as I have to cook 2 seperate meals for dinner then my mother lives with me and she eats all kinds of snack cakes and candies ugh ,its ok during the week but the weekends he eating all kinds of stuff and I end up slipping more then Id like to admit.Trying hard to convince him to diet with me......
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm the only one in my house on a wellness journey. I started nearly 2 years ago just after hubby had lost his job of 12 years and went on the road as a truck driver leaving me with a full-time job and 2 middle school aged boys. Oh joy! I think the stresses of the situation were killing me and I started running to relieve some stress. Realized I loved it and haven't stopped yet! Now that I've lost 50 pounds and still track my calories and workout 4-5 days a week, I'm still trying to get trucker hubby to lose weight. He's in desparate need of a lifestyle change, but I think he's afraid. He's at least 100 pounds overweight and with his new job he's not active at all except for climbing in and out of the cab of his truck. I keep asking him to get out and walk when he's stopped, to actually count calories, I've offered to set him up with MFP on his iPhone, and he's just not interested. I love him no matter what, but he scares me. His asthma is getting REALLY bad, I can hear him breathe from two rooms away sometimes. He can't sleep with me when he's home because I'm awake the whole time listening to his being uncomfortable. I don't obviously have any way to cook for him with him gone 6 days a week, but he's trying. He does cook in his truck instead of eating at truck stops every day, but with no accountability, I really don't know what he's eating. I've pretty much stopped nagging him about it because I know all it does is make us fight. We see each other so little that I don't want to fight when he's around. I'm still praying he'll make the change and if I can help he knows I'll do anything for him. I know how happy he would be to be back closer to his high school swim team days... he was really fit back then!!! Hubba-hubba!!! LOL!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I am new to this, and in fact have only just weighed in for my original starting week. I'm disgusted to say that I weigh 255, at 5'5". :o( I am a 33 year old breast cancer survivor and mom of two boys (7 & 6 year olds). I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol...AND, I have Sleep Apnea. My BMI is 43. My husband wants me to have Weight Loss Surgery, and acts as if he wants it for my health and so that I can live longer for my kids...BUT, I told him that I would like to try to lose weight by myself first, and told him I was going to bust my hump until the summer and see if I can do it first. I've made dietary and activity level changes since then, and he is NOT supportive at all. I am disappointed because every time I want to talk about calories and carbs, or menus and exercise, he does not engage in the conversation. I feel like for him, he wants me to have the surgery for my appearance, and not for my actual health. Anyway, I'm tracking everything and am eating better than I have in years, and I'm proud of myself. My husband is very active. He rides his bicycle 8 miles to and 8 miles from work, even now in the Minnesota Winter snow and ice. Maybe he's not interested because what I'm doing is so little compared to him? I'm not sure. Anyway, I am going it alone, and going strong!

    Keep up the good work! You have support on here regardless :-) I agree with you, I would avoid the surgery if at all possible! I don't knock anyone who has had it, because I know it's not an easy decision, but doing it this way certainly seems better if you can. Good for you for not letting your husband hold you back! Good luck!
  • JodyWoo
    JodyWoo Posts: 44 Member
    When I started out, my husband was 195lbs. I was 254lbs.
    My husband got sick, stopped eating very much, lost most of his appetite, and has a crazy metabolism. Two years later, he's underweight, weighing in at a whopping 125lbs on a good day. He should weight 133 minimum healthy weight.
    I'm down to 182, and I had to fight for it every step of the way.

    It is doubly the challenge... trying to lose weight and trying to help him gain weight. I've lost focus on myself at times in efforts to get him to eat more. My weight loss has slowed to a crawl since his weight got scary low. And yes, I do need to focus on getting healthy, but it is tricky when it is vitally important to take care of my spouse.
  • mrsdauer
    mrsdauer Posts: 102
    my husband wont even think about cutting calories, working out at the gym (but he did when i first met him...once!)
    he has such high triglycerides the lab cant get a number, his cholesterol is high, blood pressure is high, always has headaches, lives on fast food and energy drinks, and doesnt drink enough water..........

    BUT, as for me!....i do just the opposite... i figured out that im doing this "body change" for myself, ive offered help, healthier meals for him, encouraged him to cut the bad food and drinks...nothing changes!

    i am so greatful for everyone on MFP that supports me and continues to encourage me, if not for them, im not sure i'd be where i am....
  • Smarternow
    My hubby is 6"4, eats whatever he wants and only puts on a few kilos, then loses it so easily it makes me sick!! But he does offer deserving comments every now and then, and today I got, look at mum's disappearing stomach!! He actually noticed, that's very significant.....
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Doing it on my own, too - although hubby is making sure to make some modifications to the dinners he cooks for me, and tells me about the ingredients and proportions has has used so I can calculate calories. But it's hard when there are always cookies, chips and chocolate in the house. Even though I am not a sweet freak, when it's there, it's harder to ignore.

    I wish he would join MFP, he is pretty unhealthy. Large amount o abdominal fat, maybe 260 pounds, last I remember. He suffers from a fatty liver, (although it's better now), gout, sleep apnea (which I am sure would be better if he lost some neck fat) and always seems to have aches and pains. Sigh. But, he won't give up his way of eating, not totally.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I am doing this on my own too although my hubby is super supportive and has to eat healthy. He had a liver transplant 7 years ago so does not drink at all either. He doesn't exercise much but he is at a good weight. He knows how difficult this weight thing is as he struggled before he got sick. Funny thing.....since he got his new liver there has been no more struggle. I firmly believe this is due to organ memory!
  • preetinath
    we are both doing this together since we both need it....want to look better and eat healthy...motivation is badly needed..i crave carbs all the time so it's geting harder everyday..but he is very supportive and very caring so it helps a little..
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    im on my own but my man is very supportive. he is helping me eat better and loves watching me work out. but he isnt changing too much about his life style. i hope that once i start losing more weigh he will want to get in shape again too.
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    My husband and I are doing it together. Physically logging in on paper our weights every Thursday. We have to completely different methods but are not losing weight weekly. They key is givin each other workout time with our 13month old, so we aren't exactly working out daily together but are helping each other work on that time. (we have home workout equipment)
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    my boyfriend already lost about 20lbs... so now it's my turn right? :D