When did THIS become hotter than THIS?



  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member

    And if this is what primitive woman looked like... I'm not so sure I want to be following the Caveman Diet! :laugh:

    mmmmm.. paleolithic porn!
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member

    And if this is what primitive woman looked like... I'm not so sure I want to be following the Caveman Diet! :laugh:

    mmmmm.. paleolithic porn!

    Sooooo NAUGHTY!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
  • ninaws
    ninaws Posts: 42 Member
    So hey, what's up? As the creator of the 'They're all beautiful' image, I thought I would jump in and explain the image a bit.

    I made the graphic in response to the original, offensive one that was floating around Facebook. It pissed me off to no end because I am tired of this body-shaming crap that hurts ALL women, only serves to divide us against each other and make folks feel badly about themselves.

    I DO believe everyone is beautiful -- skinny, curvy, healthy, sick, young, old. I believe this because I do not think that beauty is only physical. You might read 'beautiful' literally, that beautiful can only be what we can see. If that's what you believe though, you're saying that an elderly person cannot be beautiful. Someone who is disfigured cannot be beautiful. Someone with certain kind of disabilities cannot be beautiful. Is that really how we want to define it? Is that really the kind of world we want to live in?

    I suffered from an eating disorder for over ten years. I hated my body, I hated myself, I hated everything about me. I couldn't see any good in myself, beauty or otherwise. And any time someone would tell me that I looked gross, that I wasn't beautiful, it just confirmed all the things I already thought and validated my belief that yes, I deserved to be punished. So the next time you slam someone for being sick, whether it's for being too skinny or too fat, think about what you are saying. Compassion goes a long way and you'd be amazed how a kind word can help.

    So, you are right. Some people might not be traditionally attractive, some people might even be hard to look at but we are ALL beautiful.

    After that initial image, I made some more that more clearly expressed my opinion on that matter.


    The rest in the series are here: http://whirligigagogo.wordpress.com/we-are-beautiful/