You're SO's Parents (aka in-laws)



  • That's a good way to put it :P
    I will just leave it at this:

    Not a year goes by that I'm not simply amazed that my man came from those two.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I just met my MIL this year for the first time - she lives in Africa and this has been the first time she's been able to get a US visa.

    Can't say that I'm a fan - she's kind of lazy and tends to react to things childishly. For example, we live in a very small apartment. She'll be sitting on the couch and wants a bottle of water. Rather than getting up and grabbing a bottle which are stored next to the fridge, literally 4 feet away, she'll call me from the other room to get it. Does stuff like that all the time and never cleans up after herself. My stepchildren to a better job of keeping the house clean (course I've had years of training with them, lol).

    We have 3 furry children and MIL is scared of dogs. Told her they could stay with my sister upstate, 3 hours away, for a month, while she stayed with us. Then, if her visa for France had not come through, she would have to go stay at other son's home until it did. She'd been with us for 3 weeks and hubby reminded her and brother that "mom" would have to go to his house the following weekend. She got all kinds of angry and said, fine, I'll leave now. Had the brother pick her up the next day. She hates staying there (she stayed there for 5 days when she first arrived) because he's got 5 kids, they live in a 2 bedroom apt in the projects, 5 floors up with no elevator - and she is close to 300 lbs so once there she's kind of trapped. Hubby has called her a couple of times to see how things are going and she won't talk to him. She's 70 years old but definitely acting like a high schooler. Plus she has 11 kids and tends to play one against the other. Not really a very nice lady.
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    I will just leave it at this:

    Not a year goes by that I'm not simply amazed that my man came from those two.

    I feel the same way!!
  • CAN'T STAND THEM, well not always. Sometimes we get along but most of the time...NO! They are always right, ALWAYS, and everyone is wrong. Unfortunatly I work with my F-I-L. My husband is an only child and his mom is attached to him at the hip....drives me crazy. He use to love it, but now his parents are getting on his nerves too. My life is "Everybody Loves Raymond"
    Do you live across the street from yours too?
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    i like my wife mother, her father i hate. he called my kids little n words, so everytime I see him i want to deck him

    I just went through your pictures and I'd feel the same way, your children are absolutely beautiful.

    You children are too cute! That face on your daughter will be breaking hearts some day :) Be proud and deck him!:laugh:
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    CAN'T STAND THEM, well not always. Sometimes we get along but most of the time...NO! They are always right, ALWAYS, and everyone is wrong. Unfortunatly I work with my F-I-L. My husband is an only child and his mom is attached to him at the hip....drives me crazy. He use to love it, but now his parents are getting on his nerves too. My life is "Everybody Loves Raymond"
    Do you live across the street from yours too?

    No, luckily they are retiring soon and planning on moving VERY far away. I'm holding off on having kids till then. Probably sounds mean but they smoke like chimneys around anyone and everyone and I don't want my kids to be around that if I can help it.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    i like my wife mother, her father i hate. he called my kids little n words, so everytime I see him i want to deck him

    I just went through your pictures and I'd feel the same way, your children are absolutely beautiful.

    You children are too cute! That face on your daughter will be breaking hearts some day :) Be proud and deck him!:laugh:
    ty and trust me I want to but he is police and my wife thinks he would charge me
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Love all my inlaws!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I try to like my mother in law, but I have a really hard time doing it. She's got a passive-aggressive streak a mile long.
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I adore my mother-in-law even if she's a little wacky. She affectionately calls me her "F-DIL," often times saying it a bit too loud *after a few martinis* around other family members ;) My *step* father-in-law is pretty awesome.

    My father-in-law and I don't have a very close relationship. Most of the time we have spent together is at a bar shooting pool. Not a lot of conversation.

    Grandparents-in-law... *sigh* That's rough.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My husband's parents are divorced, his dad is remarried and his mom's SO is female so I have 3 mother's in law and I love them all! they are so good to me.
  • I love my husband's mom, but his dad and step-mom are backstabbing, two-faced not so great people. All they care about is money.

    Also, his sister is an utter nightmare.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member not even a little bit.

    But I'm in too good a mood today to let that get me down. Does anyone have any gin?
  • I love my in-laws. They have always treated me as I was their own daughter. They live 700 miles from us now, (and that's not the reason we all get along... lol... I actually lived with them, for almost a year in the past.) and I wish we could see the more often than we do, but I have been very blessed in the in-law department! Sometimes I really believe that they treat/love me more than my own family!
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Truth is they are very generous and kind to us but soooooooooooooooooooooo dumb! I mean it. Back story - they live in NJ, we recently moved to CT (my homestate)

    MIL: Do they have Wal-Marts up in CT?
    Me: It's probably the largest national chain.
    MIL: What about Target?

    MIL: You guys are probably getting so much snow!
    Me: Not really any. Why do you say that?
    MIL: You live so far north.
    Me: It's seriously a 2 1/2 hour drive. Where do you think we live?
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    My fiance's mother passed away, and his dad is the worst! He's a narcissistic drunk who sits around all day complaining about the government and gossiping about the rest of the family including really personal things that you should never share. My fiance has a brother who has the meanest wife but my father in law likes to keep a tally on how many miscarriages she's had! And he keeps talking about it! BUT he also switches sides all the time- he'll ***** about her when she's not here (she lives interstate) but when she's here picking on me for well.. eating (she picks like 2 bites off her husbands' plate and then announces loudly that she is full) my father in law gangs up on me with her. It's hell- I hardly ever see them because I feel sick every time. The constant whingeing and he also likes to pick fights with people by asking them what they think and then abuses them when he finds that their opinion differs from his own. He's an awful, constant attention seeker and it drives me CRAZY!

    Sorry for the rant it helps to share- there's a lot more but I feel exhausted just writing that..
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    i like my wife mother, her father i hate. he called my kids little n words, so everytime I see him i want to deck him

    I just went through your pictures and I'd feel the same way, your children are absolutely beautiful.
    thank you very much

    evil man! pure evil....
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    My fiance's mother passed away, and his dad is the worst! He's a narcissistic drunk who sits around all day complaining about the government and gossiping about the rest of the family including really personal things that you should never share. My fiance has a brother who has the meanest wife but my father in law likes to keep a tally on how many miscarriages she's had! And he keeps talking about it! BUT he also switches sides all the time- he'll ***** about her when she's not here (she lives interstate) but when she's here picking on me for well.. eating (she picks like 2 bites off her husbands' plate and then announces loudly that she is full) my father in law gangs up on me with her. It's hell- I hardly ever see them because I feel sick every time. The constant whingeing and he also likes to pick fights with people by asking them what they think and then abuses them when he finds that their opinion differs from his own. He's an awful, constant attention seeker and it drives me CRAZY!

    Sorry for the rant it helps to share- there's a lot more but I feel exhausted just writing that..

    Yikes! Sounds like they like putting the FUN in dysfunction!

    I've got a few family members like that...and they wonder why I never show up for family gatherings. DUH!!! lol
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    i like my wife mother, her father i hate. he called my kids little n words, so everytime I see him i want to deck him

    I just went through your pictures and I'd feel the same way, your children are absolutely beautiful.

    You children are too cute! That face on your daughter will be breaking hearts some day :) Be proud and deck him!:laugh:
    ty and trust me I want to but he is police and my wife thinks he would charge me

    Lord have mercy. That sucks!

    I had a similar situation w/ my stepdad, he's really bad at using racial slurs. I kinda let it slide a few times and then I told my mom and him that the racial stuff was unacceptable. they gave me some attitude and was basically told to "deal with it" because my stepdad is "old". Really?

    Oh hell no!!!

    Sooo.....after that if they wanted to see the kids, they had to come to my house. My house, my rules. Don't like it? GTFO!

    Yea, that stopped real freakin' quick!
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I like them some of the time. They can be nice but they can also be very passive-aggressive and even down-right mean to the daughter-in-laws. For a long time, I did NOT like them at all and they knew it. I've learned over the years to just accept that I won't have a super-close relationship with them but i will do my best to keep it civil and as pleasant as possible. And lately, my relationship with them has been better but I think its only because they REALLY hate a different daughter-in-law so they see me as the lesser of 2 evils. lol.