McDonalds Anyone?



  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    McDonald's is yours mexican is mine. Once a week, chicken fajita, flour tortillas, no sour cream or that green junk. Every week thats my reward dinner
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    This is easy for me being a vegetarian, I do crave their salty french fries from time to time though!

    McDonalds fries are not vegetarian. They use beef flavoring on them. Just FYI. :flowerforyou:

  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    At one point I was going to McD's probably 2-3x a week :embarassed: for a few reasons. The biggest was convenience, of course - I had a few weeks of a crazy schedule and didn't have the extra $$ to go get something much healthier. Since I've been on MFP, I think I've gone just once and I got a Grilled Chicken Sandwich with a side salad instead of fries. But I have to say - a huge reason I don't dare go to McD's these days is because I CANNOT RESIST those fries! SOO good.

    In general if I MUST go to fast food, I opt for Taco Bell (fresco menu - most items are 150 calories each). And of course Subway. Lots of healthier options at Subway if you avoid the cheese and mayo. YUMMM!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Honestly, McDonald's is a big part of what put me at the weight I am. Unfortunately, due to my work (which involves day trips every now and then, with my boss) fast food is sometimes a necessary evil. Given that I'm trying to lose weight, I checked the nutrition info for the major ones, and picked out meals that I'll enjoy and will be satisfying to me, and won't kill my calorie load, and I eat them without feeling bad about it (usually a grilled chicken sandwich and small fries with a diet coke or unsweetened tea). It averages about once a week, and so far it hasn't affected my weight loss. Eventually I'd love to get rid of the fast food altogether, but I figure if I'm healthy the rest of the week, and get my water in, the one stop per week isn't going to kill me.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Chicken Classic, grilled no mayo. Under 300 cals and absolutely nothing wrong with it. Love the egg mcmuffin. But they dish up 290 of my 300 grams of cholesterol for the day. So I keep those rare. The oatmeal and salads are great too.

    McDonalds has bad stuff for sure. But it gets a bum rap. There are options.
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    and your picture shows why you dont eat that crap. you look amazing
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    I prefer Burger King. I think it is all about realizing the things you love, and what you can and cannot live without. For me its pizza. I just love it. There is no way I am cutting it out of my diet. For me that is so unrealistic. I am in this plan for life, not just for a few weeks, and I am trying to learn how to eat healthily. That means dealing with desserts, and high fat foods sometimes. If you can find a way to work it into your plan, I see nothing wrong with it. The important thing is just being aware and knowing what you are intaking and burning.
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    I rediscovered McDonalds when I was commuting back and forth to school after work. For two years, their drive-thru kept me in spicy chicken sandwich and un-sweet tea. Calorically it wasn't bad, but the fat and salt in the chicken sandwich was a big no-no and the caffiene at 10 o'clock at night wreaked havoc with my sleeping patterns.
    I avoided them for months after graduating, but my new job is in the center of a haven for southern food and I only get thirty minutes for lunch. When I have to go get lunch, I will get a southwest grilled chicken salad. The worst part about it is the sodium at 920 mg, but it is much better for me than the homestyle southern casseroles (and irrestible deserts) of the resturant right outside the gate.
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Yesterday I ate at Subway, thoought it would be less cals...had a 6 inch oven roasted chicken sub no cheese, oven baked lays chips and ice tea...687 cals. I could have eaten a regular medium size french fries with 6 chicken nuggets or a burger and a diet soda for less then that...
    Not so bad!
  • stratmantl69
    About all I do for Mickey D's is breakfast (Egg McMuffin and Diet DP). I order the #1 combo, but rarely eat the hashbrown anymore. I'm slowly making the switch to cold cereal again, so McD's may become even less and less.

    I agree that there is no true "healthy fast-food". That's why I try to gauge things in my diary other than just calories. Getting under my calorie goal is great, but not if I blew my fat gram goal by 30.........LOL! This is where exercise is key. I know if I'm going to stray outside and grab something from the fast-food world, I'd better be ready to exercise that day. I generally exercise first, then MAYBE splurge. At least give the body a chance to better absorb the extra calories, fat, excess protein, etc.

    It all comes down to the old saying; "If you're going to do the crime (fast-fooding), then you're going to have to do the time (EXERCISE)!" I don't kill my self on the tread or the bike, 40 minutes is enough to kick-start the metabolism and earn extra calories back to your daily.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    If I HAVE to go there, I'll have one hamburger, apples and a diet soda. I really miss the fries but I don't want to walk/run 2 hours on my treadmill to burn them off! It's just not worth it to me anymore.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Yup. Cheapest place in town for a meal and only drive through in town too.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I have what I want and just log it and I aim to stay under, you can have everything in moderation but if you stop losing you maybe able to tell why. As long as you are not having everything bad once a week.

    Monday: Takeaway pizza
    Tuesday: Dinner out with big dessert
    Wednesday: McDonalds
    Thursday: KFC
    Friday: A whole big galaxy bar
    Saturday: A big cake
    Sunday: Pie for dessert

    I'm hungry now actually...
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Yes I had yesterday. Thai salad with grilled chicken. No sauce, no dressing, no noodles etc. Only the plain salad and the meat. 150 clean cals. I indulged myself with a coke zero.:love:
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    So you guys never saw this?

    About what chicken nuggets are made of?

    And I recently read something from someone who lives on a farm. Apparently , when owning a lot of chickens, some ultimately die. The ones that die are bought by the fast food chains to make their products.

    Just eewwww.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If it fits your macros eat it!
    Clean and dirty eating is BS in my book.
    Just watch bad fats and youll be fine!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    So you guys never saw this?


    Yep, but hey, they're nice. :tongue:
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Having McDonald's or other fast food is not the end of the world, just stick to regular size portions and don't have it every day! I have fast food or takeaway usually once a week, but it fits in my cals and I eat better the rest of the time so I don't worry about it, I've lost 25lbs in 3 months doing this so am happy that it's not affecting my loss :)
  • laura328
    laura328 Posts: 136 Member
    I work at McDonalds and it can become VERY tempting not to touch some of the product and those tastey little McSnack Bites but I think that as with any diet you have to watch what you eat and do it in moderation. I do not think that even on a diet we should deprive ourselves of our "cheat" foods but at the same time just make sure that you are staying on your goals and don't over do the McDonalds foods.

    Good luck :)

    Hi Ashley! Question for you - are Mc D's fries fried in animal fat? I'm veg but love their fries!
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    Personally, the way they're made turns me off. But I haven't eaten fast food, maybe but once or twice a year, since 2002.

    I don't put anyone down for eating it and if you can fit it in to your calorie goals and you can lose weight, then go for it.

    Just sayin',. It's not for me.