McDonalds Anyone?



  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    I used to think it wasn't a big deal and I still think a bad nutrition day isn't THAT bad but please choose another thing to splurge on. Have you heard the news about McDonald's and pink slime aka ammonia? It is disgusting and I never want to scarf down something that is only edible because ammonia is added to it. Yes they are dropping if but I'm turned off forever.
  • buggin76
    I love McDonalds fast food, but I also realized it was a large benefactor in my weight gains. I have become the once a week, Mac snack wrap with a diet coke, nothing more. We look at the calories, carbs, and protein, sure I can work on that, but the sodium levels are extremely high, water weight will occur. I eat McD's at the beginning of the week, to curb my cravings and also give myself the rest of the week to stay on track. Soon McD's will lose another patron.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I broke my habit, now now I'm hooked on those stupid chicken mcbites.
  • AbigailEMG1
    I only go there once a month (if that), and managed to resist the temptation today. :) But I normally have 6 chicken nuggets, small fries and water.
  • Labcoathipster
    Read the part of this article that describes the ingredients of nuggets. You will lose your urge...I did

  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    AFTER reading this I really do not want McDonalds...

    McDonald's said this week that it was no longer using the controversial ground beef additive known as "pink slime" in its hamburger recipe. Taco Bell and Burger King have also reportedly repudiated the "slime," which consists of spare beef trimmings that have been treated with ammonium hydroxide to make them safe and at least semi-palatable.

    The move came after "Food Revolution" and "Naked Chef" star Jamie Oliver made public calls for chains to abandon the "slime," which has been manufactured by Beef Products Inc since 2001. Some are pointing to his advocacy as a central factor behind McDonald's decision.

    Even if Oliver was the most prominent critic of "pink slime," though, he wasn't alone. The New York Times raised serious doubts about "pink slime" in a 2009 investigation of the product. It was also criticized in the 2010 documentary "Food Inc."

    Part of the criticism stems from a general sense of disgust. People don't like hearing that they're eating spare trimmings of beef from strange parts of a cow. Nor, for that matter, do people like to hear that they're eating ammonia.

    The USDA, for its part, approved of the ammoniated beef trimmings. In 2007, when it mandated increased testing for most ground beef, it specifically exempted "pink slime," even though the ammoniated beef comes from the parts of the cow most likely to harbor pathogens. The USDA argued that the beef's ammonia treatment would kill any bacteria lingering in the beef.

    And there's some evidence that the USDA wasn't wrong to call "pink slime" safe. Indeed, a Jan. 9 editorial in Food Safety News argued that the public backlash against pink slime had more to do with fear-mongering on the part of figures like Oliver than with any rational assessment of the product itself.

    That said, the Times found evidence that linked Beef Products' ammoniated beef to dozens of cases of salmonella and E. coli, so there's at least a fighting chance that it's less safe than conventional beef. Moreover, using "pink slime" only cuts the price of ground beef by about three cents a pound. Aren't you willing to pay less than a penny more for your quarter-pounder to avoid gambling with your health?
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I still go there. I've never quite understood people who are so so so against fast food. Obviously it's not the healthiest option & is highly processed & filled with weird chemicals, but it's not like if you eat a burger you're going to instantly die! I love McDonald's so much...Like I would go there everyday if I could, lol. I go maybe twice a month, sometimes more if my fiance is craving it.
  • jamja72
    jamja72 Posts: 192
    You can eat for weightloss or you can eat for health, which results in weightloss. I choose to eat for health therefore wouldnt eat at McDonalds. Know what your putting in your body, if you can't pronounce it or it isn't a food ingredient - don't eat it. That's my philosophy.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I stop in for a McChicken sandwich from the $1 menu every now and then. It's cheap, quick and filling.
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    I don't like fast food, Wendy's is the only one I can eat without feeling meh afterwards. haha

    I'm with you! I do believe their new fries top McDonalds any day! I would eat fast food some and always end up feeling like crap! Guess it is better that way anyway! ;)
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I don't really like McD's but my kids and hubby do. If I do eat fries and nuggets there (what I would choose) I feel yucky afterwards. The last couple of times I have had one of their salads, after checking out the nutrional info, and I felt better for it. I just wish my kids weren't so attached to McD's. My hubby introduced them to it waaaay earlier than I would have chosen.

    I haven't eaten McD's beef since I was about 14 and decided to be an environmental advocate. lol Who knew what exactly was going through my head, but I haven't had it since then - 23 years ago!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I go weekly - LOVE IT!
    The food is fabulous, That's why they always make money - even in the worst of times.
    I wish I had the money to invest on a McDonalds.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I don't think it's really about the calories or fitting it into your daily allowance. You're missing the important part. McDonalds is poison. It's not even real food. It does not break down like normal food.

    Think of it this way. Would you eat arsenic only once and awhile if it tasted so good? No, cause it's poison right? Same deal!

    If you really want a burger, at least go to a place where they make them fresh. You want a Big Mac? Then make it at home.

    There is never an excuse to eat that garbage. I'd personally rather starve.
  • chicago_dad
    McDonalds is to food, the way that the hardest of hard-core porn is to sexual attraction.
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    I've been there once since I started MFP... I had a fruit and yogurt parfait, snack size! lol
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    As a vegetarian, it is pretty easy to avoid McDonalds because they have so little to offer me. I do enjoy their side salad with the balsamic dressing...quick, tasty, only $1 and there are a good variety of more colorful greens in there - not just iceberg. Even buying those makes me feel guilty though because I'm supporting a company that is responsible for an enormous amount of animal cruelty. It's one of my New Year's resolutions to avoid doing that and it should be easy - it's not like salads are hard to find. ;)
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    I don't think it's really about the calories or fitting it into your daily allowance. You're missing the important part. McDonalds is poison. It's not even real food. It does not break down like normal food.

    Think of it this way. Would you eat arsenic only once and awhile if it tasted so good? No, cause it's poison right? Same deal!

    If you really want a burger, at least go to a place where they make them fresh. You want a Big Mac? Then make it at home.

    There is never an excuse to eat that garbage. I'd personally rather starve.

    Great point, Amandavictori!!!!
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I love the Southwest grilled chicken salad. That is all I ever order from there now days.
  • dr4m4qu33n
    I haven't eaten in McDonalds in probably close 10 years? I HATE it!!! When I did eat there, it was disgusting and I haven't been there since!! If you are on MFP trying to lose weight, I'm not sure why you'd even want to go there? They use low grade products they call meat. I'd take a nice healthy homemade burger over a crap McD's high fat, low quality burger any day!! But that's just me I guess.
  • gleechick609
    I usually get their parfait, fruit and walnut salad, small ice cream cone (SOOO GOOD!!), grilled chicken sandwhich (WITH mayo!). I don't get their salads because they is NOTHING there. I will go to wendy's for an awesome salad!! Their apple pecan chicken salad is my FAV!

    I have to watch the beef at fast food places. The last time my boyfriend and I went to Wendy's, I had a kids cheeseburger meal and got very sick. I don't eat red meat as it is but try to get it in once or twice a month.