"Healthy" cinema snacks??



  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I really don't understand why people feel the need to eat at the cinema at all.
    Sitting on your bum watching a film isn't really an activity that needs fuelling!

    Sounds like a great way to get fat, sit down, do nothing, eat snacks.

    Some people I'm sure don't understand other people's 'desires' and 'needs'. When I was a kid, my dad totally did not allow us to buy any snacks in a cinema, seeing as how pricey it was. I STILL don't buy snacks in a cinema, I'd rather bring something - buuut if you DON'T bring anything and you have a hungry tummy, it can be hard to hear all those wrappers crinkling and smell the snacks!

    Last time I went my boyfriend and I shared a whole bag of...pop crisps? Or something? Like a LARGE bag. And it was only like...200 cals for both of us. AMAZING! And before anyone is all, " Ah but you shouldn't be eating crisps if you're trying to lose weight" I'm takin' this one step at a time....if I cut out my crisps, I'm likely to hurt someone XD

    It's more than a 'desire' and less than a 'need'. It's a bad habit.

    Sorry to hijack, but we were pretty poor as kids and I can count on one hand how many times I went to the movies growing up. We NEVER got snacks and we NEVER smuggled them in either.

    We also never ate junk while we watched tv movies at home. We ate at meal times.

    We never developed the habit so I have a lot of difficulty understanding the obsession.

    My husband is overweight and he eats 1000's of calories at the movies (we can order actual meals at our theatre) and he actively encourages his kids to buy and eat junk during any movie time too.

    I can see it happening... dun dun dun.

    The key is to knock it off, break the habit.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    holy **** this is from like a year ago
  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    I like getting a kid's snack pack. I've never been hassled about getting one as an adult, and it gives me enough of the "experience" without blowing my calories for the day.

    i get that as well! i give my candy to my boyfriend and get a diet soda with it. no extra butter added too. its $5 and low calories, etc!
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I don't go to the movies often but when I do I always bring my own air popped popcorn and purchase a pack of milk duds for my chocolate fix. I budget them into my calories because it's a rare thing to go for me :) And I can suck on the chocolate part and then still have the caramel to last a while and I don't fly through them. Sometimes I buy a diet soda but I'm not really a soda drinker (maybe once a month) so usually it's bottled water.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    You can sneak in whatever you want. Just tell them you have diabetes and they will not harass you.
  • CakePlate
    CakePlate Posts: 27 Member
    I too love the cinema and I can't bear to smell popcorn and not eat it. You have two choices 1) Eat the stuff and just make sure you adjust your other meals and exercise for the day, or 2) as others have suggested, bring your own. I will often bring a bag of my own microwave popcorn with some cinnamon sugar sprinkled on it. And lots of water. If it is a good film, you shouldn't miss the greasy fingers :) Good luck
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    The last time I went to a movie with my daughter she asked me if I wanted anything. Well, I just told her a day or two before I have diabetes so I wanted to behave as far as eating carbs goes in front of her so she wouldn't freak out, she pointed out that they have hummus and pretzels so I got that and that was delicious and not too carby and it fit my macros very well. It also got me obsessing about hummus as I had never had it before.