How much do you want to be paid?



  • Missrachelf
    A deserve a raise!!! I teach in the inner city and every moment of my times goes out to the students. I'm tired of people complaining I don't deserve more or I get paid too much. I have to get degrees to keep my job, I should get paid more. Imagine working and you put on an excellent presentation you spent hours on, while your presenting: someone throws up, punches their neighbor, calls you "snow white", steals from you, curses at you and to top it off, can't recall much of what you just saID. WELCOME TO MY WORLD.

    Ps. Thanks for listening :-)

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  • sciarico
    I own my own construction company. After overhead, I make about $50.00 an hour. I have a double bachelors in Computer Engineering and Electronics Engineering, but I remodel kitchens and bathrooms. It pays the bills for now. What I really want to do is move to Nome Alaska and dredge for gold...those guys make bank! On average, 3-10k per day!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think I make a decent salary for what I do, but I am discouraged that I make a lot less with my law degree than many of my friends with a four-year degree. But I have good benefits and my job is not stressful, and I can afford my life well enough, so I am happy.
  • chicklidell
    I agree with a previous poster...I've tripled my wage from being in a private setting..working for fitness centers to working as head of the nutrition department in a hospital..with that came a more expensive car..more expensive trips...a nicer house...just makes me spend
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I want my paychecks to look like phone numbers!
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    Are you satisfied with your job and salary currently?

    Short answer - no

    I've slowed down how fast I work now, I figure why keep working fast and taking on more and more of a workload when I've never received a raise? Not worth it. I've decided to keep my productivity level the same as my wages - if my boss decides to up my wages then I will up my productivity.

    Absolutely feel the same, my moto is "u pay for what u get"
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    How much do you think you deserve to be paid at your job right now? Are you satisfied with your job and salary currently?
    I am a business broker.
    I sell businesses like a real estate agent sells homes.
    I get exactly what I deserve and would never have it any other way.
    The ONLY way I work is 100% commission.
    I have not worried about job security for a second - even in the worst of times.

    LOVE IT!

    Times two!
    I'm a home improvement sales consultant (roofing, gutters, insulation, windows)
    I also get paid only on what I sell, job is straight commission, no draw, no expenses.
    If I sell, the company gets money and I get paid.
    If I don't sell, I haven't cost the company anything and I don't get paid.
    The ultimate in job security and freedom for the last 7 years. 2011 was my highest salary yet.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    I just need an extra 50k a year. That's all.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    How much do you think you deserve to be paid at your job right now? Are you satisfied with your job and salary currently?
    I am a business broker.
    I sell businesses like a real estate agent sells homes.
    I get exactly what I deserve and would never have it any other way.
    The ONLY way I work is 100% commission.
    I have not worried about job security for a second - even in the worst of times.

    LOVE IT!

    Times two!
    I'm a home improvement sales consultant (roofing, gutters, insulation, windows)
    I also get paid only on what I sell, job is straight commission, no draw, no expenses.
    If I sell, the company gets money and I get paid.
    If I don't sell, I haven't cost the company anything and I don't get paid.
    The ultimate in job security and freedom for the last 7 years. 2011 was my highest salary yet.
    2011 was my very best year as well, and the sweetest part?

    I only work about 15 hours per week...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    The thing about jobs is, even when you are in a really well paid job, its never enough. people always want more. a few years ago i had a job on which i was making a lot of money, about twice what i am now. i was still skint come pay day. you just buy more expensive **** you dont need. I think the secret is to learn to be happy with what you have, because when it comes to money, too much is still not enough.

    There's a lot more to life than money

    Good point, I'm going to be trying to live a little like that soon - I'm getting paid pretty good (for me anyways), but soon I'm leaving this temp job to live in the mtns, getting paid less, in a more expensive area to live, and paying double rent for the house I have leased right now. But I'm still stoked to be living somewhere new, with a new job, and new people to meet. I'll be just making enough money to cover rent and food....and I'm excited!!

    I made the move from Denver about 3 years ago and would never want to leave Summit, even though it is more expense the rewards of being out of the city and in the mountains have made me so much happier about life, perfect balance between work and play!
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    By the way, if you think you deserve to be paid more please make sure to prrof-read you're posts.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    By the way, if you think you deserve to be paid more please make sure to prrof-read you're posts.

    I can't help it.... this post made me laugh too hard. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I almost spit fruit punch all over my computer :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Edit: If you don't find the irony humorous there is something wrong with you :tongue:
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    After six months unemployed I am ecstatic to be working, money reasonable, colleagues and boss great as well, sadly it is a fixed term 6 month contract but I am hopeful that I am doing the job well enough that they will roll the contract on.

    It was so hard to hear people moan about their jobs. I would think to myself if you hate it so much then p*ss off and let someone else have a go that would appreciate having a job that would pay the bills. I know it isn't that simple but when you are desperate for a job you can't help thinking that way.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Far more than I'm worth.
    Because. ..
    Well, just because.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I don't get paid enought to deal with the bullshyt that goes on at my job. At the moment I'm looking for a better oppurtunity and when I find it, I am soo quitting. My salary is soo not as important as my sanity and stress level, but in reality I would like to be making what I was making in Cali. $12 an hour. Now just to find the job that will pay me that much.
  • lifeismoto
    I get paid to preform and do well so I am very happy and thankful for what I get!
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    I do okay. No point placing a number on what I would like to make because it would always increase with inflation.
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    I think i should deserve to get paid atleast $20 an hour. My job is non stop stress all day, and when you go home i constantly think about what I have to do the next day. We are expected to have things done ASAP but are severely understaffed for the amount of work we are expected to do. Right now I dont even get paid anywhere near $20!!!!! Lets just say I made less than $30,000 last year. Way less.