How much do you want to be paid?



  • aquinte2
    15 TRILLION GAZILLION DOLLARS (while under unemployment)
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Any more and it would be a chore to figure out what to do with it.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I shouldn't even be employed, I haven't done anything at work today.

    ^^^ yep, this
  • moonlightturk
    For my age I think my pay is above average, so I'm good. I would like to work more hours though, that's a whole nother case.
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    The thing about jobs is, even when you are in a really well paid job, its never enough. people always want more. a few years ago i had a job on which i was making a lot of money, about twice what i am now. i was still skint come pay day. you just buy more expensive **** you dont need. I think the secret is to learn to be happy with what you have, because when it comes to money, too much is still not enough.

    There's a lot more to life than money

    Good point, I'm going to be trying to live a little like that soon - I'm getting paid pretty good (for me anyways), but soon I'm leaving this temp job to live in the mtns, getting paid less, in a more expensive area to live, and paying double rent for the house I have leased right now. But I'm still stoked to be living somewhere new, with a new job, and new people to meet. I'll be just making enough money to cover rent and food....and I'm excited!!
  • BoxingCoachMo
    The thing about jobs is, even when you are in a really well paid job, its never enough. people always want more. a few years ago i had a job on which i was making a lot of money, about twice what i am now. i was still skint come pay day. you just buy more expensive **** you dont need. I think the secret is to learn to be happy with what you have, because when it comes to money, too much is still not enough.

    There's a lot more to life than money

    I totally agree with this.

    All i spend my dosh on in the main is necessities and live within my means.

    My salary is shocking for my position and trust me, i am a senior accountant on £17,892 a year..... hence I am handing my notice in tomorrow :)
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,740 Member
    I am tragically underpaid in my job. Comparing what I do with others in different areas of our state, and in other states, it kind of makes me a bit upset at times.

    I work with grant programs. I'm the one who does all of that icky stuff once someone gets a grant - the reports, the monitoring, knowing the rules and regulations, getting the funds, getting after folks who try to do something they shouldn't. Been doing this for about 25 yrs, and as all things in the world of finance, the times have changed, and the workload is much more detailed.

    When I started, my job was a 'secretary' job. I am still in that category, although a recent job study placed me OUTSIDE the labor union I'm, right now, I'm in limbo. Am hoping this gets resolved soon, cuz I'd take a bump in pay ;) And I plan to retire within the next 5 yrs or less, so want to leave this job in the place it deserves!

    Dang....sorry for being so long-winded! This has been a sore subject for many years with me :sad:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    At my current job, I get $250-300 per week on full time. :/
    In all honesty, enough to survive on.

    $1000 per week or so would be good as I then could move out as I really badly need to.
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    15 TRILLION GAZILLION DOLLARS (while under unemployment)

    haha love it! me too!!
  • TomsGirl86
    I'm self employed...a beauty therapist and i could not be happier. It is my perfect job.

    Yeah i could do with some more money since i'm still living with my parents, but i'm ok.

    Typically, it is a very underpaid job though. Normally minimum wage although therapists train at college for a couple of years and it can be late opening and on occassion undesirable....the unwashed masses and the overly horny men. At least you know that the beauty therapists are doing their job for the love of it haha xx
  • cryspetstalerson
    I am a stay at home mom, and although I feel I should get some sort of payment lol, I am going to tell what I think my husband should be making.
    We moved to a new city, where we knew no one. He was told after 3 months he would get a raise. It has been almost a year, no raise. He ran the store for a few months on his own. He worked weeks with no days off, and does more than anyone else there. He has covered for so many people, come in on his days off, and been promised time off again and again, only to get nothing. They have promised raises and promotions if he did what they wanted just to get him to stay and still nothing.. He has done above and beyond what anyone else in the company has done. He make 50 cents more than the customer service rep, and he is an assistant manager... I believe he deserves not only a big *kitten* raise, but also a big *kitten* bonus!!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I get paid almost $8 an hour to be a cashier. It's fair enough, but I'd like to make more since I have a few years of experience. $9/hr. would be nice!

    I'm going to school to get my bachelor's in early childhood education, and I do think teachers should be paid more...but only if they're the kind of teacher that is actually there for their students and does the job right!
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    i am sickly under paid at my job and havent gotten a raise in over 5 years im worth alot more than i currently make and have been told this by managment, however i work in the mortgage industry so im very lucky to have a job! i also work from home so its a great perk. but i only make $10 an hr when most people that do the same or less as me make anywhere from 13-16 an hr!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    How much do you think you deserve to be paid at your job right now? Are you satisfied with your job and salary currently?

    I'm self-employed as a freelancer... and yes, I would say I am satisfied with my job and with my salary. Likely because I decide on my hours and what I will charge, and if people don't want to work with that, they can find someone else. Autonomy is good.

    RoanneRed - been there, done that... we had an office supply store for 13 years and I think for the first five it paid its own way but not much more. Right up until we closed it, every dollar was tight (although by that time it was managing to pay three full-time salaries). Can I give you a little friendly advice? Do pay yourself something. I know "they" say to pour every dollar back into the business for XX years, but you need to take care of the heart & soul behind the business. I don't know whether (like us) you do any dipping into the til for a coffee here and there, or a bill that needs to be paid (surprising what it adds up to) - but even if you don't, put yourself on at least a little paycheck. It's a nice morale boost. Best of luck to you - it was fun, but I don't think I'd do it again. He's in the army now, and even averaging in a few trips, I think I see more of him now than I did when we had the store.
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    I'm paid great when I can close a deal!!!!! So pay is fine...lack of clients...not fine!!!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    £100 an hour will do me pretty fine, thankyou very much.
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Unemployed, bout a year and a half now. :sad: Before that I was paid my worth.:smile:
  • jolenebrink
    At least $10k/year more. It's frustrating when you work in an industry (banking) that encourages you to have a college degree, and own a home, and SAVE, but fails to pay you enough to pay your student loans, your mortgage, and childcare... and have anything left to spare.
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    A lot more! I'm employed as 'bar staff' but on a daily basis my role includes bar, waitressing, dish washing, cooking and receptionist duties. I work in a small hotel where the owners are the managers. I regularly fix their mistakes, place orders, sort out the weekly staff rota and cover practically everyones shifts when they need it. I'm the only member of staff in the entire place with any relevant training yet get paid the exact same as others that dont pull their weight or know what they are doing half the time.
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    I get enough to pay all of my bills with enough left over for a little entertainment budget and monthly savings. To be honest, I think that I make more than most in my position (barn manger for a small, family owned and run local farm.) My job requires a lot from me, but I adore it and wouldn't have it any other way. I'm outside everyday (regardless of weather), constantly moving, always learning new skills and frequently lifting forty-pound buckets of water and fifty-pound bags of grain/feed. (All of this without having to pay to join a gym!) My organizational, managerial and delegating skills have been fine-tuned, too. My responsibilities seem endless, sometimes, but my bosses are truly grateful to me as an employee and show me through their positive reinforcements, bonuses and raises. Not to mention that they sent me to a clinic last year to learn how to diagnose dystocia in alpacas, go in, fix the problem and deliver crias (baby alpacas)! So, they may give me a lot of responsibility, but they back it up with bonuses, raises and positive and constructive feedback, as well as learning opportunities.
    Best job I've ever had, and the pay is nearly equal to the highest hourly wage I've ever made!