Age distance between your children?



  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    My kids are all 3 years apart. 8, 11, 14.
  • ReadyMom
    My first two are 3 years 7 months apart and the next two are 4 years 7 months apart so they are 13, 9, and almost 5. Still considering having another one so the oldest and youngest would be at least 14 years apart.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    almost exactly 3 yrs apart lol their birthdays are 2 days apart lol
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    3 years from the first to the second; 2 years from the second to the third; 17 minutes from the third to the fourth
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My son is 23 (and has a 5 month old baby).
    My middle daughter is 16 yrs old.
    My baby is 6 yrs old.

    So they are 7 years and 10 years apart. I thought I was done and was counting the years till they were out of the house when OOPS, along came another one.

    I love all my children, they shine in individual ways. The oldest has matured into a responsible, honorable, hard working young man. My middle one is very beautiful, with extreme dramatic tendancies. My baby is a gift; precocious, loving, smart, and funny.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    My boys are 18 months apart. My oldest just turned 7 and my little one turns 6 in Sept.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    My boys are 12, 9, 8 and 4! You can see them on my ticker, lol.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I have 5 children this is their ages 24, 20, 15, 6 & 2. So 22 years between the eldest and youngest.

    I believe you win! ;)
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I have 5 total: 20 yo son, 11 yo son, 8 yo daughter and will be 6 yo twin boys (they will be 6 in 2 more sleeps lol)
  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    My girls are 22 months apart, but I'm eight years younger than my sister! She hated me growing up, but she loves me now!!!
  • kristal_1973
    kristal_1973 Posts: 33 Member
    I have a 20 yo, 18 yo, 13 yo, 12 yo and a 5 yo....I love it!!!
  • mearow
    mearow Posts: 4 Member
    Two boys. One is 22 and one is 20 months. =) Life is a trip!
  • Angelmlevingston
    mine are 7yrs and 5 moths old it wasn't by choice but it tookme 6 yrs to get pg with both my girls due to the fact that I have pcos!
  • aimesuk
    aimesuk Posts: 51 Member
    3, newborn and 10 year old stepson.

    Stepson's mum is pregnant - there will be 11 years between them. A friend of mine's dad recently remarried and had another baby - 26 years between them!
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I don't have any kids, but I'm 22, and my sisters and bother are 11, 9 and 4, so there's 18 years between me and the youngest! I was a surprise baby, the others were planned :)
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    My kids are as close as I could get them lol (Not planned that way) My son will be 6 July 13th and my daughter will be 5 July 5th. I also have my soon to be step daughter who will be 4 Feb 18th. =)
  • ksimmn
    ksimmn Posts: 37 Member
    My oldest is 18 years old then i have a 11 month old, between i never used birthcontrol just never got pregnant then surprise i was :smile:
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I have two daughters 21 years and 4 years. Yep, 17 year difference. It was quite a surprise, but I have to say the second one is soooo much better. Why? I have patience, we are established and it is easier the second time around. I can just enjoy her and everything she does. I think I also appreciate every minute she is little because I know how fast they grow up.
  • AprilLBradley
    AprilLBradley Posts: 40 Member
    my first two are 15 months apart and my son (who is now 9months) is 2 years younger than my middle child.
  • siems56
    siems56 Posts: 28
    mine are 20 months and it is was very hard when they were small, I wish I would have waited in between, but I had a hard time getting pregnant in the first place. i think having an older child in the house with a little one would be alot of help. Atleast that is what I am thinking. Good luck to you