

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I hope everyone jumps over here with us! Just got back from swimming and had time to check in, because I went and picked up Subway and gave myself the night out of the kitchen. Woo hoo! Mary
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    marking my spot waiting for my massage
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: Dawn, I love your idea about walking while your son has soccer practice…..do you have a pedometer to keep track of your walk?

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I love your treadmill story….I look forward to reports of long walks on it now that you’ve returned it to service.

    :bigsmile: Nancy, congratulations on the size 8 skirt and the amazing lifting workouts you’re doing.

    :bigsmile: Cathy, thank you for the kind words about my picture………I know how you feel about putting your house on the market…..it was only a little over a year ago that Jake suggested that we sell our house and find something with no yard to take care of and fewer expenses……we started by renting a storage unit and packing things up to make the house less cluttered….besides having people come to the house, we had to deal with getting the two dogs and two cats out and of course, keeping the house clean all the time……now that we’re in our new place, it all seems worth the effort, but there were days that it was hard to keep my spirits up…..I had to avoid talking to all the negative people who wanted to talk about how slow the real estate market was……stay strong…..you will survive…stay busy and the right offer will come along when your mind is something else and you can’t imagine having the time to deal with it

    :laugh: :smile: Now that you’ve managed to find this new thread, be prepared for the new thread for the new month that will start at my bedtime tomorrow.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Bleah. Got some sort of crud. Haven't eaten much of anything all day, but am staying hydrated so all will be well. Just want it to be soon, ya know? I'm such a BABY when I'm sick.

    Hope everyone is having a good week. Enjoy reading your posts, I adore this group!
  • scompton54
    marking my spot
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    Darn, I'll only be 46 this year.......any exceptions?

    I could plead my case if you like. My husband is 53 this year and we have 5 grown children, all out of the house and he's set to retire so we don't have much in common with our cohort. I work from home so a few very good friends but smaller social circle......I could go on but will leave that to the group :)

    Either way good luck everyone!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    welll my interview skills are improving. I had a job offer today but had to decline. they wanted to give me a lateral move but of course wanted me to do a lot more so I have more interviews scheduled and the right fit will come along.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I went on a job interview last week and the word on the street is that they want to make me an offer. Hopefully it will be a good one!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh sheesh Virginia, sorry you've got the crud! Blech is right. Just take care of yourself, hydrate, drink hot broth. A combo (3 times a day) of goldenseal capsules, cayenne capsules and zinc lozenges make a wonderful cure-all for the creeping crud. You'll still get a little sick but it won't "creep" nearly as far. I've used that combo for 30 years, works every time. Make sure to drink tons of water with the capsules, and follow cayenne with a piece of bread or something to push it down, otherwise you'll feel a horrendous amount of heartburn. Dissolve the zinc lozenge slowy. Get well!

    Hope everyone's having a nice evening. I'm having a splash of wine, it's cheap stuff from Trader Joes and not all that tasty, but does that stop me? :noway:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Boy 500 comes quick.I think my post got lost.
    Went to the dr,stitches out.Therapy starts Thurs.
    Have a good one.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    Darn, I'll only be 46 this year.......any exceptions?

    I could plead my case if you like. My husband is 53 this year and we have 5 grown children, all out of the house and he's set to retire so we don't have much in common with our cohort. I work from home so a few very good friends but smaller social circle......I could go on but will leave that to the group :)

    Either way good luck everyone!

    the title says "Women Ages 50+" but all women are welcome......if you want to join us, we'd love to have you.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Happy Hump Day! Welcome to all the new faces. Love reading what everyone is up to.

    Barbiecat; Love your new picture. Great to "see" your smiling face!

    Cathy: Hope your house sells quickly!!!

    Kackie: Love your ski picture! You look marvelous!

    Michele: Right there with you on night eating. Doesn't work for me either.

    AHealthier Suz: Drive carefully! Hope you have a lovely blessing for your son and his wife. What a special time.

    Nancy: I'm with you on lunges............... but boy do they help. I may not be loosing but I'm firming which is nice to see. I try to do them daily. Picture this, when my son is home he does them with me! A riot.

    It's pouring here today. Looking forward to seeing all of my DH's family this weekend celebrating my Inlaws 50th.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    OOPs I did not notice that I posted on part two after 500 and post disappeared. So here I go again. I have done very well past two days. I told my husband that if I could kick my own butt I would do it about 20 times a day. I feel so good eating right and exercising that I dont know why I ever stopped. anyway I am back and plan to post and log food daily. that is really what helps me stay accountable. Made it back to gym last night and felt so good. Hard to walk this morning but that is ok. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    I'd like to join this group. I'm 52 and still need to lose about 15 pounds. I've been doing really well since I joined MFP...lost 6 pounds since the beginning of the year. My problem is mindless eating when I'm not counting calories, so this site is a real help to me. It looks like all of you ladies are doing great, in life and with your weight.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning all, Happy Wednesday! :happy:

    Today is my “long prep”. There are two grade 6/7 classes in the school and we alternate Wednesday afternoon art classes. This is my week, so for most of the afternoon my students will be happily making art while I am happily planning, marking, etc. It’s a good time for me to clean up the classroom clutter, too. I find working in a messy space quite distracting, and that makes me grouchy! :grumble: Most students in my classroom learn pretty quickly not to leave their stuff on the floor or on the tables, they get tired of looking for it in the lost and found. :wink:

    It sounds like the Teacher’s Union and the Government are at a standoff. It’s a legal race now, can the union get the strike vote verified before the government passes the back-to-work legislation? I suspect the wheels of the legislature will grind a little slower, so may have an unwelcome day or two off work next week. :grumble:

    On to more pleasant thoughts…the scale was down 3 pounds this morning. :happy: I don’t usually record a loss like that until it’s steady for a few days, but this morning I decided to “go for it!” I will have to behave like a perfect My Fitness Pal angel now to ensure the pounds don’t bounce back up again. I swear it’s the weight lifting!

    Michelle, I have never had a problem returning goods to Land’s End. They want the original packaging & labels of course, but they are prompt and dependable. Yes, the size 8 skirt felt great! Safe driving on your way home.

    Vicki, your treadmill story made me smile. My husband once “fixed” a camping fridge for me with this way “Does the word ‘on’ mean anything to you?” :noway: I never knew it had an on/off switch! He’s a nice guy, so it was a joke, not sarcasm.

    Suz, you’re gorgeous! :flowerforyou: What a lovely picture. Thanks for sharing it. The marriage blessing sounds like it’s going to be a lovely event. You will be able to check out a variety of hotel/motel fitness facilities along the way. Don’t forget that you can get healthy “fast food” choices at grocery stores when you’re on the road: pre-packaged salads (skip the dressing), veggies, fruit, low-fat deli meat, and so on. They don’t have drive through, but you can count the steps on your pedometer.

    Eileen, your job sounds fast-paced and stressful, I’m glad to hear you’re managing good food choices along the way.

    JB, I am not sure I can construct a mental image of a sea lion in a river, mine are all lolling on rocks near one of the Gulf Islands, making an unholy noise and pushing each other into the sea.

    Dawn, back in the days when J’boy played soccer I would see Mums walking around the outside of the soccer field, getting their steps in for the day. I was the Mum sitting on a folding chair chatting with her buddies! :wink: I think you’ll be the walking one.

    Cathy, I’m sympathizing with your house selling chaos. At least lots of people are looking. Will the move mean a shorter commute to work for you?

    Woops, I almost forgot it's "Pink Shirt" day today. It's a bullying awareness campaign: http://www.pinkshirtday.ca/. Excellent, that gives me an excuse to wear my comfy sweater to school two days in a row! :happy:

    Realpure I like the image of your son doing lunges with you. How old is he? Yesterday I did two sets of 15 (each leg) while carrying 15kg weights. Ouch! I concentrated on form and tried to ignore the pain.

    Have fun today! :love:

    Hasta pronto

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Suz, you’re gorgeous! :flowerforyou: What a lovely picture. Thanks for sharing it. The marriage blessing sounds like it’s going to be a lovely event. You will be able to check out a variety of hotel/motel fitness facilities along the way. Don’t forget that you can get healthy “fast food” choices at grocery stores when you’re on the road: pre-packaged salads (skip the dressing), veggies, fruit, low-fat deli meat, and so on. They don’t have drive through, but you can count the steps on your pedometer.

    Have fun today! :love:

    Nancy, you MADE my day! No one has called me gorgeous in years :wink: I've been avoiding anything with sugar, additives, preservatives, or otherwise artificial anything ~ so deli meat is out. Love your sense of humor! I started a new thread on the food board asking for CLEAN eating travel tips and the comediennes at mfp loved it. But I have also gotten some good ideas and recipes. You can bet I WILL be wearing my pedometer on this trip and avoiding drive throughs. I will be fun to see how many actual steps I can log on any given driving day.

    I realize I won't be able to eat perfectly clean 100% of the time. I'll just have to do the best I can. I plan to stick with eggs and/or fruit for breakfast and grilled fish and chicken with veggies for the other meals. I'll drink water and an occasional unsweetened tea with lots of lemon. As we near the Atlantic fresh fish should be easy to find. We don't get that where I live at all, so I'm looking forward to it. Mexican food is great! I can order chicken fajitas or beans and enjoy the guacamole. I'll skip the tortillas, chips and rice!

    Just learned my Aunt is bringing her laptop on the trip so hopefully I can log in every day after all.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Hump Day~Wednesday,

    Michele, travel safe:flowerforyou:

    Cathy- I hear you about putting your house up for sale and having people tromp through and invade:grumble: I'm afraid that is in my future, especially if hubby doesn't get a job soon. I do have my Mom's place forsale in Southern Oregon and the realor is finally getting people that are interested...just wishing they were interested enough to buy it:smile:

    MEG-congrats on that loss:drinker: sorry you got that sugar rush headache:sad: . It's times like that when you realize how much your eating habits have changed:smile:

    Virginia - Hope you are better soon:flowerforyou:

    Slim422- I believe that Barbie already said it but you are welcome here too:flowerforyou:

    rjamdams- Sorry your job interview was not what your were hoping for:ohwell:

    MacMadame- Hoping your interview leads to the job you are wanting:smile:

    Jane- glad to hear you are healing and on the way to therapy:flowerforyou:

    Nancy- WOW #3 lost that is GREAT:drinker:

    Suz- Sounds like you are being smart and planning your food for your trip, with that determination I'm sure you will succeed:flowerforyou:


    I finally lost another pound, I'm figuring that slow and steady is the best way, of course, I'd like it to come off faster but that is not the healthy way...plus it gives that skin an opportunity to slowly go back where it should be:wink:

    Virginia about that loose skin and shorts....I gave up shorts several years ago because the legs just aren't what they were in the 20's & 30's:sad: so I wear capris they seem to do the trick for summer and with some cute tops I feel like I'm not looking too much like an "old lady":ohwell:

    I had to leave Peanut (our long haired dachshund, you can see his picture in my profile)at home (he comes to work with me every day) he's having trouble with his left eye. Last night he wouldn't open it and so hubby is taking him to the vet today. He had this same thing about 4 weeks ago and they gave me medication for him...I'm hoping it's nothing serious:huh:

    Everyone have a good day, let's keep moving and drinking:drinker: ...water that is:laugh:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    marking my spot
  • JanuaryJan
    Bumping my spot up! Been MIA for a couple days here! Just hit my 10 lb mark today! whoo hoo. go me! lol :happy:

    I've been busy but trying to skim the posts to keep up a little. You ladies are awesome!!

  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Any Leap year babies here?-if so Happy Birthday!