Stop complaining!



  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    kaka popo moucho.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    i agree with you. it's really annoying and i see it as a cry for attention. i've learned to just ignore these people on my feed.

    it seems social networking has changed social norms; things that wouldn't have been acceptable 10 years ago are perfectly acceptable now online. also, i think people complain more online than in person becasue they know they won't be judged as much online.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Ok, that title sounds like I am going to start yet another thread on people that troll this site..hold on to your pantyhose because I'm not:tongue:
    Now what? Co-workers are looking at me funny. I am still holding on to my pantyhose and need to get back to work.

    I told you when I bought you those fishnets they were for our private time only! How many times to I have to tell you to QUIT WEARING THEM TO WORK?! Sheesh! Men. I swear!
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    1. If you are not being abused, you have food, and you have a roof over your head - you are not allowed to complain (your own words).
    2. You are complaining about complaining.

    Your post doesn't even meet your own qualifications. Do you understand why you are getting so many negative responses on this post?

    If what your saying is true, no one could ever voice an opinion about a subject that is perceived as negative without being negative themselves. I don't think I agree with that personally.

    That's not what I believe, I'm pointing out that was what the OP said in her first post. As much as I dislike chronic complainers that do it for the pure joy of complaining, her claim that you have nothing to complain about unless you're being raped/abused/whatever is really over the top. And she violated her own qualifications for being able to complain, thus a good part of the reason why she's getting so many negative responses.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Well it's all just a matter of perspective, isn't it?

    There will always be people who complain about their lot in life, no matter how good/bad/neutral/whatever judgement you want to make on them, is. Learning to tune them out, to not let the actions/in-actions of others affect you is a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

    Consider this practice :)

    Yes actually I agree. I try to work on not letting people bother me daily..I suppose a lot of do. Thanks for the insight.

    I as well tend to let other peoples constant complaining and pitty parties affect my attitude and this is actually one of my resolutions, to try and stop letting it can be hard especially if they are friends or people I know who do it for nothing but attention. Yes I know the difference between needing to vent and someone to talk to compared to those who need negative attention.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Some people have no one to talk to in private. Everyone needs people to talk to. If you have no one to talk to, the internet replaces that.

    Instead of complaining about the complaining, try to find out why those people are having bad days everyday and maybe try to make a difference in someone's life other than your own.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    People are people, and some are and always will be whiners. That is never going to change. And truthfully you should not judge the people who do, perhaps their day/week/month...heck even year, was awful and the shi** kept piling up, and something small was the last straw so to speak to set them off, so their complaint may seem minor but there is something bigger at play no one is aware of. Or perhaps they just needed to rant a bit and get it off their chest and then they feel better.
  • NakedLunchTime
    Yeah gonna take you off my friends list. I go on here to get support from my friends on here if I'm having a bad day because I have a lot of issues myself. This just made me feel like ****. Thanks!
    Welp I guess it is for the best because I didn't even know you a friend of mine on here..sorry

    Wow :noway: It is quite obvious that you just add people to your friends list in order to make yourself feel better. No wonder it annoys you to see peoples updates! you don't even like these people!...Get rid of the deadweight on your lists is my only advice to you. If they mean something to you, it will matter that they are having a bad day....whether God forbid this includes getting raped (((((what a horrible example btw :grumble: ))))) or having a bad hair day :drinker:

    hope your day gets better :wink:

    My day has been going fine, I don't add people on here but if they add me I always accept. You are having too much fun with this huh.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I get mad at myself when i read something and my blood pressure goes up too! Feel like it shouldn't matter what other people say, but yeah, i get tired of hearing people b*tch too! Quit complaining. a) you're not complaining about anything important or valid and b) you're just bringing other people down around you. Be happy to be as blessed as you are and put that energy to use for something good. Sheesh :)
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    Complaining about complaining? How Ironic is that? LOL
  • NakedLunchTime
    I'm confused. I understand what the OP was trying to say and didn't get any negative intention whatsoever from it, I'll have to re-read it again to see if I missed anything.

    I have quite a few friends on Facebook that tend to be drama queens/kings and I have brought it up personally with each one of them to talk about it. Especially those who say things like

    Them : Oh my god, the most horrible thing happened....
    Me : What?? what happened???are you ok?
    Others : What??? Are you ok???
    Them : I don't want to talk about it publicly so please don't ask

    It may be a different example than the OP but I think that was the general thought. That being said I do understand that people on here want to talk about their frustrations/issues and that's totally fine in your personal wall with your MFP friends. You can also bring it up on the forums but you do open yourself up to criticism because you've switch from the privacy of your wall to the public forum.

    You can disagree with the OP but don't attack her please.

    Aw thanks! Ya, your example was way better lol!! I should have just went with something more simple.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I fail to see how this is "Motivation and Support".

    Ditto, That's just what I wanted to think about this morning was men raping their wives....

    I always agree with beerface lady. She makes me giggle too.
  • bankstisha
    bankstisha Posts: 45 Member
    I sooooooo agree with you! I was just saying this an hour ago. There are some people who just complain complain and complain and are so negative all the time. I try to not these kind of people get to me, but there are some days I just want to scream, your life is not that bad so STFU! lol
  • NakedLunchTime
    Ok, that title sounds like I am going to start yet another thread on people that troll this site..hold on to your pantyhose because I'm not:tongue:
    Now what? Co-workers are looking at me funny. I am still holding on to my pantyhose and need to get back to work.

    LOL!! Whatever you do, don't let them go!
  • NakedLunchTime
    I think I understand what you meant, and if so, I agree with you. I have a sister who I love dearly, but her posts are always things like:
    "I have a headache"
    "I don't feel good"
    "My sinuses are bothering me"
    "Not having a good day"
    And I for the most part don't understand why she chooses to post those things. I'm not going to hide her updates or respond, I'm just going to shake my head and wonder if my sister ever feels good or has a good day. I'm not the sort of person who feels the need to divulge everything, but clearly she is, and that's fine. I just take a "live and let live" attitude about it and let her handle things her way. I really don't think your post was malicious, I just think we all read things with different perspective and take it the way we take it. And this is the way I choose to take it. I hope you have a great day. I hope we all do. :bigsmile:

    I think that same thing "Do they ever have a good day?" Thats all I meant by this. I hope you have a great rest of your day as well!
  • NakedLunchTime
    1. If you are not being abused, you have food, and you have a roof over your head - you are not allowed to complain (your own words).
    2. You are complaining about complaining.

    Your post doesn't even meet your own qualifications. Do you understand why you are getting so many negative responses on this post?

    If what your saying is true, no one could ever voice an opinion about a subject that is perceived as negative without being negative themselves. I don't think I agree with that personally.

    That's not what I believe, I'm pointing out that was what the OP said in her first post. As much as I dislike chronic complainers that do it for the pure joy of complaining, her claim that you have nothing to complain about unless you're being raped/abused/whatever is really over the top. And she violated her own qualifications for being able to complain, thus a good part of the reason why she's getting so many negative responses.

    This was just 1 example, extreme yes but just one example..and I wasn't reffering to people that do it every now and again. Its the people that do it ALL the time. This is being looked into way deeper than what I had intended it to be.
  • lovinbeinold
    Wow, my suggestion is to not read the posts of people who annoy you. You know nothing of their lives most likely. There may be things they've never dealt with, things happening currently you don't even know about.

    My first marriage was a scary thing to be in. But I never told anyone, not one person knew of the fear I felt or the beatings I endured. When I finally got out of it, I had to get over it, rise above it, heal emotionally from it. It took a long time, and I am sure a lot of people simply didn't understand what I was going through, the secrets I carried in my soul.

    Yep, sometimes people can be annoying. We are a complicated lot. Just enjoy your own life and don't fuss over what you see as other people's failings. Really. Life will be more fulfilling for you that way.
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    I have someone on my fbook who keeps going over and over with that negativity you are talking about and you know...perhaps she enjoys venting out about every single things that happen in her life but it remains your decision to read/watch/listen to it, or not.

    I can't stand negativity so...I just ignore her. It's sad because she's family but hey! If you can't find anything but ANYTHING to be happy about, never have a good news to tell (and we're talking over years here :P ), I don't really need to have you around me. End of the story.

    That's what I told her months ago after just getting sick of it. You're unhappy about your situation? Tell me about how you will change things, how you will make them better, how I can help you! What are your dreams, what are your goals. Look forward, not behind! But please, please, please, STOP posting and dwelling on drama all the time! :) I don't know why, she got upset...oopsie. ;)
  • NakedLunchTime
    I get mad at myself when i read something and my blood pressure goes up too! Feel like it shouldn't matter what other people say, but yeah, i get tired of hearing people b*tch too! Quit complaining. a) you're not complaining about anything important or valid and b) you're just bringing other people down around you. Be happy to be as blessed as you are and put that energy to use for something good. Sheesh :)
    I should have wrote it like this, because this is what I meant, however I am starting to feel that so many post I read that are harmless, well those people get attacked as well. It is kinda become crazy I tell you! haha
  • cryspetstalerson
    My husband and I used to fight on FB, We got people complaining saying we shouldn't even be together. Now that we don't complain and tell each other we love one another, we have people complain saying that we shouldn't be showing off. Then if we don't say ANYTHING to each other, those same people think we don't care. So I think it's a situation where everyone feels differently. My husband and I have learned not to fight on FB, and we have learned how to limit what we post.
    HOWEVER, I just recently had to delete a girl, b/c she complained constantly about not having a great life. She complained when she didn't get what she wanted for x-mas( She got socks and a few movies, I am guessing her parents didn't have much money but she threw a hissy fit) She complained that her biological fathers kids wanted to get to know her. and many other things. It got so freaking annoying.