Real Live friends as MFP friends...



  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    I had a couple real life friends on MFP, but only my sister has remained committed. I've had to delete the others. I am very selective about allowing real life friends to be MFP friends. I do share some personal things/feelings that I wouldn't necessarily want everyone to know.

    Conversely, I have made some great real life friends from people I met via MFP. Several people reached out because we are in the same city or work in the same area. We've met up to go walking at lunch time. Another MFPer introduced me to zumba and has become one of my closest friends. Then, one of my MFP friends was coming to my city for a business trip so we arranged to meet up. That turned out to be a really big blessing because she got sick while here and had to have emergency surgery. We were both thankful that I was here and able to help. So we will do zumba together when she comes back for her next business trip.

    No friends from work allowed. Not on MFP and not on FB. Gotta keep work and personal separate!!!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I've gotten 5 real life friends to join this site. All but one have stopped using it after ~1 month. :huh:
  • nathaliasmommy
    nathaliasmommy Posts: 40 Member
    One of the girls at my work is on here to but she only uses the app because she doesnt have a comp at home and apparently you cant add or accept friends thru the app....or maybe she doesnt want to be my MFP friend :sad:
    No but we ask each other almost every day at work if we stayed over/under the goals and if we exercised or not and who gained who lost weight ets.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Yeah, no way. I like the anonymous support on MFP, and I actually share things in my blog that I wouldn't with some people I know in real life.