What was a your wake up call?!

So what made you decide to lose weight? What hit you, to make you say "I really NEED to LOSE weight!"
For me it was a picture taken of me with a double chin and 3 rolls you could see through my xxL shirt and early that week I had a pair of relitively new jeans rip down the middle we I bent over to get my bag! I was 12...


  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Being 26 and having the doctor talk about putting you on blood pressure medicine, if I didn't lose weight.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Horrifying cholesterol test results. My poor :heart:
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    A picture I took at mothers day, I was shocked!!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I went to get dressed and a shirt that used to be very loose on me was too snug. I tried another shirt, same thing. I tried several more shirts with the same result. I said this is ridiculous I'm not buying a whole new wardrobe and then outgrowing that too.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Someone saw an old photo of me and commented about how thin I used to be.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    1. Mine was 4 years ago when my doctor started talking about total knee replacements because I had so much pain in them. I was edging near 350 lbs.

    2. When I would go to my oldest sons football games, I would have to find a seat at the bottom of the bleachers because my knees were to bad and I was to big to walk up the stairs.
  • 0AmyMarie0
    I couldn't afford to buy another size up in clothes...and needed to.
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    that awful MORBID obesity word. I used to be tiny teeny but I'm not any more. I'm on my way back for good!
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    I'm with you!
  • Fitdiva83
    Fitdiva83 Posts: 51 Member
    All pants couldn't fit anymore and I refuse to buy more clothing and have different sizes in my clothes.
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    Trying on clothes and catching sight of myself in the change room mirror - under fluoro lights, the least flattering sight ever :sad:
  • mimirenea
    Always being thin throughout most of my life until I started having my kids. Looking at old high school pictures, and seeing my reflection when I sat down and had 3 tummy rolls that seemed to support my boobs. Feeling so insecure that I had to wear my bf's baggy clothes cuz I outgrew mine. Refusing to buy anything with numbers and only get clothes that stated XL. Getting comments from old friends/relatives saying wow? What happened? You really let yourself go. I remember you being a size 5, you were so pretty.
  • klynn81
    klynn81 Posts: 178 Member
    Several things....but seeing 275 on the scale scared the shiz outta me, and I thought, omg only 25 more lbs and I'll hit 300. I know how miserable I've felt in the 200's I could only imagine how depressed I'd be in the 300's. NO WAY was I gonna let that happen!!
  • jtheroux89
    jtheroux89 Posts: 48 Member
    Having the doctor tell me I have higher cholesterol than I should for being 22 years old... that was the first time I've ever really considered how I've been treating my body. I guess it's easy to not even think about it and assume health problems come later in life.
  • dimplez711
    When my doctor told me I should look into gastric bypass surgery.
  • bluegirl91
    My major wake up call was when my doctor told me I had high cholesterol (239). At only 21 years of age that was a very big sign to me that I needed to get healthy. Plus I want to look (and feel) sexy again :blushing:
  • jtheroux89
    jtheroux89 Posts: 48 Member
    My major wake up call was when my doctor told me I had high cholesterol (239). At only 21 years of age that was a very big sign to me that I needed to get healthy. Plus I want to look (and feel) sexy again :blushing:

    I think we have the exact same reasons! :) haha
    JARREFAN Posts: 14 Member
    When I asked to join my local gym they took my blood pressure then advised I get a note from a doctor unless i wasn't allowed to join:cry:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Having knee surgery weighing over 300lbs and having to have special supplies as I was so heavy.
    Wanted to see my kids grow up and enjoy my grand children
  • Twinsmomma27
    I refused to buy the next size up in jeans. Than I saw a picture of myself and I look so much bigger everywhere!