What was a your wake up call?!



  • jezlightyear
    jezlightyear Posts: 167 Member
    looking at the scales and seeing 16 stone 13lbs ... i was NOT going to let it hit 17 stone.
    now i'm down to almost 14 stone and got a long way to go still!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    The cost of life insurance... and getting winded ... and realizing I was ok with 4x ....
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    The day I started medical school and realized I can't tell my future patients to do something that I am not. Someday I will be able to tell my pateints that I have been where you are and I know how hard it is. I know what it's like to stare in the mirror and hate what you see, I know how easy it is to make a poor food choice because you're burnt out, I know how excericse falls to the bottom of the list when deadlines and obligations stack up. I have been busy and tired and stretched in 1000 directions but I made a decision to change. I am making it happen and you can to. I get it. I sincerly understand and I'm here to help you get better.

    I can't wait until I am ready to say that to someone. I still have a ways to go as far as weight and food habits but I can honestly say the process is just as rewarding as I hope the final product will be.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    This thread has been really encouraging. Thank you all of you who shared. For me, I have been up and down and up and dow... mostly because of extreme calorie deprivation that cannot be mantained. I want to run marathons... again.

    I hate pictures of myself. And I just got married. And I hate most of those pictures.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    doing a bungee jump.. i got weighed before and they wrote 74 on my hand.. i thought it was some sorta code for which rope to use.. turns out it was my weight in kilograms.. and i then realised the last time i weighed myself i was just under 60.. i then watched the video back of me jumping and i just look horrible.

    Bit of a shocker really.

    Also the belly to boob ratio was unacceptable.
  • 2hip2009
    2hip2009 Posts: 7 Member
    moving out the country! not being able to fit there cloths and to make matters worse seeing little old ladies moving faster than me.... that is when I started thinking something is not right on my end...
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    The winter has come and it's time to put on a coat to keep me warm and reasonably dry. I put it on and it didn't fit and wasn' even clos to zipping up even if I tried sucking my belly in. I couldn't afford another so had to try and drop some weight. It's going to be a cold winter for me. Sun, rain or snow I'm going out wearing a thin fleece jacket.
    Last weekend I tried the coat back on and it now just about does up, but is so tight I can't wear it as the stitching could go quite easily.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    When I started signing up for classes based on how far the building was from the parking lot!!!
  • smig72
    smig72 Posts: 26
    Not being fit enough to play football with my little boy....
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    I saw myself in a picture and automatically thought 'ew that is not what I look like, must be the lighting' I knew I was really overweight, I was just in denial..
  • RiverTom
    RiverTom Posts: 216 Member
    Back pain and doctor gave me a military style dressing down. Told me he couldn't help the source of the issue and only give me temporary relieve of the pain with anti inflammatories and pain killers. He banged his desk and very loudly and bluntly told me to loose weight. "7 pounds lighter next month or I'll put you on some nasty weight loss pills ...."

    I went home very angry, slept over it and the next morning I could find an agreement with him in my mind. Although the method of delivery was harsh, it was the "wake up call" I needed.
  • Soadrokr
    Soadrokr Posts: 34 Member
    I went to shop at my favorite bra place, fredricks of Hollywood. I have shopped there since I was about 15 and always loved how they have nice looking bras in the larger cup sizes where victoria's secret doesn't. Well I had gotten fitted a year ago and bought several bras. I went back a few months ago because they had stretched out and got fitted again, only to be told that they do not make bras in my band size. In one year i went from a 38 to a 44. I hadn't even noticed just how much weight I had gained until then.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Cardiac arrest in 2008
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    For me it was when I couldn't wear t-shirts or sweater dresses because of back-fat. Also, it was when my face looked too fat to take pictures with my head turned.
  • jenfurmcmonkey
    jenfurmcmonkey Posts: 13 Member
    Undeiable that I have had to loose weight for a very long time in my 32yrs, but the wakeup cal was having a car accident and being so scared about how they would get me out,

    It wasnt the numbness in my feet or the back pain that worried me most - it was the fact that I had to ask a stranger to tell 999(911) that they needed to send lots of help because I was very heavy.

    The fire crew were so kind, but I could see and hear the stress I was putting them under as they moved me, whilst trying not to cause me further injury. I got so distressed they had to give me as and air to knock me out a bit! Made it more fun!

    I dont have flashback about the crash, but action replays about what would have hapened if they had to get me out quicker or if I had ended up with a spinal cord injury - I would have struggled with rehab.
  • lollypop_ginger
    lollypop_ginger Posts: 69 Member
    Mine was kind of a vanity reason. It was this past new years eve, and my husband and I had plans to go out, but at the last minute I started crying because I felt to fat to be going out. Also, in December I pretty much stopped having sex with my husband because I didn't want him to see me naked. It was at that point that I said enough is enough, I want to do this for me, so I can stop messing up things with others lives. Also my birth control implanon, may not be as effective in overweight women, and after a recent pregnancy scare I said, thats it I need to know this thing works!

    Same here! I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and my lack of confidence in myself isn't helping :frown:
  • beckihadfield87
    When someone said god you used to have a great figure.. well I am going to have one again!
  • rainbowkitty79
    My baby nephew died at 18 days old. He became not only my inspiration but he was the jolt I needed to realise that I am not living my BEST life!
  • GCAngel500
    I don't think I had a major wake up call. I was diagnosed hypoglycemic at least 4 years ago around 18 years old. The doctor said that was partially why I was overweight and within a few months of watching my sugar intake and taking the pills I was given I was down 30 pounds. I went back every 6 months the first two years and nothing changed me after that. I stayed at a pretty steady weight and my hypoglycemia was under control. Which lead to me only having to go back once a year and I dreaded it because I hated my Doctor. She was very blunt (I felt like she was looking down on me and calling me fat and lazy.) and I didn't really understand what I had since her explanations were too hard to understand. I only knew about hypoglycemia because of a novel I read that was FICTION. Anyways my sugar was under control due to the pills and even though I was still overweight I didn't have any motivation. This year I got a new Doctor because mine didn't have an appointment for 2 months and I couldn't wait. I don't know what it was about this women but the way she talked to me didn't make me feel fat or lazy or like the bad guy and everything she said sounded easy and made perfect sense. Plus it didn't hurt that my weight was inching back up by about 10 to 15 pounds.

    I left that day thinking DAMN I need to give up all the Coca Cola (3-4 cans PER DAY!) I drink and so that day I stopped. The next day I hopped on the treadmill and found this website and it's all been up from there. I've been on here for about a month now and I've lost 10 pounds. (Possibly more. It was 10 pounds at just over 3 weeks.) My parents both see how great I'm doing and even though I don't have much support I will not stop or give up.

    I also think the fact that I'm 22 and have been unemployed for almost 2 years and slowly lost almost all my friends (Due to them moving away.) has helped to motivate me. I feel like if I can finally be healthy and happy then I can achieve everything I want. Even if that is weird.
  • FruitLoop05317
    So what made you decide to lose weight? What hit you, to make you say "I really NEED to LOSE weight!"
    For me it was a picture taken of me with a double chin and 3 rolls you could see through my xxL shirt and early that week I had a pair of relitively new jeans rip down the middle we I bent over to get my bag! I was 12...

    getting on the scale for the first time in like 2 years and realizing that i was 5 foot 2 and 323 pounds...i wanted to die...but im down to 266 and i fell of track for the last few months and i am back at it...but seeing that i wa able to maintain even tho i was off my diet showed me at least i have learned some somewhat better habits...we can all do it!!!