Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi heeters . Julie, thanks so much for the compliment. :smile: I would love to carry our team. I love inspiring others. I do feel that I get it this time around. I'ts such a great feeling. :smile: I understand why you'll be MIA for awhile but it does sadden me. I'll sure miss you. I'm feeling great dismay at the current state of our country. Having small children makes me think of things going on in our country as well as the world in a special light. It makes me sick sometimes to think of the legacy we as a country are leaving our children. I am a bit political also. I tend to be an activist. I homeschool because I'm jaded on our public school systems. I would love for you to email me and invite me to view anything you do over the web. I have a sneaky suspicion our views may be alike. I want us to keep in touch . Lucy, Keep up that studying -those 2 weeks will fly by . :smile: Thank you too for the compliment. :smile: Eddie will be here at 7 am tomorrow. I need to go to bed so I can get up at 6 am and do my workout. Have a great night everyone. :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, I'm so glad to hear Kay is feeling better. :smile: I hope you and your dh feel better soon. God is great ! That is wonderful news about the saw and air conditioners. Have a great night- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Good morning (?) all my HEETERS sistas. It has been encouraging to me to read your happenings and I really needed to get all that inspirational encourgements.\\

    Cindysunshine, you have a great name for being that special blessing to my life. Congratulations on your determination and weight loss. You go girl! Keep it up and before we know it, you will be at your goal. You are such an active, busy mom and I know it helps to be so focused on all that you do. Keep it up!

    We are having some stormy weather here this morning. I hear the thunder rolling but don't hear any rain yet. I'm sure it will be coming. We expected it yesterday but none til this a.m.

    Lucyfan, end of semester and soon you will be able to relax some. I congratulate you for keeping your focus on your healthy eating. I know the exercise will come this summer. My daughter is in college and is also looking to the end after finals. She will be traveling back to Texas for 3 weeks and I will be busy with her then preparations for her upcoming wedding.

    Debbie, I was sad to hear of Kay's illness but glad to know she is on the mend. Thank God that he made children so resilient that they can bounce back with tender loving care that way. Now, for you and DH, take those meds and vitamins. Get as much rest for your body as you can and I pray you will be on the mend soon too. Don't allow your bodies to get too low on the immunity. Bad stuff floating around all the time. Congrats on the saw and yes, the window airconditioners. God is good, all the time. We continue to pray for your health issues.

    Yari, it was sooo good to see your post when I got back from my trip. I knew you were on track.... just busy. Keep it up as you also inspire me with your determinations. How's the language learning coming along? How many languages do you speak?

    Bebe, my Bahama isle girl. You make my day. I can imagine you out there on that island enjoying your balmy weather, walking on the beach, eating that fresh mangoes falling out of the tree right in your yard. Yes, I miss my island living days but you help me to relive them just thinking of you in the Bahama's. Someday perhaps I can come out to your islands. But, in the mean time, you are getting the idea of weighing in, logging in your food and what a way to go! Yes, with your walking and focus on healthy eating, minus the alcohol, you will see that scale dropping too.

    Julie, my dear, it saddens me to know that you won't be on the posts on a regular basis. But, I understand we all need to set priorities and do what our hearts are leading us to do. So, I support you in your political endeavors. Come back from time to time and remember us and to let us know how you are etc. I pray DH is still on the mend and almost if not already, back good as new.

    Suzi, haven't seen you lately. Write and let us know how you are doing, dear.

    For me, I have fallen off the wagon, so to speak. :sad: :sad: My weigh in was not a good one and I am thoroughly disgusted with myself. :sick: :sad: I have been evaluating myself over the weekend and have determined all that need to drink our H2o, exercise and getting in our dairy, vegetables and fruits is a must in our daily diet. It was difficult being out of my comfort and not having my schedule. But, today, despite the storm we are having, will be a bright new day and I will be back on track. Thanks Cindy for being there inspiring me the way you do. yes, get out that whip and yell at me if you must. :laugh: So here's to a restart:drinker:

    :heart: you all. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning friends, Just a quick hello before Ediie get's here. I drug my butt out of bed at 6 am and walked 2 miles in 33 minutes. The birds were cheereing me on tree to tree on my walk. Hazel welcome home! I hope you had a wonderful trip. I'll catch up with everyone later on. Lets make it a great day ! Drink that water - :drinker: Eat those veggies- :smile: Get moving ! :bigsmile: :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, The babies are napping and Avery is writing her spelling words so I have a few minutes to spare. Hazel, Don't be too hard on yourself . You were on vacation and being away from home on vacation makes it hard to stick to your plan. Just pick yourself up ,brush yourself of and get back into the groove. I know you can do it ! :smile: Drink that water hon! Remember it's soo good for you. :drinker: It's shaping up to be a beautiful day here. I think it's supposed to reach 90 degrees. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. :smile: Have a great day - ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good morning heeters, WTG Cindy on the weight loss, you are a prime example of what good things can happen when you have the right mind set and determination to live a healthier more active lifestyle.

    Hazel thank you for loving thoughts and prayers. Girl don't beat yourself up too bad, your still far better off than you were a few months ago...think about it. Just get back on the wagon and hold tight to those reigns and Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....get going again.......:love:

    :sad: I know how discouraged we can get and that is why I can't stress enough to own your feelings but don't let the #s' trip you up to falling back into the old ways. Whatever we have lost at this point in time is a blessing. So we aren't where we want to be, we didn't put it on overnight and it is not going off anymore quickly, but their is less of us, and I often think, if I had not committed to do this, where might I be now, so .......I'm glad I started and I like "me" a lot better for it.:bigsmile:

    Julie, I admire you for many reasons, and as many have said, "follow your heart".......we aren't going anywhere and we'll be here when you decide what you will about your journey and endeavors. Change is a good thing and I wish you much success.:happy:

    Lucy thank you for the personal email......:love:
    tah tah for now, Debbie:heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :heart: I'm back I forgot..............I have a question for you all to think about. Ya all know I planted a garden, and I am looking to do some herbs in my windowsill, but don't know much about them, so undecided as to what I will got to thinking, "What spices do you like and how do you use them?"

    I think I would have to say my favorite spice is "Garlic". It is good for your heart and fighting cancer. I love to use it in sauces, on roated potatoes and to add to meats.

    Also here is a quote for all of us today: "Learn from Yesterday; Live for Today; and Hope for Tomorrow"

    :heart: make it a good day everyone, :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: To your health!!!:drinker: :heart:
    Best Wishes Debbie
  • hazelmichling
    Debbie, I haven't started with gardening yet though I am very interested and have been talking to different friends. Regarding herbs, one friend shared with me yesterday she plants herbs that she uses all the time like basil since a lot of her recipes uses that herb. Rosemary is another. I, too, don't use fresh herbs but am interested as it has such a nice aroma compared to the dry. BBL. Hazel
  • blackchick38
    hi there guys,i will be mia for a few more computer has died and i will probaly have to get another one,and right the money is tight.but i will snrak in on wrk computer when i can.hows is everyone?now i will try to read as much as i can.will try my best to be back later
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :love: Good Morning Heeters, good to see you bebe, sorry to hear your computer crashed, and hope all works out for you soon.

    Well rain is on its way here today, but I am under the weather with a throat infection so I am going to rest alot today.

    Here is a little poem, near and dear to my heart I thought I would share with you all:

    An Old Irish Blessing

    May the road rise up to meet you
    May the wind always be at your back,
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    And rain fall soft upon your fields
    And until we meet again;
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  • lucyfan2009
    Hello all,

    Debbie - I like the idea of an herb garden. My fav is basil, I can sit and smell fresh basil for hours! I grow it every year in my garden. I also grow 2 diff types of chives, which I also love on lots of stuff. Since you like Garlic, garlic chives would be nice to grow, they are easy, the flowers are very pretty and both the leaves and the seeds are edible. They do taste like garlicky onions. I also like thyme and am growing 2 diff types right now, this year I want to add the chocolate variety if I can find it. We are getting started on our garden in the next week or so. Still can't plant hot weather stuff, but I can get ready for it... :smile:

    Hazel - Great to see you are still hanging in there, Cindy is right, just get up and keep going.

    I'm trying to finish school up for the term and Matt is going to prom on 5/9 and blah, blah, blah so I'm trying to deal with all of that too. It is killing any semblance of a budget I am trying to keep.

    Everyone try to stay focused and I'll talk again later,
  • hazelmichling
    'morning Cindy, Debbie, Lucy, Bebe and all that follows ...... ~~~ waving at ya'll.

    Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, i know I should not beat myself but you know how hard it is to lose that lb and then to gain so much back ..... ugh!!!!:grumble: :grumble: But, have no fear, I will not give up. Yesterday was a new day. Didn't quite do what I had wanted to, but at least it is on my mind.

    Today is B.S. had my cereal and milk for breakfast. Will look for my fruit at snack table.:smile: I volunteered to help a friend pack her car for her move to Ga for the next few months and then back she comes for winter. Will miss her as she is my water aerobics partner. But I know I can do it without her.

    BBL. Have a wonderful day all. Debbie sorry to hear you are suffering with sore throat ... gargle with salt and warm water and hope that helps. Drink toddy made with hot tea, lemon and honey. Keep your throat warm dear.

    Bebe, sorry about your computer problem. Will look for you now and then peeking at work. :smile: :love:

    Lucy, hang in there. I know with the kids growing larger expenses. But lucky he is a male and not a girl. I remember my daughter's prom and how she had her own ideas of prom dresses etc. Now it is going to be wedding next January so I hear you loud and clear.:love::bigsmile:

    TTFN. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope everyone is having a great day. I am wiped out. I was out until midnight last night. We went shopping and dh bought me a bike. Of course when we got home at midnight I hurried and put away the groceries and rode my bike for around 15 minutes. By the time I was ready for sleep it was 2 am. I got up at 6 am for Eddie. Thank goodness he fell asleep around 9 am. I napped for about 1.5 hours while he slept. I think I can function now. I have to get to bed erlier now that I'll be getting up at 6 am Mon- Fri. I have all my food for the day logged. I'm under my calories. I haven't worked out yet but I will do my 3 mile watp workout when Eddie leaves today. It looks like it might rain so I hope I can get my 2 miles in outside too. I hope everyone has a great day ! ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Evening Heeters,
    Lucy thank you for sharing about the herbs. I have been doing some researching and so far have come up with basil, chive, oregano and sage as they all seem easy and would work well in my windowsill that gets full sun much of the day, also the fact that some flower it will be a pretty addition for me to view each day when at the sink preparing or doing dishes.

    How is everyone's afternoon going? I am resting. Got some pasta on with broccoli, califlower and carrot cuts which I will drain all then combine with a cheese sauce and have for dinner. Can't taste much but thought this would be easy to eat with a sore throat.

    Well everyone else is doing well, so take care and see you all tomorrow.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Cindy...check your Inbox...

    ~~Waving to all the Heeters! Going back to my research and meeting agenda now...Stay Healthy!!
  • hazelmichling
    Cindy, you are simply awesome and so much of energy. You are the right person for our group with all your inspirational motivation and encouragement. You are amazing riding your bike at midnight. I bet dh is getting a big kick out of watching you so excited and high on life. Keep it up.

    I suffered with gas today. Don't know what happened. Ate some mixed fresh fruit at B.S. today for snack and boy, did I have a big build up of gas. A friend invited me over for turkey sandwich and didn't eat the bread but had some brocolli and green bean casserole along with some stuffing with the turkey and soon as I ate, gas build up. I wasn't worth a hoot to help her in packing up some stuff in her car. Did help her with the table as that was the heavy item and came on home. Picked up some Chinese food at Panda Express and shared with dh. Feeling better now and praying it is over.

    DH mentioned about my dragging my face the last few days so guess I better snap out of my beating myself and feeling bad about my weight loss. Hope I will feel better tomorrow to hit the gym and get back on track.

    Good night all. Keep up your good healthy eating and exercise and drinking of your water.

    Love you all. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, I hope everyone had a great day. I managed to walk 4 miles and ride 15 minutes on my bike today. It was raining off and on all day. Hopefully tomorrow the sun will shine and I can get in more bike riding. Hazel , I hope you feel better hon. These healthy foods can sure do a number on our tummies sometimes. :flowerforyou: I need to get myself to bed . I want to get up at 6 am and do my 3 mile workout before Eddie gets here. Nighty night gals- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • blackchick38
    hey there guys imm trying to get my motavation back,being without a computer has me stressed out a bit and im not eating at all.i cant communicate with u guys to help me thru this journey is a pain in the still walking and using the neighbour pc,will check back later.cindy way to go on that 4lbs lost u rock :love:
  • hazelmichling
    Bebe, my sweet Bahama island girl. Come on now. You CAN do it. Don't stress out without the ocmputer because you are being creative and getting on with your neighor's pc or from work. What do you mean you are not eating at all? Now, that is NOT good. You may already know that when you starve your body it will start storing fat. I know, sounds crazy. You gotta eat, Bebe, but just make healthy choices. You had been doing so well and you and I can do it together. I have fallen off the wagon too, but together we can get back up and on it again. So you with me girl? Let's do it! Us island girls gotta stick together.

    I know, I miss Julie too. But you know what? We have a great new leader in Cindy. She is so full of energy and staying so focused on her goals. Let's join her so we can get some of that weight loss too.
    :love: you girl. let's do it together! No :drinker: Just eat healthy. And log in when you can to the dairy.

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Morning HEETers,

    I just wanted to pop in to let you know the WEIRDEST, MOST BIZARRE thing has happened.

    I have actually LOST 2.3 pounds!! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I checked the scale 3 different times :ohwell: :ohwell:

    I don't care how it happened or why it happened. I'll take it!

    Now I'm running over to change my ticker! :wink:

    Make it a great day everyone!