Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hello friends, How is everyone doing this fine day? Julie, YIPEEEEEE on your weight loss ! :flowerforyou: Way to go girl ! Bebe, I know not having your computer must be so tough. Please know that we will be here for you when you're back up and running and you can do it without us too. I believe in you Bahama mama ! Hazel, Thanks for the vote of confidence ! How are you today? I hope you feel better. Is everyone drinking their water? How about that exercise? What is everone doing for exercise today? I woke up promptly at 6 am and did my 3 mile watp workout. I plan to ride my bike for 30 minutes and walk 2 miles . IIt's a beautiful day here in Tx. The sun is shining and it's supposed to be in the high 80's. I hope it's nice in your neck of the woods too. Ok guys I better run- ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Yay for Julie! We know you have the habit and this is the reward. Great going and nice seeing you on the post. Love ya gal!

    Cindy, I'm feeling better today. Thanks. Stomach is behaving itself, thank God for His mercy. logging my food and water. Exercise today is shopping and light house work. Someday I will learn to run that vcr and can do my Leslie Simone's walk at home. Gotta work on my schedule.

    Hope everyone else is doing good and we will be back later. TTFN. Hazel
  • hazelmichling
    Good morniing, HEETER Sisters! How we all doing today? We had a thunderstorm and rain pass earlier but I think it looks like it is beginning to clear for a bright new day for us.

    Want to share the following with ya'll. Something I read this morning.

    Interacting with other people over the Internet has actually been proven to help people lose weight. A study from Brown Medical School found that people who participated in a structured online weight-loss program in which they had continual contact with others lost three times as much weight over six months as people who just had access to weight-loss information online. And people who logged on to the Web site more frequently lost more weight than the people who logged on less often.

    I think this makes a lot of sense. So, HEETERS, let's see more of you often on the postings. Love to hear from you.

    Have a great healthy eating and exercising day with your H2o :drinker: :love: :smile:

    Just to let you know, I stayed below my calories yesterday and did my 8 glasses of H2o. Yippee! Logged my food diary too. It sure did help boost my motivation to try again for today.

    BBL Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hiya Heeters, Way to go Hazel ! I know talking to you guys is helping me. I :heart: you all ! So how is everyone doing today? I'm having a great day! I walked 2 miles with Avery and the two toddlers this morning. We did the 2 mile in 33 minutes pushing 2 strollers. We went swimming for about 45 minutes before lunch. When we got home for lunch Eddie was falling asleep in his highchair. :smile: The pool was a blast. I'm going for a bike ride with Avery later on and I'll do 2 miles with my dh tonight. I'm well on my way to getting my gallon of water in and I logged all my food and I'm under my alotments. What is everyone doing for exercise? Ok guys I better go pick up while the kids are napping. ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers!!

    Tis the last day of April! Did anyone meet their goal? I didn't but let me tell ya, that 2 pound loss this week was enough to re-energize me after all the foul-ups I had. And BELIEVE me, you wouldn't believe me if I told you all the *stuff* I ate and how in the world it was even possible. I just don't get it but I'm OWNING IT! :laugh: :laugh:

    Remember when I told you a couple weeks ago boss DW wanted to get some bikes at the office? Well, they did. The one that was gotten for me is too small so I'm going Monday to exchange it for one a little bigger. Even though I hate my situation and the way things are playing out right now I am appreciative that I am involved with some really good, down to earth, cool people. It's another blessing in disguise for me and one that I will work through until I can start reaping some monetary rewards again.

    The pool has warmed up but has another huge algae bloom. We battle 2-3 every spring.:ohwell: DH and I will get it all taken care of this weekend and I'll be off swimming again, if I can pull myself away from my current *mission*. I'm gonna need to find some balance but I think I can pull it off. I'm making great strides with my new endeavor. It is scary, challenging and exciting at the same time. I have a meeting that I instigated and scheduled just 3 days ago and have over 30 attendees scheduled with 15 Maybes. I've mentioned before how truly shy I am in real life and publicly speaking to over 30 strangers, with the possiblity of up to 50 or more, is a little unnerving for me but if I listen to my heart it will lead me. I hope, LOL! :tongue:

    Thank you to Cindy for taking the reigns while I'm away for a bit but I know how much you all love and appreciate her and what a great motivator she is. You are in good hands as I'm sure you know.

    I'm going to start the new MAY thread a little later so don't post there until tomorrow if you can help it. Same rules still apply. Everyone needs to set a goal, even if it's just a *water* goal (nudge, nudge, Hazel!:love: )

    I will post my goal tonight as I may not get back tomorrow...

    Love you, Miss you, Hugs to All and here's to a wonderfully successful MAY!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hello gals, Whew am I tired. I just got back from a bike ride with Avery. It's hot here close to 90 degrees. We rode for 15 minutes and that's all I could stand. I love the bike don't get me wrong. I have it in 5th gear so I can get a workout. My May goal is to get to where 30 minutes on my bike is doable. Today was a blast with the walks,swimming and bike riding. I have to tell you that our first week with Eddie has been so fun! He is such a little cutie! A pure joy to be around. We :heart: him so much ! What did everyone have for dinner? I'm making some cheese totrallini with homade marinara and some steamed broccoli. ughhh I forgot to tell you I took my cell phone to the pool and forgot it was in my shorts pocket and got in the pool and guess what? I have a waterlogged cell phone that I'm sure is most likely dead :angry: . I hope dh opted for the insurance on the phones when he purchased them. Ugghh Oh well we still had fun. :happy: I hope everyone has a great night. Did you set and reach any goals for youself today? Julie , Have you been getting my emails? ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Cindy, yes I got your response to my first email. If you sent any others I didn't get them. Had plans on following up again tonight but DH and I just looked at the clock and can't believe how late it for the cell phone...I've done this before...sometimes it works, sometimes not. Wrap it in a towel with some string and put it in the dryer. Run it for about 30 minutes. Check the phone. If it doesn't work, run it another 15 minutes and re-check it. If after an hour or so it's still not's probably dead. ~~~OR~~~ if you have a gas oven with a pilot light place it in the oven overnight. The heat from the pilot light should dry it out. Give it a try because the circuits need to be good and dry before they can attempt to work again.

    As for my meeting last count...I'm up to 36 confirmed with still 15 maybes. :noway: :noway: :noway: I still have 2 weeks to go and the numbers continue to mount slowly. DH let me practive my opening on him a little bit tonight. I can do it...I can do it...I can do it...:ohwell:

    Heading off to start the new thread...

    Nitey Nite HEETers and I'll see you all soon...
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    I have not been able to find the new site for May. Need guidance to get to it, please.....
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel , I just posted in the new May thread. Go to recent posts and look for my username Cindysunshine. If that doesn't work Go to the motivation and support messages and look for the Heeters May thread. I hope you find us. ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart: