Dr Oz says people who cheat lose more weight



  • zincalloy
    This is a very interesting concept. Mainly because it obviously appeals to us.

    I have only just started on this site so I think I may give this a try once a week for a few weeks and see what happens.

    I'm finding it relatively easy to keep well below my daily calorie intake so as long as my spike day doesn't take me over the weekly allowance I should still be on target. Oh, I do like that.

    Is there a restriction on what type of food your spike day should contain? Can you literally eat anything?
  • Angelfin
    I never seen this show. I can really do this? I am going to a Mexican restaurant with friends and I have been a nervous wreck trying to figure out what to eat and how not to touch the chips and salsa.. So I can really do this without putting the weight back on?
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    Does this mean I won't die if I occasionally eat unhealthy food yet stay within my calorie limit? haha.

    I've been eating home cooked meals and veg since I started (nearly a month now), but I have food like fish fingers/sticks, mini pizzas etc in the freezer and I've told myself I'll treat myself to them when I reach my goal weight, but who knows when that will be?
  • 25years12
    I think it's a good idea as long as the cheat isn't overboard.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    I don't treat my MFP calorie goal like it's the Holy Grail but instead as a guide. I still eat the foods I love albeit in smaller portions or less often. The biggest difference in losing weight for me is cardio exercise and weight training.
    This is my approach as well.
  • Bombbombgo
    Here's the facts.

    None of us can defy the Law of Thermodynamics (Calories in versus out)

    The problem is constant calorie restriction(diet and exercise) causes leptin to drop.
    *7 days of restriction can cause leptin to drop by up to 50%
    *There's a correlation between the amount it drops and the level of cravings we feel
    *leptin decline can deregulate metabolism and begin slowing it down

    So the amount of calories we eat has a direct effect on the calories we expend

    *Also take into account depleted glycogen storage from calorie restriction and how that has a huge negative effect on our workouts.

    *12 hours of overeating spikes leptin back up by 50-60% These elevated levels last through the following morning and perhaps longer.

    (Calories out)
    I will use me as an example,
    This is the simplest explanation of how I did it.

    My BMR is 2,300
    My estimated TDEE multiplier is 1.55 (I'm active daily and exercise about 1.5 hours a week)

    So for the week I burn about 3565(daily) X 7= 24,955 Calories burned

    (Calories In) I daily I alternate high and low calories
    2,300 X 3(days) = 6900
    1,800 X 3(days) = 5400
    Spike Day 2X(BMR)= 4,600

    Total calories consumed 16,900

    Weekly deficit - 24,955-16,900= 8,055/(3500cals for pound) =
    2.3 pounds lost per week

    What's amazing is I lost 105lbs in 11 months and that is about 2.2 pounds per week.

    No plateaus, and I got quite a bit stronger because I was able to workout much more efficiently due to glycogen and my hormones being balanced.

    Every week I had a day to be excited about where i could literally eat whatever I wanted and that helped me stay honest the other 6 days.

    It's so simple, I wish everyone would do this, and now you don't need to by my book. :happy:

    Hey... Is there any way you could help me figure out my tdee? I would be forever grateful!!!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Sure, just send me a message with your height, weight, age and your current activity level. Like how often you exercise or walk. It's not 100% accurate but it gives us a decent daily average.
    Here's the facts.

    None of us can defy the Law of Thermodynamics (Calories in versus out)

    The problem is constant calorie restriction(diet and exercise) causes leptin to drop.
    *7 days of restriction can cause leptin to drop by up to 50%
    *There's a correlation between the amount it drops and the level of cravings we feel
    *leptin decline can deregulate metabolism and begin slowing it down

    So the amount of calories we eat has a direct effect on the calories we expend

    *Also take into account depleted glycogen storage from calorie restriction and how that has a huge negative effect on our workouts.

    *12 hours of overeating spikes leptin back up by 50-60% These elevated levels last through the following morning and perhaps longer.

    (Calories out)
    I will use me as an example,
    This is the simplest explanation of how I did it.

    My BMR is 2,300
    My estimated TDEE multiplier is 1.55 (I'm active daily and exercise about 1.5 hours a week)

    So for the week I burn about 3565(daily) X 7= 24,955 Calories burned

    (Calories In) I daily I alternate high and low calories
    2,300 X 3(days) = 6900
    1,800 X 3(days) = 5400
    Spike Day 2X(BMR)= 4,600

    Total calories consumed 16,900

    Weekly deficit - 24,955-16,900= 8,055/(3500cals for pound) =
    2.3 pounds lost per week

    What's amazing is I lost 105lbs in 11 months and that is about 2.2 pounds per week.

    No plateaus, and I got quite a bit stronger because I was able to workout much more efficiently due to glycogen and my hormones being balanced.

    Every week I had a day to be excited about where i could literally eat whatever I wanted and that helped me stay honest the other 6 days.

    It's so simple, I wish everyone would do this, and now you don't need to by my book. :happy:

    Hey... Is there any way you could help me figure out my tdee? I would be forever grateful!!!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Does this mean I won't die if I occasionally eat unhealthy food yet stay within my calorie limit? haha.

    I've been eating home cooked meals and veg since I started (nearly a month now), but I have food like fish fingers/sticks, mini pizzas etc in the freezer and I've told myself I'll treat myself to them when I reach my goal weight, but who knows when that will be?

    Fish fingers and custard!!! :laugh:

    just treat yourself to the hidden freezer gems once a month
  • Bombbombgo
    Russelb97: sent! :)
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    Ok..maybe I need to watch that show because all I got from these posts is that everyone cheats with a guy named Spike. I'm sure he's getting all the exercise he needs. :wink:

    If it's Spike from Buffy I'd go there. Esp if I could count the exercise cals ;)
  • hagamivida
    I do agree with this but just the words "Dr OZ says" makes me not want too lol

    This completely.
  • danielleniemeyer
    Cheat day has kept me sane :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The reason it works for so many is because so many are netting calories at a level that if done non-stop, would just lower their metabolism.

    This gives a means to make up for calorie net deficit's taking people under their BMR for rest of the week.
    And since it fools the metabolism, no need for it to lower, or as much hopefully. So full steam ahead for it.

    That is great.

    The problem is, if the spike day causes you to have harder problems with self-control, because of a real salt or sugar or chocolate junky, and the spike day just causes other lapses in judgement on other days, would be better just to net at the BMR all the time and either leave the junk out, or have a reasonable amount of it every so often within your daily goal.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    The reason it works for so many is because so many are netting calories at a level that if done non-stop, would just lower their metabolism.

    This gives a means to make up for calorie net deficit's taking people under their BMR for rest of the week.
    And since it fools the metabolism, no need for it to lower, or as much hopefully. So full steam ahead for it.

    That is great.

    The problem is, if the spike day causes you to have harder problems with self-control, because of a real salt or sugar or chocolate junky, and the spike day just causes other lapses in judgement on other days, would be better just to net at the BMR all the time and either leave the junk out, or have a reasonable amount of it every so often within your daily goal.

    That's a good question and my guess is that we're all different so some of us will do better with one approach and some with the other.

    For me, when I'm eating clean, it's very hard for me to eat as much as you recommend on a daily basis. But I'm not always in situations where I can eat clean (or want to eat clean). At least once a week, sometimes more, I have some kind of social event where higher-calorie foods are going to be there and I'm going to want to eat them. So I do. Not a big pig-out but enough to offset those lower calorie days. And it's not necessarily junk food, or at least not all junk food. It's usually a combination of more healthy food than normal combined with some higher calorie items. So I simply eat to meet a weekly target, not a daily one. This works for me. I like the flexibility.

    On the other hand, I find it irritating, even stressful, to try to eat to a certain calorie level each day and then, when at these social occasions, not indulge a bit.

    From what I understand, both methods work to keep your metabolism revved up and that's what's important, right?
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I'm gonna grab me some wine, and sweets, and watch the episode :P
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    I've been cheating once every Sunday since last August, which is about 85-90lbs since then.

    I wouldn't recommend it if people don't understand their body. If you don't understand fully how water weight works, don't bother because you may just set yourself up for failure. On Monday's, I can add anywhere from 4-6 lbs of water, it's great. It won't be till Thursday till I lose it all, then Friday - Sunday I dip in the negatives on the scale, like clockwork. But that's how my body works, others could be different.

    Also if you don't believe you can indulge yourself just for one day, don't bother either. You should use it as a reward day to keep you going the other 6 days, but if you think that one day will bleed over to the next, I wouldn't start cheating.

    Oh, and make sure it's planned.
  • chaubner008
    chaubner008 Posts: 32 Member
    LOL you are hilarious...funniest post i've seen yet. Humor rocks
  • alil2loveable
    alil2loveable Posts: 178 Member
    it has worked for me. so i nowadays use pms days as spike days :P

    So do I. So do I
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    Does this mean I won't die if I occasionally eat unhealthy food yet stay within my calorie limit? haha.

    I've been eating home cooked meals and veg since I started (nearly a month now), but I have food like fish fingers/sticks, mini pizzas etc in the freezer and I've told myself I'll treat myself to them when I reach my goal weight, but who knows when that will be?

    Fish fingers and custard!!! :laugh:

    just treat yourself to the hidden freezer gems once a month

    LOL, people have tried it and said it tastes good, plus it's Doctor approved ;) So I might try it and call it diet food :laugh:

    I think I will :smile:
  • rcaton3
    rcaton3 Posts: 16 Member